New Spell!

Even though his eyesight was blocked, he could still smell and hear. So when he heard a man being killed, he subconsciously stopped to know what was going on.

When he stopped to know more about the situation, he was shoved from behind and was told to get moving.

He keeps quiet and continues to follow those men who were taking him to take bath.

He was at a distance from the door but he heard its opening sound and knew the destination was near.

After taking two turns and walking straight they reached there. As he stepped inside, warm air touched his hair and body. He felt as if it was the best place for him to relax.

They uncovered his head and unlocked his hands after which he jumped into the pool.

He dived deeply and held his breath for two minutes. Both of those men who brought Ken there began to worry. Man1 asked, "What happened to him?"

" Go and check. Bring him to the surface." Man 2 ordered.

Before one of them dived into the pool for him, Ken came to the surface and warmly said:

"This should be the best place in this building and the only place I like."

"Ok, stop wasting your time and try to finish up as soon as possible." One of them ordered him impatiently.

"Oh! Come on, I am going to sleep in warm water. It's good for the healing process too."

Ken rested his back against the side of the pool and closed his eyes. He pretended to be sleeping.

Both of them assume he is going to sleep like last time and left the room.

When Ken felt both of them leaving the room, he slowly opened his eyes and took off his wet gown, and placed it near to him after that he closed his eyes and let himself float on the water.

He started thinking about that man whom he sensed being killed a while ago. When he carefully recalled, he realized that it was the voice of the same man who came into his cell earlier to take tests.

He wondered about the reason why that man was killed but could not think of any reason. While being immersed in his thoughts, he felt the temperature decrease.

It was not freezing, just the temperature dropped a little than before. Ken looked towards the surface of the water and noticed that the water has started to thicken and became a jelly-like substance. Then suddenly he started to feel cozy and his body relaxed automatically.

After some time passed, the men who brought him here came back, handcuffed him and covered his head with the cloth, and started to walk toward his room.

He heard the sound of the door being opened. After getting into the room, they unlocked his handcuffs and removed the cloth from his head.

Ken looked around and saw the familiar room. He then turned to look towards Hellen but she was not in her room. He wondered if she was busy taking a bath or was taken to somewhere else.

He paced and thought about the voices he heard and the smells he had observed. He started plotting a map of the place with the help of remembering the number of steps he took or turns and the distance covered by him.

He remembered the scent of smoke and beer from the left side of the first turn. There must be his worker's site or maybe security staff.

He had to analyze like a blind warrior. To defeat them it was important for him to check their strength. Ken was trying to map out the number of people working for George.

Suddenly a heavy voice from the speaker starts chatting with him.

"We are sorry for the attack, that man was not sent by me. He was hired by my enemies who tried to kill you. They believe you would become trouble for coming generations. They tried to destroy you with a living weapon but I am very glad to know you can take care of yourself efficiently. Don't worry, we have dealt with the source and there won't be any problems later on." After this announcement, he heard a beep, and George's voice disconnected.

When Ken heard this, he was silent for a while. He had guessed that maybe that man was not working for George but the possibility was very small. Who knew that his guess was correct and that man was here to kill him.

While he was thinking about this he saw Hellen come back to her cell.

"Hey! I was waiting for you, I have to tell you about something."

"Yeah! I was gone for a bath, Tell me what you got" she straightened her clothes and started drying her hair with a dryer.

When Ken saw this, he had to say that even though they were prisoners here, George was really taking care of them. They had all the daily necessities ready for them. Then he shook his head to move out these thoughts from his mind and replied.

"I have calculated the time they took in the way, I also smelled and heard some weird things."

" Does it mean your nose is more powerful than a dog's? Like, seriously you are trying to find your way by smelling?" Hellen inquired in disappointment as she was thinking he is very lazy and not trying to do anything to be free.

"Come on, I am not making a joke, it's part of my training. You don't know how much the ability to see distracts you. They covered my eyes so I could sense many things by smelling and hearing and using my other senses. You don't know anything. You always assume the worst. '' He made an aggressive expression and turned his face.

"Listen, I can't see you. That's why sometimes misunderstandings happen but you can see them there. I am sorry I won't underestimate you again. Keep up the hard work."

Ken smiled hearing this and agreed with her reason.

"I agree that when I couldn't see you I felt so bored and things were difficult to understand."

"Yes it is but I am waiting for the time when we can meet face to face. By the way can you please stop staring at me like this," Hellen said while combing.

" No I am not staring at you, Don't try to make excuses if you like me. I am an innocent boy, don't blame me, please. " He was looking at her continuously like he hadn't seen a woman before but he knew she couldn't see him. That's why he was taking advantage.

" I know you are staring at me continuously"

"How? Can you see me?" Ken asked while averting his eyes.

"No, but I have a sixth sense and I can feel it when someone stares at me. It's something that many girls have. To be honest Ken, I am very disappointed to see your behavior. "

"Ok, but I can't take my eyes off of your body, you are so charming and attractive," Ken told her and smiled after knowing that she could not see what he was doing.

" You are trying to flirt with me. Oh my god? At least see the situation you are in." Hellen laughed.

"No, actually I was not. I am just looking at a beautiful woman. I wish rather than this place, we should meet at a romantic candlelight dinner or in a club while dancing."

She chuckled and said, "even if we had not met at such condition, I wouldn't date you."

"Oh really". Both started laughing.

'She is the only good person in this terrible place' he thought.

He liked her company but at the same time, he had doubts about her. He thought maybe they sent her to him.

'I hope she is cheating on me, otherwise, I'll kill her before the doctor's try.' he thought.

On the other side, Hellen underestimates him and his abilities. She didn't want to depend on him completely. Besides this, she was also trying to find some way to get out of here.

Hellen broke the ice and asked, "Are you ready to learn more spells?"

Ken gave a nod after hearing her question.

"Why are you not responding to me?" Hellen asked.

"Oh I am sorry, I nodded to tell you I am ready but forget you can't seeing me."

Hellen shook her head in disappointment after hearing this.

"Ok, let's start! As you said your senses are very sharp at hearing and smell then I will teach you a spell that can improve your hearing for a short amount of time. Now, look at me."

"Put the finger of your left hand in your left ear and block the air. Focus on your heartbeat and try to slow down your heart rate. It lowers your body temperature and then you have to say, 'Volo audits post murum'."

He did as she directed and put his finger inside his ear. Took a deep breath and tried to lower his heartbeat by relaxing as he thought he was ready.

He started muttering the spell, "Volo audits post murum". Nothing happened but that surgical wound on his neck started glowing. As it was at the backside of his neck he couldn't see it.

"How do I know if this spell is working or not?" he asked with confusion.

"When you cast this correctly, you will be able to hear my heartbeat and anyone who comes closer to you within the range of twenty feet. With this spell, within that certain area, you can hear anything and everything. Nothing can escape your hearing."

Ken calmly listened to Hellen's explanation and then started repeating that spell. He sat on his bed and calmed himself down. He kept trying without taking any break. Suddenly he heard the club-dub sound of the heart.

He touched his chest. It was the vibration of His own heart then multiple sounds start disturbing him. He can't control his listening power. He was listening to the sound of even ants walking on the floor. Multiple sounds of beating hearts.

He felt pain. "Hellen, it hurts me. I can't control these sounds. They are so loud."

"I am sorry Ken, it's my fault I should tell you before but I have forgotten. Now listen to me carefully. Sit down and start focussing one by one on each sound. Don't try to hear everything at the same time."