Escape Plan!

"Let's begin with a spell to make this wall transparent. When you can use it, other spells will be easy to learn. You have to make special movements with your hands to make your spells effective that push the blood faster and move mana out of your body, this is for beginners only, when you start controlling the mana inside your body you don't need to make such movements."

She took a deep breath and continued. "For now, close your eyes and try to feel the movement of mana flowing with your blood inside your veins, and take a deep breath. Close your eyes and repeat my words: Vis videra, quod non sit in."

Ken sighs deeply, closes his eyes, and repeats the spell "vis vidora, quood non-sit-in."

"No, it's not like that, you have to listen to it carefully. Vis videra, quod non sit in. Now try again. Keep in mind it's quod, not quood and sit-in are separate words, don't call it together."

Ken had not seen magic before, this is the reason he is not a magic believer. He thought it might have happened due to his situation and her tutorials.

"Where is magic? How could you be so sure about this? "

"Magic is everywhere, Ken. Around you, in water, in soil, and in your blood, just quantities are different. Anyone can learn magic, but the people choose by magic itself, only they can execute it properly. Before trying it, believe in it. Get it to accept you."

"You can't measure or see everything you believe like love, sincerity, loyalty, fear, anger. These things can't be touched or seen but we believe because they are magical too."

Listening to her explanation, Ken closed his eyes tightly and with his voice low, he tried this spell again, but nothing happened.

Ken opened his eyes and looked around, but nothing happened. "I knew it. This is all just a waste of time. I can't do this. I don't know the ABC of magic so how can you expect me to believe in it by heart."

He took a deep breath and said in sorrow.

"I can't do this. I know, to learn it I have to make great efforts. I don't have much time to waste on it." He was skeptical about the magic, whether it would help or not.

"Listen! You can't give up. Did you know how much time it took me to learn the first spell? Nearly fifteen days. I took this long because I would also not believe it, but I chose this on my own. Tell me, do you have any other options? Or have you decided to be here till your last breath? You have to try it, again and again, more than 100 times a day."

"Ok I will try but I don't think it will work." He was already upset to be stuck there and tired of fighting.

He saw a fat man coming toward him. He had a food tray in his hand. He wore a long black hat on his head and a white jacket with golden buttons.

He looked toward Ken with a frank smile. " I made these sandwiches for you with my special recipe. I added jalapenos and mushrooms to it. Other subjects loved my recipes. Whenever I am in a bad mood I eat good food. It makes me feel happy."

Ken retorted," Is this food just to eat, or did you add some of your formulas to test your experiments?. I don't trust you or your psycho doctor, he is continuously using me for his interests."

"If they want to add something inside you, they can inject it directly. They don't need to trick you with food. Don't worry, it's delicious. Let me taste it for you. " Eee Mmm… it's good. See I taste it in front of you, so you can eat it without worries."

'Does he take me for a child?'

Though he still did not trust the words of the cook. Feeling hungry, Ken took the sandwiches and quickly ate them.

The cook watched Ken eat his meal and walked out of the room.

There was a glass of purple-colored drink. He sniffed it to check the type of drink but he couldn't recognize it so he tasted it. It tastes like blueberry juice.

As he took a second sip, the taste changed to strawberry pulp. He was confused and started taking sips hurriedly. In each sip, the color changed, and he experienced a different taste. He was in wonder but thought. 'Everything is possible with the help of magic.' he smiled and continued to enjoy his meal.

When he finished his meal, the tray vanished.

The speaker announced, "Subject 100, get ready to take a bath in fifteen seconds."

Hearing this, Ken noticed that his gown was covered with sweat and he smelled bad. He obediently got up.

After fifteen seconds two men wearing black suits and masks came into the cell. Their bodies were fully covered with a rubber-like material that was fitted tightly. They wore this for security.

One of them asked Ken to show his hands. When he showed them, they snapped him with handcuffs made up of carbon steel. They covered his head with a white cloth and then pulled him. Ken silently walked with them, as he had to show that he was obedient.

Ken heard the sound of a door opening and shutting as he passed through. He kept walking with them for a while. After this, he again heard the sound of a door opening, but it was different.

