Rule The World!

Ken sat on the chair and waited to see what happened next. Suddenly, he felt a severe pain in his spine. He tried to control but could not hold on and just after fifteen seconds, he could no longer bear the pain and screamed.

His screams changed into howls and his red eyes showed he was in extreme pain. He slid down on the floor, with his face towards the ceiling, and continued to howl.

Two scientists came into the room and tried to restrain him. They have electric shock sticks.

By using the electric sticks, they tried to control him, but it had no effect.

One of them came near and tried to control Kem but Ken attacked him while howling and killed him by breaking his larynx.

His stick fell far from him. Ken looked very aggressive.

Within seconds of killing the first man, the second scientist started shivering in fear. He ran toward the gate to escape, but no one opened it.

"Let me out. He will kill me. Let me out. Let me out." He begged, but got no response.

Ken was in pain and couldn't stabilize his legs, but he got up and started moving toward the scientist.

Ken grabbed him by the collar and started punching him on the backbone. He didn't stop until his spine crumbled completely and killed him in pain.

After killing both of them, Ken fell on the floor and his eyes closed. When he woke up, he found himself in a white gown worn by patients during the operation.

A heavy voice echoed in the room. "Do you know what you did to my scientists? Have you remembered anything?"

Dr. George asked over the speaker while observing him from the opposite wall through the mirror.

Shaking his head a little, Ken tried to focus and got flashes of his inhuman behaviors.

" What did you do to me? There's no way that I would do that. I killed many people but not in this way, not with such inhumanity." Ken was very upset by remembering that time and felt ashamed.

Considering his action, Ken thought to himself.

'What have I done to them? They were just scientists working with Dr. I remembered their faces full of, fear like they were begging in front of me not to kill them, this stupid scientist must have done something with me.'

While thinking about them, he pondered about his behaviour earlier.

'It was similar yet different from when Dr controlled my body. Suddenly I felt my body burning, and then an uncontrollable urge swelled inside me to kill both of them. But unlike before I had control over my body. It's just the killing intent that confused my mind.'

While Ken was busy sorting his thoughts, Dr George started laughing loudly like a psycho as he was thrilled with the results of the surgery he did and said.

"Think what would happen if our country had such soldiers who could easily kill over twenty people without hesitation. It will bring about a new era and the entire world will know about my greatness."

After saying all this, he paused and was waiting for Ken's reply, but when he got no response, he continued.

"If each soldier has strength, power, madness, and anger like you. No one could defeat us and our enemies would shiver in fear. My army would be the strongest in the world and I would control them with my special chemical reaction and magic."

"I can convert millions of people into subjects like you, and together we would rule over the whole world. What do you think about that?"

Ken took a deep breath, looked toward that mirrored door, and tried to tell him the dark aspects of his fool plans. He sighed and asked George.

''First, tell me where are my clothes and wallet? I don't have any interest in your dumb ideas and just want to finish this as soon as possible.

Secondly, why did you dress me in such a colorless dress? I am a fashion-conscious man. I don't like this, please arrange a nicer one for me."

George was shocked at his reply "Are you mad, I am talking to you about a world-changing scheme and you want to discuss with me about your suit color? Be glad our experiment never failed otherwise you explode! Blast and your flesh scattered in this whole room. So you should keep your bloody mouth shut."

'You don't even know who you are so you may not agree with me now but when you get to know about your inner self, you will be thankful to me for making you into this'. George murmured to himself.

"Ok duffer doctor" Ken replied and sat on that chair again. He looked toward those electric sticks and tried to manipulate a plan.

Suddenly he heard a soft voice of a woman" Is anybody there?".

"Yes I am, this is Ken. How did you get trapped there?" Though a little surprised to hear the voice, he asked.

"I am Hellen, thank god you are there. They locked me here all alone. I don't want to die completely alone".

"Ok, but you still didn't answer my question," Ken asked loudly as he thought she heard him.

"I can hear you, though I don't know how, so you don't need to shout. As for who I am. I was an employee. Dr. George was my university professor. He invited me to join his team to accomplish his evil ideas.

