Gifted In Magic!

Magic is a gift when you can control it, otherwise, it will become a problem for you. Ken was not a believer in the beginning but as time passed, he started digesting the concepts of miracles and powers of magic.

Ken found himself buried in hundreds of different noises. He could hear the pumping heart of everyone in the building, a man coughing outside the cell. Even though Hellen said that this spell could only help him listen to the sounds within 20 meters, that was not the case for him.

He could hear the beating heart and footsteps of people who were walking in this building. He heard a man on the phone on the top floor talking to his wife who was waiting for him to celebrate their kid's birthday.

"The best way to control hearing power is to close your eyes and just focus on your hearing ability. You can try to control it by focusing in one direction at one time or you can focus on a louder one. You have to categorize each sound separately in your brain and then you can control it. "

Hellen instructed Ken as she explained the working of this spell.

Earring this, Ken opened his and tried to look at her but Hellen seems to have anticipated his actions.

" You can follow me without looking. Just listen to me. Your Sense of vision may distract you from focussing"

"Ok I am going to try". he closed his eyes and felt his brain more focused. He started focusing on one sound at a time. He tore a piece of cloth from his gown and covered his eyes with it.

He took a deep breath and started listening to the sounds coming from the wall behind him.

He was not looking toward this wall but his ears were alerted in this direction he slightly turned his head toward the right and heard a girl crying. A car's making different kinds of sounds and a man whistling.

He heard some kids playing baseball. He heard the sound of breaking glass by a hardball. He can clearly hear when the ball touches the bat and the kid makes a shot.

It was clear from this that this spell worked beyond normal for him and he was hearing sounds from a larger range but Ken decided to hide this fact and not tell Hellen about it.

The cheering voices of the high school group and the sound of crying girls were fainting in his ears altogether as he focussed on the voice of the crying girl.

She was upset because her stepfather came to her room every night but her mother didn't believe her.

She denied the girl's accusation each time because she thought her daughter didn't like her new husband too much. That's why she was blaming him.

He became furious and his wound started glowing. He heard her father teasing her at that moment and was close to losing all control.

Suddenly he heard the sound of his door opening. He uncovered his eyes and looked at him.

It was that fat man again who came with his tray full of sandwiches. "What's up, young lad? Why are your eyes covered?" He asked while uncovering the tray.

Ken felt as if someone was using a loudspeaker to speak next to his ear but instead of panicking, he controlled himself and replied while taking the cloth off from his eyes.

"I was meditating. Anyway, let's see what you bought for me today." Ken picked a sandwich and took a big bite as he was starving. During the whole conversation, he acted like normal.

The tray was decorated very nicely. The sandwiches were also looking very delicious and full of juicy lettuce, which was Ken's favorite.

The chili sauce enhanced the taste of sandwiches. He loved their combination and didn't want this tray to be emptied soon.

"Oh! It's delicious, thank you so much".

"Ok then enjoy your food, we will talk later if you would like".

"Yeah it's fine, bye" Ken started eating the sandwiches quickly.

"Hellen, can you please tell me how to get rid of my spell? I am trying to enjoy my food and the continuous noise is disturbing me." He asked as soon as the man left the room because the sounds started to become unbearable for him.

"Okay. you have to say, 'ego dont volo' but you have to whisper it and snap."

"Thank you so much, Hellen, he whispered this spell 'ego dont volo' and snapped."

Suddenly, Ken felt sounds becoming faint and slowly vanished.

"Yippee! it works at first attempt" Ken shouted with happiness.

"Yeah! you are right but you are learning faster than my expectations." Hellen replied with a low voice as if she was worried about something.

"Ok then it's good, I hope. Don't worry about that. If I am learning fast it just means I am intelligent, I think you are getting jealous ." Ken tried to tease her.

"Something is going wrong, no one can learn as fast as you are, tell me your birth month." She asked with excitement.

"Ahh, it's October 16 but why are you asking me?"

"Oh,! I got the reason." She stood up from her chair and started walking into the room.

"Are you worried about anything?"

"No I am not, I am alright"

Ken is disappointed by her answer and says" You know I am watching you and I can easily figure out that you are tense or worried about something."

"Ok then listen, our birth month and date have some relation regarding our fortune and personality. It also has some far-relations with nature's elements."

