Swear To Devil To Do Good? Seriously?

Ken saw a giant man standing near him. He woke up and looked towards the giant man. His height was nearly seven feet, eight inches. He was the tallest man he ever saw.

Feeling confused, Ken asked.

"Hey dude, what are you doing in my cell?" but got no response. When he was wondering what was going on, George's excited voice sounded in the hall.

"Here is the Knight of Norm. He is the champion of our continent. He won numberless battles and now we are going to see who wins. Subject A vs Subject 100.".

"Come on! Not now." Ken replied in a low voice.

''Did you wake me up for this? I can't fight right now. I am tired and hungry."

Ken complained to George because he didn't want to fight the giant man. He was mentally tired because of yesterday and felt weak.

"Fight him and you will know how strong you have become. As for your weakness, I will deal with it now." George replied with a sinister voice.

Saying this, George muttered a spell and suddenly Ken felt the heat in his body, his body veins started swelling and for no reason, he became extremely aggressive and attacked the giant man.

Subject A was also very strong and trained, therefore tackled Ken nicely at the beginning. Ken looked at him with eyes full of anger and started punching continuously on his ribs and broke his fourth and fifth rib as he was very high, so Ken damaged his lower ribs easily.

Ken tried to punch the face but because of being too short, it failed. Subject A, after receiving the initial beating counter, attacked and threw a punch on Ken's face. Receiving this blow on the jaw, Ken felt bells ringing inside his head and staggered. Feeling the danger, Ken immediately created distance between him and the giant man.

After this, Ken stabilized himself by shaking his head. The giant man did not give him a chance and closed in. He caught Ken by the arm and slowly lifted him. Curling his other arm around Ken, he tried to crush Ken with force.

Suddenly, Ken felt an unknown force seeping into his body and empowering him. He broke free from the giant man's grip and with unreal agility; he climbed on the giant man's shoulder.

As if madness had consumed him, Ken wrapped his arms around his enemy's neck and choked him.

The giant man, aka the knight, felt the danger and threw a punch towards Ken, who was currently sitting on his shoulder, but Ken did not budge even a little instead. He choked even harder.

The knight, feeling desperate, slammed his back against the wall to try to shake Ken off, but all his efforts were rendered useless.


Within a minute, due to the lack of oxygen, he soon fell. Even then, Ken, whose eyes were red with madness, did not let him go.

After 2 more minutes, Ken slowly released him, and rationality returned to his eyes.

When he woke up, he found his hands full of blood and felt pain in his whole body. He started groaning in pain. He felt as if his body was crumbling. He yelled loudly.

"What are you doing to me bastards?"

"No, my dear boy, we are not doing anything but making you more powerful. You killed that giant in just ten minutes, very impressive. Look at this gigantic dead body. People start shaking when they face him and you killed him in less than ten minutes." George replied in a happy voice while chuckling.

"You are a psychopath. I have killed your man and you are celebrating this?"

Ken was aggressive and shocked by the behavior of the doctor. He sat on his chair again and cleaned his hands on his own.

Ken sighed, seeing all this.

'I just came here to reach a place. The colorful city is being eaten by black-hearted people. I hoped to enjoy my journey and now I am here. I was running for freedom and now am stuck in this place.'

Memories of the wild attack he did against the Knight disturbed Ken.

'I have to leave this place soon, otherwise, they will kill me because I am not more than a subject for them.'

Having these thoughts, he could not help but shout. "Let me go."

"Hey! Stop shouting, you are not a child. At least behave like a mature man." Hellen said to Ken while yawning.

"Oh really, it's easy for you to play with words. You can't imagine my pain. I am crumbling in pain." Ken was hurt and badly wanted to tell her about his feelings.

"Yeah! You are right, I can't imagine your situation. I ate the uncooked heart of a horse to earn the trust of the magic power, and you are telling me I can't understand. I am feeling very bored now." Hellen told him, while pacing around in her cell.