When I realized he is mad and going to make this world into hell, I tried to destroy his experimental research but he caught me and I am there in a cell talking to the subject."

"I am not a subject, I am a living body, I have a name. I don't want to talk to you because you are also one of them. I can hear you but can't see you. What type of scientific equipment causes this?"

"It is not any type of science, fool, it's magic. Ancient species had access to magic and thousands of years ago, magic was an everyday commodity and now few people know about it. This psycho doctor had faith in magic and the spells since his childhood."

"He searched for magic related stuff for forty-five years, but he just found some minor spells and broken equipment with the help of which he is searching for further magical books and equipment. He is the only doctor who is trying to make a fusion of science and magic."

The soft voice calmly explained everything to him.

"Oh! So, that is the story. The lockets and surgery confused me a lot. They covered my neck with a piece of red cloth before the surgery. I don't know why they would do that." Ken told her about those things that happened to him yesterday.

"What type of surgery were these and what did they do to me and I am very upset by killing those two men. I did not want to do that when I didn't even know their names."

"Check your wound and tell me about the length of the cut, and also tell me, what do you feel right now?" Hellen gave him further directions after listening to his explanation.

Ken was hesitant at first whether or not he should trust her, but his intuitions told him that this might be his only chance of escaping here, so he decided to trust his feelings.

"It's nearly three inches long and not deep. It felt like a deep wound at first, but not now. One more thing is that I felt my body burning when I killed them."

After saying this, he paused a little and then asked.

"Tell me one thing: are you also a witch, like them? I mean to say, do you also know about those magical spells and magic-type stuff like 'abra ka Jabra's. If you know then maybe it can help us escape from here." he chuckled and tried to tease her.

Suddenly the door opened, and a man wearing a strange suit walked in. Ken was alerted and sat straight on the chair as he didn't know what was going to happen next.

He came near to him and said. "Show me your palm"

Ken opened his hand with a fear of being hurt. He gave him two tablets of purple color and these are small circled shapes. He gave him black-colored water to swallow these tablets.

He didn't eat these tablets, but hid them beside his teeth. Who knows what the tablets were for and what they would convert him to.

After this, that man went out of the hall.

"Hello! Hellen, are you still listening to me?" Ken asked in a low voice.

"Yep, I am here. I just stopped talking because I didn't want to let them know I was discussing such matters with a subject. By the way, technically your point is correct, I am also a semi-witch because I know some spells. Dr. George and I practiced together to perfect them."

"Ok, it means you helped that psycho doctor to achieve his silly dreams, and when you realized, you tried to stop him and got yourself stuck there like a prisoner." He started laughing as he took Helen as a fool.

"Stop laughing like that. You are not understanding my point and you are not in any better situation than I. I was a brilliant student in medicine and like other students, I also want to accomplish great things. That mad man told me that if I helped him discover magic, we can change this world into heaven."

"My dream was to use magic to give benefits to other people. So, I am stuck in this condition and spoiled my future dreams so stop judging me and tell me about those boys whom you killed."

Hellen told him to clear misunderstandings because she was not like this doctor. She was doing all this for the welfare of humanity. She was a kind-hearted girl.

"They were two teenagers, one with short brown hair and the other one with curled black hair. They are black men and very weak. Besides this, I remember nothing because I had little time to focus on them."

"They were Jimmy and Toto. My boss, George, sent them to your cell to check if his spell works after surgery. He put a piece of an ancient magician's bone inside your skin, which has special spells embroidered on it. He's making you his living weapon"

"Oh damn! That means I am screwed" Ken was extremely worried about this all because he had to escape from being magic and science-related test subjects. As magic was a thing he had never faced before.

"Yeah! You are right." Hellen replied, and suddenly the lights turned off, leaving just a dim red light to permit movement.

Ken didn't know what to say. He touched his wound, and he felt something moving inside. He was worried so prefer to sleep as he was tired.

"It's time to sleep. Good night. Have magical dreams." Ken sighs deeply and closes his eyes.