Goodbye Diana!

Ken looked toward the roof and the pattern of woods on it. He felt sleepy and closed his eyes. Within five minutes he slept.

In her room, Diana was thinking about her response earlier and realized that she did the same as Ken did with her. So what is the difference between them?

She decided to talk to him and wish him for his further journey.

"He was just trying to keep me safe. That's why he behaved like this. It means he cared about me. I was thinking so damn negatively." She talks to herself.

She changed her dress and wore a long blue frock. Diana assumed blue color is one of her lucky colors and she liked it too. While getting ready for him, she thought meeting him in a nice dress would lead to his attention.

She covered her head with a red napkin and hung her hair high. This hairstyle looks adorable with a long tail.

Diana also sprayed fragrance as it is the best way to make a good and memorable impression on men.

She came out of her room and saw Steve trying to find something he lost. She asked him about Ken." I saw him going toward his room, but why are you asking about him? Steve asked with a childish smile.

Even though he was a child, he not that dumb that he could not understand what was going on, especially from the way Diana dressed.

"Nothing much. I just wanted to talk with him about something and you! You better keep your mouth shut." Diana replied while making a fist to scare Steve.

"Sure, he is a very cool guy, he taught me how to aim correctly." Steve shrugged his shoulders, as he did not care much.

"That's great. Keep practicing." As she ended their conversation, she walked toward Ken's room.

After reaching his cabin, Diana stared at the door. At this moment she was very puzzled.

'Should I call him or not?' Diana wondered as she stood outside his door.

Confused about what to do, she just stood there. After mustering some courage, she took a deep breath and slowly knocked on the door.

"Hey, Ken are you there?" She inquired, but no one replied.

She thought he was doing this because of her wrong behavior. She knocked again, but there was still no response.

As this reaction of Ken increased her anger, she knocked hard. As Ken was tired earlier so he forgot to lock the door. So when Diana knocked hard, the opened slowly because of the force she applied.

Diana paused for a moment and then came inside.

She slowly stepped inside the room and saw a well-organized room.

Ken was laying down on the bed and some flower leaves were scattered on the side table. Diana went up and noticed that it was the same flower she had given him earlier.

She looked around and noticed the blood-stained shirt hanging on the sidewall. There were still some bloodstains on it even after washing.

Even though the room was well managed, In Diana's eyes, it was not. So she took matters into her own hands. As girls have their standards regarding sanitization.

She started cleaning the room and when she reached to pick up his old pants to put them away; she noticed something shining in one pocket.

Diana was curious to know what it was? She put her hand inside the pocket and got a golden-colored card. It was completely blank.

She thought it's a useless thing but when she was going to put it inside, she felt that the fabric used in these pants was something she had not seen before. It was a different type of fabric, strong as the sheet of iron, but was highly flexible and lightweight.

She was confused for a second, but ignored it, thinking. "Maybe he is the son of a rich man.'

Ken was so deep in sleep, or maybe he felt secure on the ship, that he did not even notice that someone was walking around in his room. It can also be because Diana took light steps and did not make any noises.

After finishing cleaning, Diana stood beside Ken's bed. She stared at him for a while, taking notes about his appearance.

He looked very handsome and cute with his eyes closed. His big eyelashes and small pink lips were so seductive.

Diana slowly sat near to him to take his closer view. His hair looked very good.

She wanted to touch his hair, but was afraid of waking him up. 'What if he woke up and felt awkward? What would he think of me? Maybe he will think that I am that type of woman.' Many thoughts stormed in her mind.

She slowly waved her hand in front of his face and then softly called his name, but got no response. She wanted to check if he was in deep sleep or just taking a nap.

Diana looked at his body, as he was only wearing his pants at the moment. It was then that she saw marks of different wounds. He had a scar on his chest and beside this, his shoulders and arms were full of stitch marks.

Just from this, she understood that he was no ordinary man.

'That's why he was leading and handling the situation bravely. Maybe he is a soldier or a mercenary.'

While thinking she unconsciously touched his scar which alerted Ken, He woke up aggressively and put a knife on her neck.

His reaction scared her, and she held her breath. Seeing that it was Diana. Ken slowly lowered the knife and asked while sitting up.

"I am sorry. I thought there was someone else. By the way, what are you doing in my room?"