"It means you are a witch for real. You know all the spells. I would destroy this whole building and that mad doctor if I knew some evil spells. Why don't you try to escape this place by 'abra ka Dabra' " Ken asked in a joking tone.

"Not a bad idea. I can't do magic because he stole my magic power. I can get my powers back if you kill that doctor, but if I teach you the right spells, then you can do something, at least. What do you think about this?" She wanted to escape from that place and she knew he was the only one who could help her in getting out of there because he was also done with this place and wanted to leave.

"Oh! Relax. This is not a good idea. I can't do this. I didn't even believe in magic before I got stuck in this place. Are you trying to make me a fool? I think you are also part of their plan and if they know about you and that you know magic and spells related to it, why would they keep you near me?".

Ken was very confused about this entire situation. He doubted Hellen, because he thought she may also just be trying to convince him of their desires.

"Come on! Mr over-smart, I agree I was one of them but now I am not. I am also their puppet, whom they can control according to their desires, just like you. Don't think I am helping you, I am helping you to indirectly help myself."

"I know when you get out of this cell you will directly kill that doctor and when he dies, I will get my powers back and escape from this place." She tried to persuade him to work on her plan.

"Ok then, I will trust you, but first of all, you have to tell me about this surgery. Tell me about how to control this awkward condition."

Ken wants to know about his situation and if she tells him the truth about this condition, then she will earn his trust.

"He is making you his puppet. He wants to control you. He has a spell which he used on you and the piece of cloth inside your neck. It forces you to act according to his will and generates anger and for some time you find yourself without any self-control."

"He can stop you when he wants and interrupt your nervous system. These spells were used by ancient people to empower their soldiers for war. The doctor found this spell in an ancient ruin. It's still not perfect and not many people are compatible with it. If used wrong, it can blow up the person the spell is being cast on."

"Ok then, what's the plan?" Ken asked in curiosity, as he wanted to get out of this ghastly place.

"The plan is that I will teach you magic spells, which will help you. As you are new to all this, we will start with easy ones. Before starting you have to keep in mind that magic is everywhere; you just need to find your inner mana and connect it with the surrounding mana flow."

"Besides this, if you want to learn, you have to pay for it. In normal days we have to offer the life of a strong animal before starting but you can offer another thing bigger than this after learning it."

"And what do you mean by other big things?" Ken took this point wrongly, as he was not clear about the customs of magicians and practitioners of magic.

"So, if you want to know, then I'll tell you. It means a life of a fit man or forcing someone to suicide and sacrifice their life to magic." Hellen told him about the costs and cleared his doubts.

"So, is there any difference between magicians and practitioners of magic?" Ken asked Hellen and prepared himself to take a vow.

"Yeah! magicians are like scholars in magic and have understanding and perfection of their spells while practitioners are their juniors who are in a state of learning." Hellen told him while walking in his cell. Whenever she felt nervous, confused, or excited, she kept walking to reduce her frustration.

"First of all, place your left hand on your heart and swear in front of the devil to use his magic and power for good use, not bad. This is also one of the oaths for magicians and practitioners of magic."

Hellen instructed Ken while laughing inside her heart. She was mused by seeing Ken doing as she said. For her, who was imprisoned in this hall, this was a nice entertainment show. She thought' who can be so dumb that take a vow in front of the devil to use magic for good; he is really upset that's why he is doing whatever I say, externally thinking for a bit.'

Ken was a clever man and knew she was making fun of him, but he decided to follow her instructions to see what she would do next.

"Ok then, I am ready to make a promise. I swear in front of the Devil that I will use your magic for good and not for bad."

Suddenly Hellen started laughing loudly. She smiled and continued.

"I was just checking whether you obeyed me or not. Oh! You are a good learner, I think I don't need to make an extra effort with you."

"Great, so you are making fun of my obedience, in this serious condition. For your information, miss, I already knew it so now can we get to the business if you are done with your entertainment."

"Ok, fine Ken. I am sorry for this. I was very bored being here but now we will work on your training seriously. First of all, you have to believe in magic and its miracles. If you don't believe in it with your heart, then you can never master it."