Dr George?

The resuscitation team walked out of the room, for a moment when his heartbeat stopped, they had all thought Ken was dead but he came back again it was not less than a miracle.

Seeing them going out, Ken recalled the experience that felt like an eternity to him. He was glad that it's over but also somewhat angry. If possible he would have killed everyone in his sight but didn't have the strength to do so.

Feeling feeble, Ken struggled to push himself upright against the bed frame, growling in the pain. He was hurting and felt a weird pain throughout his body.

'I have overcome a lot of hardships which are tougher than this condition. I can cross this one too.' He thought as he tried his best.

He dragged the tray toward himself and uncovered the bowl.

The spicy and delicious fragrance was charming. His mouth started watering.

He saw noodles floating in the chicken soup. " Oh! Is it chowmein? I love their taste. I think I am a food lover." Joking to distract himself from the pain, he prepared to eat.

Picking up the utensils, Ken started to eat, taking big bites. Hunger made him swallow without chewing as he dipped the bread in the soup. "Oh, it tastes so good".

Even though he was locked in here and was nothing more than a test subject. This didn't stop him from enjoying his meal, as his principle was to enjoy your food no matter what kind of situation you are in.

As he finished his meal, his tray vanished. Picking up the bottle of water, he finished it within a second and threw it away.

After eating, Ken realized his mistake. He forgot that anyone who worked here is not innocent as they knowingly experimented on humans.

'I was just trying to behave nicely with him but he doesn't deserve good manners.' Thinking this, Ken shook his head as an embarrassed smile crept on his face.

'Oh shit! I forgot about her.' He said to himself as he remembered about Hellen.

"Hellen, are you there?" he asked but didn't get any reply.

"Are you angry with me?" Ken asked because he thought maybe she might still be unhappy with how their last conversation had ended.

He thought for a second about what to do and then muttered "I should use that spell again. Is it okay to see her without her permission?"

"Nah! I don't think she will mind. After all, she taught me, I think she felt proud of me." He chuckled at the thought and murmured "Vis videre non-sit-in" and snapped.

Hellen's cell was visible to him now. He saw Hellen sleeping calmly on her bed and hugging her pillow tightly.

'Oh gosh! She is so damn beautiful. At least, I have such entertainment here. Otherwise, I might go crazy from boredom.'

He was in pain but still wanted to enjoy the scenery so he lay down on the bed and turned towards the wall.

He started looking at her by focusing on her features one by one in detail. He saw her hair looking like the rays of the sun when light strikes them and travels between them.

She looked very cute with closed eyes, but her eyes seem to deliver more than her voice when she is awake. Her nose was so small and seemed like it was sharpened with a sharpener.

As Ken was busy taking in these features of the opposite sex, he suddenly remembered what one of his colleagues said about this.

"Ken, sometimes you look like a creep when it comes to women. You stare at them like a wolf. Are you sure you are ok?"

Remembering this, he chuckled but still continued his observation. His motto was to appreciate beauty as much as he could and whenever he gets the chance to.

He looked toward her lips. They looked like rose petals. Pink and soft he wants to kiss her so deep but unfortunately, he can't touch her.

'This loneliness is driving me mad.' He wondered.

She wore a silver chain that was shining brightly, giving an impression of expensive accessories. The pendant of her locket rested inside her shirt. She wore a plum-colored silk shirt and she didn't close the top button. She was looking charming as her skin was glowing and looking very soft. Her loose plum trousers and knot of pink button seduced him more.

While he was looking toward her, his eyes slipped from her neck to her breast and that scene was unexplainable as words are not able to describe the feeling Ken felt. She was very charming to him.

He wants to hold her by her waist and then grab her so tight that she can hear his heartbeat. He wants to grip her tight so she can feel safe in his arms. He wants to let her know that he can protect her from all the danger and with him, she doesn't need to worry about anything.

He was sure that she trusted him, but she was not dependent on him because she was unfamiliar with him and didn't know he was more than she thought.

She was looking like a princess Ken imagined himself with. It made him feel happier and a lovely smile appeared on his face. He loves to stare at her like this as he knows she doesn't know, she was in a deep sleep, which gave him a chance to observe her at her most vulnerable.

He took a deep breath and thought 'when we get out of all this shit I would like to invite you for dinner and we will spend an amazing time together, I promise.'

He was waiting for her to wake up but she wasn't.

"I wish I could meet you in better conditions."

Ken still felt pain, he took a deep breath and walked toward the door, he knew he felt better if he took that hot wax bath. He knocked at the door but got no response.

He knocked again but more loudly while cursing from time to time. Getting no response from there, he walked towards the camera and waved in front of it.

Just when he was wondering if someone was watching him or not, the speakers made a sound and a voice came from it.

"What do you need?"

Ken looked at the camera and replied with a painful expression.

"I am in so much pain that I can't even rest so I would like to go to the pool to relax and heal."

There was silence for a moment and after some time, the voice sounded again.

"Dr. George allowed it so someone will be there to escort you. Any resistance and you will continue to suffer. Understand?"

Ken looked at the camera and shrugged, like whatever.

After some time, the door opened and two guards came in with live weapons. They asked Ken to turn around, bound his hands, and covered his face.

Ken showed some struggle but just barely as he really wanted to go to the pool to heal and relieve some pain.

As they were walking down the corridor and Ken was busy counting his steps, he heard someone walk past him. Not knowing who it was, Ken just continued walking but when he heard the guards greeting that person as Dr. George, he instinctively tried to turn around to see even though he had a black cloth on his face.

Failing in his attempt, Ken did not struggle much and came to the pool area.