"I came here to apologize to you for answering earlier. Also to say that I accepted your apology and am not angry with you anymore." She replied in a hoarse voice, as she was still shaken by what happened earlier. The way Ken responded and the look in his eyes were too scary.

"Ah, that sounds good. I was wondering what would I do if the only beautiful girl on this ship got angry." Ken replied in a teasing voice.

Diana smiled a little at hearing this and then asked in a soft voice.

"It's ok. That's in the past. It's just that I have some questions in my mind. If you don't mind, may I ask?"

Ken hesitated a little and then responded with a nod.

"I was cleaning your room earlier and accidentally touched your pants and felt that they were different from normal fabric, and there was also a golden card in your pocket. I did not snoop around, I just saw it." She clarified while talking and then continued.

"And the way you responded earlier, even though you were in deep sleep. You are not like ordinary men. Who are you?"

Hearing this, Ken straightened his back and then looked into Diana's eyes.

"I am not trying to be rude, but I think it's best if you don't meddle in my affairs. It's good for you and me, too. You are a good girl, but in the world, I belong to, you are not suited for it. So try to understand."

"Okay fine. I won't bother you again.". She stood up after saying this and walked out of the room while wiping her tears. As she was walking out, she bumped into Oliver but hurriedly made way for him and ran away.

Oliver came into the room while looking at the running figure of Diana and thrust a black bag at Ken.

" This bag has only been used one time when I came here. I don't need it anymore. You can put your things in it."

"Thanks for this, Oliver" Ken was upset, that's why he did not respond to him well.

"Are you ok, Ken?" Oliver asked as he was worried about him.

"Yeah, I am good, I just have a headache," Ken told him, as he didn't want to share his matters with him.

"Don't worry, she will be alright. She is young and doesn't understand the world that much." Oliver tapped on his shoulder and turned around.

"What?. No, it's not her fault, she is an elegant woman. She will find someone more perfect than me in the future. I just want her to stay away from me for her good. She will only suffer if she stays near me."

Oliver sighed and came out of his room.

Ken laid down on his bed straight and tried to sleep. He put all the messy thoughts away and prepared himself for sleep. He knew this was not his destination and he should be as far away as he could from that goddamn place.

After staring at the roof for about 10 minutes, his eyes started to get heavy, and he went to sleep.

After 5 hours, there was a loud knock on his door.

"Captain is calling you Ken." a young boy gave him the message of captain.

"Okay, I am coming" He woke up, wore his previous black shirt, and walked toward the captain's room.

As he entered his room. The captain was busy drinking " come in Ken"

"Hey, John. You look young. Maybe it's because of the fight last night." Ken teased him a little and sat down next to him.

"Haha. Well, I am still younger and more active than most of you. Well, I have called you to give you a special thing. Take this locket." He handed a locket with a blue gem to Ken and continued.

"If you ever need to cross the ocean, no matter how dangerous the situation is, we will help you. Don't underestimate us. The parts of the sea where no one dares set foot on, we sail there regularly. You helped to save my ship as well as my only child, so you deserve it. If I had my regular crew with me then those sharks would not even dare to come near my ship. Anyway, if you ever need assistance, I will help you whenever you need me." Jon took a sip out of the bottle and then started to explain how to use the locket.

"If you ever need our assistance, then break this gem in the middle. Someone will contact you as soon as possible. Remember, you have to be at the seaside when you break it. If you are away from the sea, then I won't be able to help."

"Thank you so much John for everything." Ken put the locket in his pocket and then gave a slight bow.

John waved his hand as if saying it does not matter and then said.

"We can't stop here because the moment my ship enters that coast, it will only bring you more problems. That's why you have to travel toward it by boat. Oliver will help you reach that coast. Good luck for the next journey"

Then they both greet each other. Ken came out of his room and saw the big statue of a falcon welcoming them to the city. Oliver was waiting for him in the boat.

Ken ran toward his room and put his bag on his shoulder. He came to Diana's room and saw her standing in front of him. She wore a blue dress.

He looked at her and said "Goodbye Diana".

"Ken the, best of luck". She replied with tears in her eyes.

"We will meet someday, Goodbye Diana".

After a few seconds, he broke eye contact with her and then followed Oliver. He had already readied the boat on the left side of the ship. They climbed down with the help of ropes and adjusted in the boat.

Diana watched him go away from the top of the ship

"We will surely meet Ken as we have a destiny together." she muttered and went to her room.