
Hellen continuously refused that man, who entered her cell and he seemed to be very angry with her. He grabbed her by the right arm and dragged her out of the room.

Ken grew extremely angry when he saw her helpless. He wanted to do something but he could not react to it as if he did so, they will realize he is related to her at some point and their secret would be exposed.

Even though he wanted to react, Ken controlled himself as it was not worth exposing himself at this point. Moreover, he still had some doubts regarding Hellen. He decided to wait for her to return and then know the details from herself.

Feeling tense, Ken tapped on the ground with his feet. 'Today I will clear my doubts about Hellen face to face' he thought while thinking about future plans.

He lay down on the bed and started towards the ceiling. His thoughts were in a whirl. He remembered some bits of his childhood.

He went back to the time when he was taken by the people of the organization from the orphanage. It was very dark inside and the truck was driven very silently across the roads. Ken was also asleep along the way but woke up by the bumping produced when the truck crossed over a rough patch.

He woke up fearful and became breathless. He started looking around in the darkness, feeling scared. He wanted to cry because of fear but couldn't do so.

Ken started looking toward his mates from the orphanage. They were sleeping deeply but he couldn't sleep because he wanted to do something. Feeling the shortness of breath, Ken longed for the fresh air as the container felt stuffy.

He got up and carefully crossed his fellows by walking through their bodies without disturbing anyone. He reached the door of the container. Finding the keyhole, Ken closed one eye and stuck the other on the keyhole, and looked outside.

He saw three more containers of the same color and size following their container.

He sat down helplessly and fear took over him as he knew that they won't be able to escape. He didn't know where they were going but their methods were very unpleasant. He knew they were in trouble.

Suddenly he heard the sound of brakes squealing. Their trucks stopped there and lined up one after the other.

A man opened the door. He was bald and had a rifle in his hand. He wore a black uniform and looked exactly like rangers Ken saw in movies. He was very impressed by his personality as he also dreamt of becoming a secret agent like him.

That black man sprayed something inside the container and after five minutes, he shouted.

" Wake up everyone and come out, hurry up, we have no time to stay there".

All the kids woke up and were fearful of what happened next but Ken was not scared of him he asked "Is it a real rifle? Can I touch it?".

That man looked at Ken with surprise and then let out a smile. "We have a smart one in this batch. Anyway, you are going to love your new home. Now no questions. Get down and follow instructions."

Ken and his mates came out of this truck one by one. As he looked around, Ken noticed that they were in front of a very unique-looking house. It was very luxurious and seemed like the big old building of a rich man.

It seemed to be constructed in ancient times and was made of stones with a brown gate which opened with a heavy rasp and lights came out of the gate.

A delicate woman was standing at the door to welcome them. She wore a black shirt and the other things were blurred in his mind. The only thing about her he had clearly remembered was her smile which was very bright and gave an innocent look to her face.

She warmly welcomed all the children and they were lined up before going to their bedrooms.

When they arrived inside the Hall, it was very spacious and well decorated. There was a big golden chandelier hanging on the ceiling of the entryway. The whole hall was lit up by this. While they were busy looking at the surroundings, the delicate woman introduced herself.

"I am Laura and I am your caretaker, there are other sisters here who will also take care of all of you. You are our guests and safe here with us. If you need anything then tell your caretaker without hesitation." She pointed at the right side where ten women wearing the same uniforms were standing along the wall.

All of these women dressed nicely and their hair was well managed. They also wore a white fascinator on their heads.

Laura clapped and ordered them to take the children to their rooms and bathe them. Though scared, the children started to follow after these sisters as they seemed warm and friendly.

As they followed behind these sisters, Ken remembered seeing many paintings on both walls that gave them an artistic look.

The sisters directed them toward the first floor where six rooms were consecutively arranged. They arranged five children in each room.

When the first floor was occupied they took the remaining children to the second floor. There were more than ten rooms on each floor. Ken remained at the end of the line and as he wanted a room on the top floor.