One of them uncovered his face, and he saw a big swimming pool. It was very clean and the surrounding air was very refreshing.

They unlocked his handcuffs and set him free to move into this room. "Hey, both of you get out of here. I have to take a bath completely nude." Ken started untying his gown.

The man said, "No we won't, you have to take a bath in front of us."

His eyes started strolling around the room. It was decorated with fishes and seahorses and there was a book rack in the corner. This room was lit by many bulbs and was very wide and the walls were painted white.

He thought for a moment. "Okay, as you wish" and took off his gown and jumped into the pool. It was warm and relaxing.

Ken dived deeply into the pool. It was very warm and relaxing and he started feeling sleepy. He closed his eyes and fell asleep by giving himself the support of the wall of the pool.

When he woke up, he found himself stuck in translucent liquid. There was no one in the room, he was alone and couldn't move." He just looked drowned in grey water.

He started shouting.

"Is anybody there? I am stuck in this material and don't know how to get loose. Can anybody get me out of here?" Both of the men were waiting for him outside.

They came inside the room and started laughing loudly. One of them came near to him and said "Why are you shouting like a woman? This is just healing wax in which you are stuck, it would help you in healing your wounds fast. calm down, we are going to raise the temperature of this pool it will melt again and you may get out of here."

He took a deep breath as he relaxed and the temperature of the pool increased.

The wax started melting slowly, and he got out of this pool. They gave him a new white gown. And again covered his head and locked him in handcuffs and started walking.

He heard the same sound of the door, and after this, he started counting his steps. After taking thirty steps, he heard the opening sound of his room's door and a familiar slam.

When he reached his room, his hands were unlocked, and they also removed that cloth from his head. He saw a flat single bed in his room.

Ken went over to it and lay down. As he lay down on it comfortably, he realized that he was not feeling pain in any part of his body. He touched his ribs, his stomach, arms, and face. He felt like nothing happened. It was due to taking a bath in the special elixir made by Dr. George.

"It's amazing," he muttered to himself and after this, he tried to remember that spell and started muttering it in his head. "Vis videra, quod non sit in." Nothing happened.

He started watching in the direction from where he had heard the voice of Hellen.

He whispered this spell repeatedly, but all in vain, nothing changed or happened. Ken started walking into his room and thinking.

'I am a stupid man who is trying to do everything alone by depending on magic spells, only without any backup. I have to make an escape plan. Even if I learn some spells, I have to make a plan for escaping. '

Suddenly, he heard the sound of coughing.

"Hellen are you there?"

He asked in confusion. "Yeah, I am. What's up," she asked while coughing.

"Are you okay? You are not sounding good".

"I am becoming weaker as the days pass due to the loss of my powers and strength. That magic which he extracted out of my body was attached to my soul and this is the reason I am losing my strength and becoming weaker at defending against any type of disease or germs."

"Oh, that's not good. Don't worry, I am working on a plan and if I succeed, we will both get free together. I'll do whatever you tell me so we can escape out of there".

" Okay, that's good. Today they took you outside this cell for the first time and you began a plan. You seem smarter than I expected."

"Yes, and I am thinking of escaping when they take me for a bath again. It's just, I don't know much about how this facility is constructed, so I might need your help with that. When they put me in that pool and wait for the wax to harden, they will relax their vigilance. I might have a chance then. If I managed to subdue them, I might be able to use their uniform to get to the security room and get us out of here. So you have to give me details about the structure of the facility."

Hearing his plan, Hellen was silent for a while, then her lazy voice rang in his head.

"Amm... this is a good start, but what about their weapons? George has an eye on your every movement, he won't let you even reach the security room. So stop planning things too fast. We all want to escape, but it's possible when we are alive. Don't try to endanger your life. We will get out of here soon, but for now, I need some rest. I am feeling sleepy now. Look, the lights are also off, you should also get some sleep."

Ken let out a sigh at hearing the reply from Hellen and could not help but shake his head a little.

"Good night Helen" he lay down on his bed and tried to sleep.