
Ken felt like a robot as he couldn't feel any of his limbs while laying on the bed like a dead body.

Waiting for the medicine to lose its effect, Ken closed his eyes when he suddenly heard the door being opened again and the chef with his usual tray walked in.

Feeling hungry, Ken wanted to just stand up and engulf everything that was brought in but no matter how much he tried, he couldn't lift even one finger.

Moving his towards the chef, Ken gestured him to help but it was to no avail as he just stood there watching while the drip finished. After that, he walked forward and pulled out the syringe from his arm with a jerk, and collected the bottle.

Putting them inside a blue bag and sealing it, the chef walked out of the room without saying any word while the food tray was still placed beside Ken.

Cursing for a while inside his heart, Ken moved his eyes towards the tray to see what was brought in for his breakfast.

A big bowl with painted flowers covered by a blue lid seemed to be filled with some gravy-like dish and garlic bread, arousing his hunger even more.

'I don't know what this bowl is filled with but I just know their recipes are best.'

'Oh, God! I hope this suffering ends soon. I want to taste it melting on my tongue. Its fragrance is killing me with hunger.'

Ken looked towards the food with intense eyes as if trying to distract himself.

'Just ten minutes more and I will finish it within seconds.' He thought.

Sweat made his face wet as he was trying to do his best to move but it was to no avail. According to what that doctor said, there should only be 5 minutes left but for him, it felt like an eternity.

While wondering if he should chat with Hellen in the meantime, a tingling sense suddenly came from his spine, and with that the unbearable pain. Doing his best to control, Ken bit on his lips but it was too much.

A howl filled with misery escaped from his mouth and he suddenly rolled out and fell on the floor. George was watching all this from the monitoring room while Ken tried to bear this pain as veins on his body turned purple that was visible on the screen.

George seemed anxious at seeing this as Ken was his successful subject so far but he controlled himself and let Ken deal with it himself.

If he wants, George could send his agents to help him feel better but he knows Ken would not die from this pain and if he can't even survive from this, he doesn't deserve to become his living weapon.

He was staring at the monitor with an increased heartbeat and in doubt of his capabilities. It was not pre-planned but a nice way to check his strength.

"Come on, you can do this, just stay for five more minutes and this pain ends." George muttered as he watched Ken rolling on the ground.

While he watched Ken struggling to maintain his body condition George called the staff room and said, "Robert kindly send that laboratory operator who checked subject 100 today."

The voice of a young man replied, ''Yes sir, I am sending him toward the office. Do You need anything else?"

"No Robert, it's enough for now. Thank you very much."

"Peter, Mr. George wants you in his office." Robert walked into a room as he told Peter.

" I will go but tell me, is everything okay?" Peter asked as he knew, he had made a mistake and he was scared about this.

"If you don't talk any nonsense then, of course, everything will be okay, don't worry."

"I have done something without permission. I gave him a drug that paralyzes his body for forty-five minutes because I was scared of him a lot as he would become threatening without any reason and kill anybody in front of him. I didn't do this with negative intentions, I was just trying to protect myself."

"How dare you do something without permission? I will try to save you but I think Mr. George will dislike this."

Peter was very much scared about all this happening. He didn't know his injection had created a severe reaction in Ken's body.

He was a coward, his hands were shaking with fear and he took cold steps toward the office. He wants to run from this condition but won't because he knows death awaits deserters.

Each step he was taking increased his heartbeat, reaching the door, he calmed himself down and encouraged himself that everything was alright. It was just a routine interview.

As he was going to open the door, he muttered "why did you do this stupid thing, you came alive from his cell but he doesn't spare your life. Please God help me. I don't want to die. I have not married yet."

As he opened the door, he saw Mr. George was sitting in the dark, all the lights were turned off and the dim light coming from the monitors lightened up the face of George because he was sitting in front of them and continuously staring at Ken.

He picked up the red receiver and dialed a number. When he touches any button it makes a different sound and makes Peter more worried.

A bell rang and Mr. George put a receiver on the speaker.

Robert picked up the call and asked, "Mr. George, how can I help you?"

"Robert, please send my favorite blade to my office." He disconnected the call and didn't say a single word to Peter.

When Peter heard this he recognized this is for his punishment. The wave of fright ran through his body and drops of sweat ran on his face, his body turning cold.

His face looked like he was going to cry soon. 'What should I do now?' he thought.

He decided to beg in front of Dr. George to spare his life. He came near to him and sat on his knees. " Mr. George I am sorry I know that is my fault but I was just doing this for my defense. I don't mean to harm him or affect your experiment. Please spare my life. I have an old mother who is waiting for me at home."

George didn't reply to him and said." Keep quiet and stand there" he gestured toward the left side of the table.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

Robert came inside the office. He had a big sword with a dragon engraved on it and something written on it which was not understood by Peter.

Robert tried to convince George to spare Peter's life but when he tried to start a conversation George pointed toward the screen and said "Don't talk to me, look at this, he is controlling his condition."

He looked toward Peter and said "Pray he will be alright. If he lives, I will reward you because if you hadn't done this, I wouldn't perceive his strength and willpower. But if he dies I will kill you."

Peter was very troubled and stared at the monitor. George, Robert, and Peter were staring toward the monitor. They all were waiting for the end of this.

Ken was forced to endure a strong pain but he had strong enough willpower to overcome it.

The pain began to abate and his veins' color returned to their normal condition. Ken stopped yelling and lay down on the floor. The relief he felt at that moment is inexpressible.

As the pain faded, so too did Ken's struggle to stay awake. His eyes were just narrowly opened and then fluttered closed and he stopped moving.

Robert sent a medical team to his cell to check whether he is alive or not. Peter's face turned yellow and George seemed in anger at his facial expressions.

George came near to Peter and asked, "Do you have any last wish?"

"Please, I just did that for defense. I had no bad intentions"

George listened to the plea with cold eyes, as he slowly opened his mouth.

"I want to kill you with my favorite way of killing. I will give you cuts on your wrists and feet, you will hang on the roof till every drop of your blood flows down from your body."

The medical team came into Ken's room and started diagnosing his condition. They checked his heart and it had stopped pumping. He was not breathing. Shaking their heads, they stood up to inform George.

Before they were able to pass this information to the main room, the equipment attached to Ken suddenly made a sound and his heart was beating again.

They lifted him and laid him down on his bed while performing a comprehensive analysis. He woke up and started looking toward the tray. Everyone in the room was trying to know what he was looking for.

"What happened to me?" Ken asked.

"You nearly died," One of those men responded without batting an eye as he continued to monitor Ken's vitals.

"Oh! But I am still hungry." There was silence in the room for a minute before someone could not hold it on and let out a small chuckle.

Seeing all this on the monitors, George calmed down and started laughing. Peter became comfortable when he saw Ken alive and started laughing with George.

"My reward sir?" Peter asked with a smile on his face.

"Robert, give him his reward, and remember don't deceive him"

"Ok sir, as you wish," he pulls his gun out of his jacket quickly and shoots him directly in the center of his forehead.

He was not hoping for this reward, his eyes were opened wide in shock and he fell to the ground.

"I have told you, Dr.George will be angry with you, you were lucky he gave you an easy way to die," Robert said and walked out of the room while dragging the body with him.