"Ok, do you have any spells which can fill up my tray again?" Ken asked while finishing his meal.

"Stop behaving like a kid and yes, there are such types of spells but you can't create something out of thin air. Magic also works on the principle of equal exchange. Alright enough with this. We are talking about something more important now."

"Ok don't be angry with me. I was just liking those sandwiches a lot and saw they're gone. Sorry, please continue."

"When a child is born, he is connected by one of the five earth elements which are water, soil, air, fire, and lightning. According to the months and dates of the year, he or she started symbolizing one planet of nine planets. And the one who was born in the tenth month started to symbolize the sun."

"Ok. I am trying to understand" Ken was showing interest but was completely confused by her explanation.

"You can't understand it, these things are very complicated for those who don't have initial knowledge." She told him.

She took a deep breath and continued, "For the clear understanding you should know, you are connected to fire and your leading star is the sun."

"For most of the people, they were led by planets; only two are led by the sun. Planets revolve around the sun and the sun controls their movements. This is the reason you are learning fast."

" Magic is created from combinations of earth's elements. Like if we combined water with air or fire with water etc and locked them up with the spell, the magic begins."

"By the way, these are all calculations and messy work which we will not learn even if we spend our whole life."

After explaining all this, Hellen stopped.

"Ok then, it means I have special abilities which are gifted by god..... It sounds good" Ken said with a calm but teasing tone but was surprised when Hellen agreed with him.

"Yeah, this is the reason you lose control while fighting. If you try, you can keep magic on your fingertips. You have to practice your skills every time. Though there are countless people who were born in the last 3 months, almost all these people can't use magic. We still don't know why this happens. Maybe there is a greater mystery in all this." She was very happy because her only hope was Ken.

"Hellen, I promise I'll take both of us out of here. It's going to end soon. When we are out of this place you have to invite me to dinner as a payment for saving your life." He chuckled as he was trying to change her mood.

" Yeah but don't forget how I am helping you in learning the spells ".

Both chuckled and Hellen said. " Thanks, Ken for everything. You are my only hope. I don't wanna die in this place."

" I won't let you die there, don't worry, I want to tell you that I can't find a way without you. You are very motivational" Ken looked toward her and tried to explain his feelings in words.

Both of them stopped talking and there was pin-drop silence.

"Ken broke the ice and asked, ''Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Actually yes. His name was Christian and we were in love with each other. He loved me so much. Though he may have thought that I cheated on him and has probably moved on with a girl prettier than me."

" I am sorry to hear this, please don't be upset."

" I miss him, I want to tell him at least once that I love him truly and I didn't cheat him. I was stuck in this bullshit but before I was locked in, George asked me to call him and tell him that I fell in love with someone else and would be moving away from here. Had I not followed his instruction, George would have killed him." She put her hands on her face and started crying. She doesn't want to shed tears in front of him

"Don't worry when we get outta here at first we will find him and you can tell him everything."

Ken was watching the tears coming down her face. He felt so bad for her. He didn't know what was the most painful part. She had a boyfriend, or she still missed her boyfriend. He did not know about these feelings so could not imagine the pain.

After a while, Hellen wiped her tears and then said with a smiley face.

"You know what, Ken. If I didn't have a boyfriend I would choose you. Even if you were the ugliest man ever."

"Are you insulting me? Come on girl you broke my heart" Both of them laughed.

Ken started watching in her eyes as they were so beautiful her tears shine like small diamonds and her nose turns red. She looked prettier while weeping but to him, that was all.

She was just any other beautiful girl for him and if a situation arose, he would hesitate to abandon her to save his own life. As for feeling, they were for the weak.

While he was immersed in his thoughts, Suddenly there was a knock at the door and as she walked towards it, a tall man came into her room and tried to persuade her to help the doctor.

She had been working with him for a long time and has more knowledge of magic, more than any other practitioner. Dr. George wanted her back to work but she refused.

That tall man wore a microphone and a white uniform. He wore black glasses and white shoes.

'He doesn't have a fashion sense' Ken thought to himself.

He was standing close to her as he spoke, and they stood near the door which was far from Ken.

He couldn't listen to what they were talking about so he muttered the spell and silently listened to their discussion. What he did not notice was that he unconsciously cast the spell without making any kind of gesture which was an impossible feat for any magician.