Ken woke up after a deep sleep, rubbed his eyes, and looked around. He felt very refreshed, strong and ready for the coming challenges.

After waking up, he immediately started practicing his spell. He closed his eyes and repeated the same spell "Vis videra, quod non sit in".

He was looking very confident and boosted in the morning.

Ken tried hard to make the spell work. He closed his eyes tightly and focused on the words. He varied the speed and emphasis, but nothing ever happened. Finally, he opened his eyes and looked toward the corner of the cell where he had heard Hellen's voice.

"Hey, Hellen, are you there?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm still alive. But If you don't hear my voice tomorrow and today till noon, then that means I am not alive anymore." She replied, and started coughing loudly.

But only Hellen knew she was not actually ill. She just wanted to give him a push to let him practice harder.

Facing numberless challenges both mentally and physically, he couldn't unlock his mana .

To use magic fully he needed to feel free and relaxed but it was not possible inside this cell so she decided to try another way and that was pressuring him. Only under these circumstances will he try his best to use magic and unlock his mana.

"Oh, please don't say that. We are partners, right? We have planned to get out of here together. You can't give up on our plan. We are very close to being free, don't worry, I can try my best to do things faster." Ken could not have her dying because he needed her help to get out of here.

"Listen Ken, we are both doing our best, but the fact is that it doesn't matter. I know I have not much time, but you have. You should get out of there. You have a goal to complete, but me, I have no family, no friends, and I have no plans."

She sounded very upset and like she had lost hope."I can't even move from my bed. I have no strength to chew a single bite. I am feeling very weak. If you get a chance to run, don't miss it, don't look back." She was feeling guilty while doing this, but it was necessary.

"The reality is that Dr.George is an emotional person with regard to his family but has a devil's heart for others. He has no mercy for anyone." Hellen told him in an unsteady voice. It was true that he stole her powers, but she was normal and not much affected.

By hearing this, Ken thought she was in trouble, and there must be something that Ken can do for her. He started thinking about multiple things. He looked at the mirror and thought about becoming aggressive. He can attack that barrier and as his power also increases in anger hopes, he can easily break it.

After coming up with this idea, he came near to this mirror and started tapping at it quickly. He was checking the material used for the formation of this gate. He closed his eyes and started focusing on the sound produced on it while tapping.

In the case of normal gates, the sound of knocking bounces back after striking the last layer of metal, but in this case, it didn't happen. When he knocked at it, neither the sound nor the echo bounced back. It just disappeared, as if there was no room beyond the door.

'But I saw it while opening and closing. It opened like a single door,' he muttered in his head.

After analyzing it, he started checking all the walls of the room and the walls sounded just like the metal door. Those were not walls, those were the doors that opened to the other cells. After checking the walls he thought 'There is nothing in reality . It seems everything is the opposite of its reflection.

He checked the floor by knocking on it. It was not made up of marble or concrete; it was also just a gate opened in another cell. Ken knows now that these are all magic illusions and spells and to deal with these troubles he also needs to learn some stuff. He remembered his master saying 'To defeat your enemy you have to study him first.'

Suddenly, his eyes moved toward the air vent, which was very high on the wall. He considered, 'I might be able to reach it, but can I get out before they notice and arrest me again? If they close it, they don't need to do anything. I could just die from lack of oxygen. Moreover, who knows it might also be the same as the door.'

When he was busy thinking all this, the door suddenly opened, and the cook walked in.

Ken turned towards him and suddenly he held the cook from the collar and asked in a furious voice.

"What more do you want from me? Why won't you just let me leave. I am telling you, I am just a normal person., You won't gain anything by keeping me. If I stay here anymore, I will turn insane from this loneliness. There is not even any TV here."

Just after he finished speaking, the cook asked with the same expression he came in as if whatever he said before did not matter to him."

Do you need a television, sir?"

Ken punched him in the face and asked angrily.

"You think it's funny, right? Locking me here, experimenting on me and that crazy doctor of yours, I promise if I ever get out, I will strangle him myself. Why don't you do me a favor and convince that piece of shit to let me go."

When he finished talking, the cook stood up in front of him and said: "Today I made my special omelet with chili sauce and pink tea. Its taste is just amazing and whenever someone eats it they start licking their fingers. Hope you like it."

Ken was shocked when he saw he didn't give him any response and left his cell silently. Ken followed him and when he approached the door, a man appeared from the right side and gave him a shock with the help of his stun baton.

As electric current ran through his body and he immediately fell to the ground'.His vision started to blur, and the last thing he heard was Hellen's voice calling to him.

After fifteen minutes he heard a tick tick sound and woke up. He felt a sharp pain in his head. The pain was so intense that he couldn't take more than two steps at a time. He started crawling toward his bed. His body was not yet stabilized, so after making a great struggle, he reached and sat on it.

He shouted for Hellen."Hey what's up? I just received an electric shock for a meal so I could not hear what you said." He chuckled and waited for her answer, but no one replied.

He called her again, but no one replied. Ken realized there was something wrong with her. He tried to climb to his feet. He took three steps with trembling feet but in the next step; he felt his body stumble. He ran toward the right wall of the room, where he had heard Hellen's voice.

"Are you there?'' Hellen responds to me if you are there. I am worried about you."

To not alert the doctor, he just sat beside the wall and called Hellen.

He felt maybe it's possible she was still sleeping, but this is not the time to sleep. He was worried about her because she did not sound good last time when they had a conversation.

He was worried and started shouting in his mind "Hellen".

"Hello, Hellen if you are hearing me respond, just one, hey!". But got no reply. He became worried, and his nerves tensed.

For a second, he had no idea about how to check whether she was alive or not. Facing this situation, he found his brain blank. Suddenly, her words started roaming in his mind.

"When you learn this spell, you can see me beyond this wall because this wall was also built by magic."

He murmurs, ' If I want to see her condition, the only way is to focus on the spell.'

He took a deep breath and started repeating that spell. He decided not to open his eyes till he succeeded.

He repeats "Vis videra quod non sit in".

He continued to repeat it without opening his eyes. He looked in that direction and continued his practice again and again and on each attempt, his belief was getting stronger. He felt irritation in his eyes but didn't stop; he knew it was starting to work because Hellen had told him earlier what possible reactions would be if started to unlock his mana.

He felt a pain in his head and saw bright light even through closed eyes. His eyes turned red, he opened them slowly and was amazed by the scene in front of his eyes.

He saw a beautiful girl sitting on a chair, motionless. He wanted to see her, but she was seated in the far corner of the room, so he couldn't see her features clearly.

"Hellen, I know you are listening to me, trying to make me a fool. Did you know how much I was worried about you? I thought your condition was not good." Ken was very disappointed by her act.

Hearing this, an apologetic smile crept up on her and Hellen replied.

"I am sorry. I didn't want to do this, but it was necessary to make such an environment for you. It's an old saying: necessity is the mother of invention. You can't get my response that leads you to try harder. This is the reason you learned to use the spell efficiently, so thanks to me who tricked you and made you able to see beyond the magical wall."

Her apologetic smile soon turned into a smirk because she knew her plan succeeded.

She finished speaking and started walking toward him, or so Ken felt because she was still in another room.

Ken was very angry and wanted to express his dissatisfaction, but when he saw her, he lost his words and kept silent.