Tricked! AGAIN.

"Hey, Ken," Hellen called. She tried to get his attention.

"I want to discuss something serious with you and need your advice."

Ken was listening to her but he did not respond. He remembered yesterday when she behaved rudely with him and wanted to show some temper.

"I know you are listening to me, you are just pretending like you don't. You are right, I deserved this."

"Okay then. Good night Ken, we will talk tomorrow. I am sorry to offend you."

Ken still heard her speaking, but didn't answer, deciding to wait till tomorrow as she had already said good night for the day.

Suddenly a man came into his room with medicine. As usual, he pretends to swallow a tablet but when that man gets out of his room with a slow walk. He spits out that tablet in a discrete so that if there were anyone watching, they won't be able to notice and secures it under his mattress where he already collected three tablets and a long needle from a syringe.

Dealing with this, he closed his eyes but couldn't sleep. At that moment he cherished his sister's advice from the first orphanage.

"If you want to deal with tomorrow's problems, take a nice sleep today. A good sleep makes a man strong." It was one of those little memories which remained stuck in his brain from childhood.

He couldn't sleep so he tried to change his position. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep. After struggling for half an hour, the fairy of sleep finally took him into her embrace.

Whether he wants to or not, he has to sleep because they are giving him those sleeping pills and he doesn't want them to know he isn't talking to them. if he doesn't seem to fall asleep, they might get curious so that was the other reason for trying hard to sleep.

Who can't sleep well after a busy day of continuous mental work?

Morning came, yawning Ken tried to move and noticed that he was almost falling off the bed. Trying to get himself back up, he tried to sit up in a rush and slipped. His jaw smashed against the floor. He touched his jaw that was red due to the fall and tried to call Hellen but he remembered the incident of last night and decided to wait.

Focusing his attention on other matters, he noticed the growling from the stomach, standing up, he walked in front of the camera.

"I want something to eat. I am underfed. Please send that cheerful man to my room who brings delicious dishes".

He started waiting for a meal and kept walking around in his room.

"Ken, are you there?"

"Oh, wait let me eat my breakfast first then we'll talk."

" I am sorry Ken for my actions, but please don't do this to me. Can we be normal again?"

She was apologetic about her behavior, but Ken still remembered her words, and the trust level had fallen off a little.

"No, I am not your friend or anything. Because you don't respect me and want to tousle me only as an escape from your troubles.

I just wanted to help you as I felt your distress but you don't need me, you don't need anybody,"

Ken replied with an indifferent tone, trying to get a reaction to see if he could still have some trust in her or not.

"Yeah! You are right. You can shout as loud as you want as I am the only one hearing but we have to help each other to get out of here. Our troubles should not affect our planning."

"Ok, I accept, but don't talk to me because it is not a suitable time to discuss anything as I am a very empty stomach and when I feel hungry my mood changes into a wild beast without any spell, and I am geared up to quarrel."

"Ok fine, I am waiting. Finish your meal and then talk to me. You were right, I am in difficulty and need your advice."

"Yeah, I will call you."

'Where are you, my real friend'? Ken muttered.

"Did you say something to me?"

"Nope! Didn't call for you, I was talking to myself"

"Ok.." She replied with a confused reaction.

Suddenly the sound of the door opening reached his ears. The stream of joy renewing him, he turned his face around as he thought his breakfast had appeared but happiness turned into sadness when he looked toward the door.

His heart broke and grief covered his face.

A man was carrying a white lab coat and big glasses on his face. His face was as small as a seven-year-old boy's. He gripped a trolley with both of his hands which carried a Blood pressure cuff, some injections, and an IV bottle.

When he saw Ken's angry expression, the underage scientist became afraid and slipped. The trolley also rolled away from him.

When Ken saw him with the medicine tray instead of his meal he became angry but he chuckled at seeing fear on this doctor's face because of him.

He came near to him and asked, "Do you know who I am?"

"Yeah I know, you killed three people on our team. If you don't want to, I don't have to give you a checkup but please for god sake don't kill me ". He replied with a trembling voice. The fear in his eyes was visible.

When he slipped his legs uncovered a bit and his yellow joggers became visible and attracted Ken's attention.

"Why don't you wear a complete pair, both of your socks are different".

" I got ready in seven minutes so I didn't get enough time to find the pair, I got these two and got ready in a hurry. I forget a lot of things except for creepy ones"

" Listen, I am not a devil, I am stuck here. I didn't kill any of your partners by my own will. I don't even know what they look like. He uses me for his experiments and if all of this doesn't stop, he will make me his living weapon who can kill anybody on his command."

Saying all this, Ken looked at the doctor in front of him and decided to be rational this time to create a good impression on this doctor as well on George.

"Ok, I am ready. Let me sit on my bed."Ken walked towards his bed and sat down calmly, revealing his arm indicating that he was ready.

"So, what's your name?" Ken asked as he wants to make the environment more comfortable for him.

"I am Peter." The doctor replied in an indifferent voice as he started to do the checkup.

He checked Ken's nerves and injected a blue liquid into his body.

Ken didn't resist in front of him because he wanted to build trust in him, also because he knew nothing would change even if he did.

After injecting the blue liquid into Ken's body, the doctor walked back a little. Ken wanted to talk further when he suddenly felt a numbing sensation taking over all his body. Within seconds, he lost feeling all over his body.

Not being to move even a finger, Ken looked at the doctor with a strange expression as if demanding an explanation.

" I am not silly like them. Do you think I believe you? you can kill me!. I saw you while you were killing them, you smiled whenever you saw blood. Maybe you were right, you were not evil but somewhere inside your body, a devil was waiting to come out. I won't let you kill me. I don't want to be killed by a subject."

Ken stared at him with cold expressions with eyes stuck on his face.

"Don't gaze at me like this. It was just a dose of a drug made by me. It helps me in analyzing you with patience and you can't move for forty to fifty minutes which is enough for me to check you and get out of this room."

Ken did not like killing innocent people but in Petter's case, he wanted to do it. He was getting the urge to move and snap this doctor's neck in an instant but was incapable of doing so.

'If I ever caught you, I will inject you with the same liquid and force you to hear my adventurous stories.' Ken thought as he looked toward Peter with eyes bulging due to anger.

Peter checked his blood pressure and removed the stethoscope from his shoulder and started checking his breath rate. Everything was normal but the breath rate was slightly faster than normal.

" You seem fit and fine. You are a strong man. I am sorry to do this to you without warning you but the reality is that I was scared of you and didn't want to give you a single chance." He felt regret and possibly fear so tried to explain his reasoning but Ken bought non of it and kept staring.

He lifts Ken's hand, searching for the vein, and taps on it to make it visible. He put a needle in it and fastened a Bernoulli in it.

After this, he fixed a drip with this needle, adjusted its speed, and hung it on a stand near to him.

It was a fifteen-centimeter-long transparent pouch with yellow-colored liquid.

" Don't worry it will be finished within half an hour and it will just strengthen your body."

Ken looked at the turtle speed drops and could help but curse. He wanted to have breakfast but got stuck with this.

Finishing his business here, Peter started to pack everything and walked towards the door, ready to leave.