Failed Experiment! Discard the Body.

He lay down on his bed and started staring at the ceiling. Many thoughts roaming in his brain made him sleepless .

He was thinking about approaching that doctor, but he was not allowed to walk to him or any other area unless guards took him by themselves.

Suddenly the door opened and a man with a small tray came inside. He wore a white jacket with golden buttons, black pants, and a blue wristwatch.

He was looking furious with his facial expression, as he was forced to be there. There were signs of many wounds on his face which tells he had some bitter experiences. His black eyes and wrinkled forehead with grey-colored hairs give an aging appearance to his face. His tone of voice and body language show anger.

There was a glass of water and a green tablet on this tray. That angry man insisted Ken take the tablet, but Ken continuously refused. He brought the glass full of water near Ken's face and tried to use force, but the glass shattered in the struggle.

Seeing this, the man let out a sigh and softly muttered something that sounded like "scissa conjungant duos".

The pieces of the glass started to vibrate and after he finished muttering, the pieces suddenly came to life and reassembled themselves and soon the glass was again in that man's hand, as if it was never broken.

Seeing this, Ken was amazed. He tried to think of every possible way to explain this with science, but nothing came to his mind.

"If you do this ill-mannered behavior again, I will make sure that you won't be able to eat even a single bite of your breakfast tomorrow."

Ken let out a smile and slowly asked, while leaning back on his bed.

"I can eat it but at least explain to me what it is for?"

"This is for your better sleep, nothing else. After taking this pill you will sleep soundly."

After thinking for a bit, Ken decided to take the tablet. From that man's appearance, Ken knew that he was also forced into doing this and also knew that no matter how much he struggled, he had to take that tablet one way or another. So he took the tablet, placed it in his mouth and drank a mouthful of water.

Seeing this, the man turned around and prepared to leave. When he left the room, Ken went to a corner and slowly spit out the tablet. .

Ken hid it before because he did not trust them, so he decided to collect those tablets for later use. He laid down on his bed and turned toward the blank wall of that room. His back is toward the wall where they had fixed the cameras. He thinks no one will check under the mattress of his bed.

Ken silently slipped that tablet inside the cover of that mattress. After this, he acted as if he was falling asleep. It was supposed to be acting, but he really fell asleep because he was very tired.


George was currently busy with some data in a file in front of him. While reading, he would glance around from time to time and could see the gaze everyone gave him. They all thought that he was a psycho, but no one knew about the real reason for his behavior and experiments.

While seeing these gazes that everyone gave him, he shook his head and closed his eyes to think about his reason for doing all this.

George had only one son named Joseph, and he called him Joe. He loved his son a lot. He was very worried about him because his son was blinded in both eyes as a result of a chemical experiment done by George at home.

In one morning George was busy in his experiment as usual.He didn't think it was such a dangerous reaction. He took all the normal precautions and wore protective glasses. He thought his son was playing at his aunt's house but suddenly he came inside his lab and the explosion changed his kid's life.

In these times, technology was not advanced enough to help his kid see again. He was making all these efforts to help other kids also who lost their eyes or disabled for any reason.

In this case, he decided to seek solutions from science. He read all the books on science and related materials that might help him, but nothing worked.

George searched for books on eyes and related articles on their surgery and working notes and bought them in large amounts from other continents. He combined a lot of formulas to give strength to his son's eyes, but nothing happened.

George blamed himself for his son's condition. He was not dealing with his deficiency from birth; this is the reason Joe felt his deficiency and always looked sad, and George was not expecting this reality. He was ready to do anything without taking into account whether it was right or wrong, all for his son to see again, to be normal again and enjoy his normal life without relying on anyone.

After making all his efforts, he concluded that science is helpless in this condition and he needs the support of some external powers.

After reaching that conclusion, he decided to seek help from other sources and then he found magic. He read stories about wizards from ancient times and how they could make miracles.

He read some stories, how the ancient magicians could bring back the dead to life and how they could regrow limbs and other stuff. Losing all other hopes, he held the last straw and began searching for magic, but the journey was not easy.

He searched and roamed the world, but the once prosper magic had vanished by now. Still, there were some rumors about magic and this gave him a little hope and finally he was able to find it.

At first, he was searching for magic for the welfare of other people and his kid, but as time passed, the newly found powers led him astray from his original goal and he became greedy for power. Though he still cared about his son, other things such as welfare of the world were long forgotten.

He wanted to find the remnants of magic in this world for himself alone. He no longer wanted to share this magic with anyone, but wanted to practice it on others to use them according to his will.

George wants to destroy the nations and the borders between countries. He wanted everyone in this world to bow before him. He wanted to become a king of the magical world and rule over it for his lifetime.

He visited a lot of different places to make his life easier and magic reliable. He explored every town and tribe which has signs and maps of magical spells, but he can't find strong and genuine traces of mana.

While taking a sip of the coffee and looking at the monitors, George felt tired. Monitoring each and every subject was a very tiresome task, but he did not trust anyone else and monitored each and every subject himself.

The wall in front of his chair was fitted by twenty-five monitors. Monitors were named 01-025. Each of them slept, but Ken was still showing movement.

'If he absorbed that spell fully and I have complete control of his actions then he would become a living weapon which works on my orders.'

While watching monitor 04, one of his subjects started shivering extremely. He was tied up with chains.

This is subject 16 who was experimented on for the regeneration of body parts. He was very weak and lost his arm in a car accident.

'Come on, please work.'

The Dr was very excited because he was hopeful for his spell and made his mind not to search for this spell again if it fails this time.

He appointed a team of two people to handle the responsibilities of one subject but on this spell; he wasted a lot of months and didn't want to waste more time on it.

'016' shivered for nearly fifteen minutes. George's heartbeat also increased because he was also waiting for the results.

George sent a team of medical personnel to his cell. They untied him and laid him down on the floor. They started checking his heartbeat.

"It is 180," one of them shouted.

"He is breathing heavily." The second person also told about his observation.

They were observing changes in his body. They observed thread-like tissues coming out of his arm and engaged together to regenerate his arm again by himself. and Slowly his arm was completed meanwhile his palm regenerated and his fingers also rebuilt.

Everyone in the room was very excited by seeing this miracle and started to clap. "His heartbeat is coming back to normal, respiration rate slowing down. It seems like the subject is fine now."

When George listens to it, he sighs with comfort and puts his glasses off. He had a big smile on his face.

As he was going to sleep, he heard shouting and again focused on that monitor. Suddenly, the body parts of the subject started knotting with each other and curled around his neck. His eyes turned black, and he died. This happened within a second, and the subject was dead before they could even react.

The smile on George's face vanished, and he looked towards the dead body on the screen with cold eyes.

"Experiment fails again; it means that the spell was incomplete. Burn his body and leave this cell." George ordered them and lay down on his big soft bed silently, as if nothing happened.