New Partner!

Hellen was trying to console Jazz about Ken as she knows he is stronger than both of them and without him, they can't get out of here.

"How long did you know him? you are blindly trusting him and depending on him too much, What happened if he opened his mouth in front of George?

"Ken won't do this, because he is on our side. Ken has been against them from the start and has been continuously resisting them to be free and keeps an eye on their movements that will help you in making further planning. Unlike us, he is more capable of getting out of here."Hellen gave him reasons to trust Ken.

"I don't know about him but I trust you if you believe in him but I can't depend on him completely, otherwise, we will get out of here alone, because the only thing that matters to me is your life."

Jazz was Hellen's junior but he cared about her a lot and is the reason Hellen didn't make a plan without counting him in.

Ken woke up and found himself in the swimming pool frozen in the wax, he yelled for help. One of those white men came inside the room and raised the temperature a little to melt the wax. After this he came out of the pool, wearing his new gown.

They took him toward his cell. He doesn't hear too much but the voice of the coffee machine or distinctly gossiping members of this organization.

He heard a woman crying, her voice trembling in fear.

She was talking to another member in a low voice" They killed him, they don't spare any of us. We are all going to die one after another."

Her member asked, Who killed him. "It was George". She told her with a fearful voice.

"You don't need to talk to anybody even if you know the truth, just forget it or focus on your work. If we complete our task this will all be over soon. Also, you know that it was his fault to begin with."

After this Ken takes a turn and these voices have gone out of his range, he wants to listen to the missing part but he can't, voices become faint and then disappear. He sighs and keeps on walking, deciding to try his new hearing spell after getting back to the cell.

Hellen and Jazz were discussing the day when they separated and what happened next with them.

"I missed you and Marina, the time we spent together when things were not much complex," Hellen said while remembering the past days.

"Yeah, me too. By the way, how is the marina? I feel happy for you if you answer. Are you dating her ?" Asked Hellen while making a funny face.

"Yeah, we are dating because this is her choice even though she knows that I have someone else in my heart." Saying this he tried to hold her hand.

Hellen felt uncomfortable and hesitated to reply but she said "Oh jazzy I can't... I am sorry, you know from the start we are best friends but nothing more than this. You have to understand."

She was trying to persuade him and suddenly Ken asked loudly" Hellen are you there?"

"You are right Ken, I am there, waiting for you." She replied while interrupting her conversation with Jazz.

"You think you're the only person waiting, are you? Eh...I was waiting for you for more than three hours when you calmly slept peacefully in your nightgown." Ken replied angrily.

"Okay leave this, we will sort it out later but now I want to introduce you to a friend" Hellen replied while ignoring his anger.

Ken muttered a spell and was able to see besides the wall.

"This is Jazz, my old friend, and a colleague supporting me from the start of the journey. He always helped me and he is going to help us with our plan. we are going out of here altogether and Jazz this is Ken named as subject 100, he is on our side."

"Oh come on, Hellen you know this is very dangerous and you are dragging this kid in our plan. We can't risk his life. Also, how can you openly talk about escaping when there are cameras in the room."

After Hellen conveyed what Ken said, Jazz had a frown on his face as he looked towards the wall.

"First of all, I am not a kid and am very capable. Secondly, being capable, all the monitoring systems are under my control so there is no chance of someone spying on us."

Ken calmly listened to all this and gave this guy another look. Hellen also came forward to vouch for Jazz.

"Okay then you have to add him at your own risk I do not agree with that".

"Who the hell are you deciding everything, are you assuming you are a leader of our plan?" Jazz asked with his voice full of anger and somewhat jealousy.

"Then who is supposed to lead this mission, a girl without any magic or techniques or you who is an expert on computing but a kid who knows nothing about fighting and can't secure his own life."Ken inquired with a creepy smile on his face.

"Stop fighting like kids, both of you, this is not the time to quarrel with each other. We have to trust each other and make a strong strategy to get out of here." Hellen tried to stop their arguments.

"But he had to talk to me nicely, I am not a kid". Jazz said.

"Okay, we will resolve this later. For now, Jazz you go back as they might start suspecting you if you disappeared for long." Hellen said while pointed toward the door as she doesn't want to put him in trouble.

As he walked out of the room and locked the door from outside. The Cracking sound of the door was heard by her. She noticed that Jazz was angry at her.

"Now, back to the point. Where the hell were you? I waited for ages."

"A psycho medical tester came into my cell and injected me with something that spread in my body and paralyzed me for forty-five minutes. After time passed and I started to get feelings back to my body, I felt extreme pain in my body." Ken explained the tragedy in one sentence fastly without taking any pause.

"I tried to overcome my body pain and then a team of doctors started trying to fix my condition. I don't know how I survived but the reality is that I was not ready to die at any cost…"

He told her the whole story as he looked at her with a frown.

"Of course while I was going through all this, someone was sleeping soundly without any care and when she woke up, the first thing she did was to blame others."

"Oh, I am sorry but I have been very tired in the last few days. That's why I don't get how much time I spend sleeping. By the way, are you alright now?" Hellen replied with an apologetic look on her face, indicating that she was indeed sorry.

"Yeah, I am feeling good, that wax bath was just amazing. I am feeling refreshed."

"That's good, now we have to talk about important things. Dr. George wants me to join him again, the reason is that I study each of his experiments and fossils of magicians in detail with him and I know some secrets which were very important for him."

"Okay, it might be a good chance for us or maybe it turned into the worst one. If you join him he will increase your security and we can't contact each other. On the other hand, it will be a good chance to analyze things outside in an accurate manner, you will be familiar with the security system."

"If I stuck with him this should be impossible to make a plan in the way we are doing now, and you will not be worried about security and alert systems because Jazz can handle them perfectly," Hellen replied with the tension on his face.

"Are you sure we can depend on him as he was too young for these types of troubles?"

"Yeah, he might be but can handle everything perfectly as these are some technology-based things and he is good at them."

"I also have to tell you something about the path from where they took me to the pool. I remembered the way and heard different voices. If I think about them I can make a genuine idea of what was happening outside." Ken told her in excitement."

"You have to use your spells and focus on them as strongly as you can. I am going to teach you more about magic and spells. It does not make you able to resolve everything but you get your hands-on basic things." Hellen was helping him as she had a lot of expectations from him."

"I am ready to learn it by heart, I have already wasted enough time in this trouble. "

"Let's finish it and breathe in the fresh air of freedom". Hellen smiled and motivated Ken.

"Can you hear your heartbeat? Try to focus on it and make it beat slower. When it faints it means your heartbeat is slower than normal."

He took a deep breath and started practicing. In the first step, he exhales air and then lowered his abdomen to lower his heart rate. He failed in doing this.

While he was busy with meditation, the door of the room suddenly opened and a man in a white jacket walked in.