He continued looking around. The environment of this institute was very peaceful. The rules, regulations, and discipline make an institute's environment. It's better to say this building was an institute of manners.

One of those women took Ken and five children to the top floor through the stairs. After that one of the sisters took him to the washroom and ordered him to take off his clothes. She wanted to give him a thorough bath but he continually resists her.

He was a shy kid and didn't want to be nude in front of a strange woman. While thinking about this he chuckled. The best part of this memory was the war between him and his caretaker.

She tried her best to take off his clothes but he was not willing to obey her in any way.

It was a type of challenge for him. He gripped the pipe and hung to it like a monkey. She tried to pull him free but he was stubborn. Ken didn't lose his grip in this battle, his shirt ripped and he began listening.

" Get out of here, I am not a kid, I can take a bath by myself. We do everything in our own hands without the help of anyone. I am an orphan and trained to do things by myself."

By hearing this she left the bath and waited for him. It seemed that even though they were kidnapped, the caretakers were not allowed to use any kind of force with them.

He turned on the tap and set it to normal temperature and squeezed rose fragranced body wash on a loofa. He started rubbing it on his body and it smelled very luxurious. He saw a bottle of shampoo and pitched half of the bottle in the tub.

Thinking back on these memories, Ken could not help but wonder why he was so relaxed at that time. Moments ago he was scared and wanted to escape but upon reaching that building, it was as if he was at home and nothing was abnormal.

He sang his favorite clapping song and took luxurious baths. Ken started playing with bubbles and scents, which he enjoyed a lot. After he finished bathing he saw himself in the mirror and wrapped a soft white towel around his body. He liked these things but was in doubt of being kidnapped or adopted.

When he came out of the shower, he saw sister waiting with a pair of ironed suits for him.

Feeling confessed, he asked her for help to wear clothes. She was a nice woman, so helped him without saying a single word. She brushed his hair. He carried a white shirt with black pants and brown shoes.

"I don't use such soft clothes in an orphanage. We have three shirts and trousers. We wash them if they get dirty and then wear them again till they are old enough to be torn apart."

Sister smiled when she heard this and then gently gave a reply.

"Don't worry, your life here will be fun and you will eat to your fill. You will enjoy your life here."

He thanked her and followed her directions to the dining room. His alertness from before had vanished.

While walking, he touched his hair and felt they were very silky and smooth and the outfit was very neat.

When he walked toward the dining room he saw all the kids walking out of their rooms toward the dining room and everyone was dressed very nicely. They were all looking in good shape compared to their previous lives.

They reached the room and saw that the room was illuminated with a lot of bulbs and uncountable candles were lighting the room.

There were three long dining tables with a plate, fork, spoon, and glass for each child. As he was looking at the decoration of the room and furniture, a bell rang and five men came there in a line with dishes in both their hands. Those dishes were filled with chicken burgers, fries, and pizza slices.

After this, they served mango, orange, and peach juices. Children yelled with joy because the table was filled with the food they loved.

Ken was also very pleased to see other kids but worried about their kind behavior. Even though he was happy about their behavior and the way all the children were treated, he could not help remembering a line from a story he read.

'The one who behaves politely at the start becomes a villain at the end of the story' he mumbled to himself.

He heard the sound of the door opening and returned to the present.

Hellen came back to her room and was very disturbed. She sat on her bed and sighed.

"What happened Hellen? Anything to share with me?"

" Can you please stop watching me without permission? I am already very disturbed please give me a little privacy."

"Ok if you require it, I won't disturb you."

Ken lay down on his bed by turning his back toward her cell. Ken dislikes secrets, especially relating to his partners.

She felt guilty but at that time she had to be strict with him. She needed privacy and space to make important decisions. She was very confused about the offer of Dr. George because she doesn't want to help him with his evil plans.

She was very important to him because she was searching about magical powers and magic-related things from the beginning and could help speed up his plans.