Can We Trust Him?

When he stepped into the room he felt a slight odor of lilies. "Its fragrance has changed today. Would you smell different today or not?" Ken asked with a frown on his face, acting like he didn't like the change.

Of course, that was not the only reason. He had doubts in his mind that maybe they did something to this wax or were trying to do something with him. As they were also magic-related people so he thought maybe these things have a kind of connection.

One of those white men replied" you are injured internally. That is the reason you are here to take a bath in a different type of wax than usual, it's for curing your internal injuries."

"That's great. As I thought earlier, you guys are really important people here as many injured subjects will need your help."

"What did you say? We are what?" One of the men asked curiously.

"You are Healers or medics in the modern sense. I appreciate your co-operations." Ken replied with exciting expressions on his face and his sparkling eyes to make them believe in him. While inside his heart, he could not help but sigh wondering what was he doing but to gain their trust it was needed.

Both chuckled and one of them replied. "This is our duty and no one considers us an important part of this place but you did. You are a little annoying but a gentleman."

Ken took off his gown. His back was filled with different kinds of scars, knives, bullets, and also being snapped by animals. He looked at himself in a mirror and observed his body and the scars.

Letting out a sigh, Ken dipped his legs into the small pool and relaxed while gently massaging his legs from time to time when suddenly his eyes landed on the wound that he got in the jungle while he was trying to escape.

Pulling out his leg from the pool, Ken observed it while remembering Stephen and how he helped him to get out of that hell.

He remembered the smile on his face in his last moments and thought about that sweet girl who was waiting for her grandfather to lift her in arms and play with her.

'I made a promise to him and I stuck there. I need to wind up all this mess as soon as possible.'

Ken thought as he looked towards the mirror.

He looked down and saw his reflection in the pool" sorry Mr. Stephen." he muttered as he had the guilt of being late to reach his granddaughter and jumped into it. He swam to its depth and then sat down in it. He liked the silence in its depth and started thinking about that short girl.

After around 2 minutes, Ken finally couldn't hold anymore and surfaced while his thoughts were still stuck on Stephan's granddaughter.

Sitting down to relax, Ken let go of everything and cleared his mind about these messy thoughts, not allowing them to disturb his mind, and started to rack his brain to think about the new ideas.

Taking a deep breath, he calmed himself down and fell asleep while floating in the pool.

On the other side, Hellen woke up, expecting to hear Ken's voice but he didn't call her. She was full of anger as her face turned red and she started walking around the room in haste.

' What the hell? I told him that I had something important to talk about and he didn't care at all.'

Hellen took a deep breath and sat on his bed in anger. 'He wants to be moody then so be it.' she thought.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and she turned around. A boy with a cute appearance entered inside.

" Jazz, what are you doing there?" She asked shockingly.

Jazz was a teenager of nearly fifteen years old, his green flashing eyes and dimple on the left cheek made him cuter. He had a little dusty brown skin tone. His skin tone was not very dark or fair, he lied between both of these tones.

The slightly dark complexion on his face made him more attractive. He had curled hair and a slim smart body. Jazz wore a red T-shirt with the logo of his favorite rapping singer and destroyed jeans. His sneakers were white and black in color. He was looking like a stylish and modern boy of his age.

He was breathing heavily and hugged Hellen tightly."Thank god you are alive I was very worried about you. I came as fast as I could when I heard they kept you in the cell". Jazz said while hugging her tightly.

His eyes were filled with tears and it seemed like he was going to weep soon.

Hellen felt uncomfortable, she dabbed at his back and pushed him away at some distance by holding his arm and dragged him to the side.

she told him " I am fine, look at me. I don't get a single wound or they don't do anything with me. I am perfectly alright and you don't need to be sorry for me. They can't harm me because George needs me and I am trying to make a plan to get out of here."

Jazz sobbed and looked at her with doubtful eyes" Are you sure, you are alright?"

Jazz was kind of over-sensitive in Hellen's case.

"Look at me, I am in front of you. Have you seen any scars on my body?" She held his face and asked while standing up."

Hellen took him as a young boy who might be her friend but not more than this. But for Jazz, she was the most charming and beautiful girl he had ever seen.

He always tried to spend separate time with Hellen rather than work. Jazz was a young and quick boy, who did things without thinking about them.

Being naive, Jazz took serious matters for granted but was the computer programming expert this is the reason everyone deals with him nicely as they need him.

He cared about Hellen but Hellen thinks this is silly as he was younger than her and she doesn't feel anything for him but she doesn't want to break his heart because he has a very soft heart and is sensitive without any improper motives.

"I hate this system Hellen, you just need to tell them that you are guilty about this and then everything becomes normal and we will be together again ."Jazz held her hands, looked into her eyes, and tried to convince her.

"Listen, you can't understand my point of view. All of this they are doing and we are helping them to make it possible are not creditable things. All of these cells and subjects in them are dying day by day" Hellen tried to make him realize the truth as he doesn't see the evil faces of those evil mind people.

"But we both know he is trying to make this world much better"

", which type of betterment he is going to put in this world. He is not an angel Jazz, he is a demon. I saw him when he took the lives of innocent people just because he didn't like their small acts or they made him angry by their small mistakes."

"I saw blood babbling out of the throats of the young poor kids which disturbed him by making noise when he was practicing his important kind of spell". She sighs as sits on the bed and covers her face to hide tears.

"For a second if we believe what you are saying is true still we can't stop him because he is in power and he won't hesitate in taking the life of both of us without a second." Jazz said after taking a deep breath.

"I know, but we have to do something. And clear your mind it's not about only two of us, there was another member in our team and I was talking about the freedom of all of us. I don't want to leave anyone left for him to torcher."

Hearing this, Jazz looked at her with some interest and asked with a confused voice.

"So who is this third one? Can we trust him?"

Hellen gave a nod and replied.

"We can trust him, at least for the time being that is. As for who he is, it's the new guy whom George is experimenting on."

Jazz looked at her with confusion and spoke with a dissatisfied tone.

"Hellen, you know the rule. No attachment to any of the subjects. Don't tell you forgot the rules."

"No, I didn't. We just need him for our plan." Shaking her head, Hellen replied.