
The man entered the room holding a small tray with a tablet and juice. He walked towards Ken and gave them to him while waiting for ken to finish them.

As usual, Ken pretended to take the pill and drank the juice. After the man went out, he took the pill out and hid.

Finished with this, he lay down on the bed and conversed with Hellen.

"Hellen I have a question in my brain. Dr. George is not the right man but he takes care of each subject a lot. Why?" Ken asked as he was curious about his personality.

'If he is an evil person and kills anyone without hesitation then why he is providing his subjects enough food and environment.' He questioned himself.

"This is because magic has a relation with the soul and a healthy soul can attach itself with magic quickly and strongly, so he tried to give the best environment to all of his subjects. For the world, he is the courteous and most honest man as he treated everyone nicely but if you made him angry somehow, then your life will become hell."

By hearing this Ken let out a sigh while looking towards the roof.

Ken was thinking that George is just a psychopath who was trying to mold the world according to his evil ideas but it was not just about his idea. There must be other powerful people who support him from behind the scenes Because how a single person afford all of these expenses alone by a professorship?

He now knows that the doctor had the support of some rich and strong people, who were assigning him weapons and resources.

By hearing the gossips of the worker one point was clear in his mind that nearly most of the people were forcefully prisoned there and they don't want to work with George.

He asked" Hellen can you please tell me your story from the beginning when you joined him? It may help me in planning things more clearly. I want to know more about Dr. George"

"There is no need to repeat those useless things, this is just a waste of time." she made an awkward impression, it looks like she has bitter memories regarding her past.

"Just answer my question," Ken pressed on as he wanted to get out of this place as soon as he can and needed to know everything he could.

Hearing this, Hellen let out a sigh as he felt Ken,s mood.

"I was in the final year of medical study and Dr. George was a professor in that institute. He had joined our university as an intern but became a permanent professor of biotechnology at that university. He was also the most popular professor as he always stands with students right."

"All the subjects he was experimenting on are his students,? Right?" Ken inquired with shocking expressions as he was thinking 'how a professor can play with the lives of hundreds of students?'

"Yeah, nearly seventy percent of subjects were students, and the other thirty percent who died were replaced by people like you." She replied with a low voice because she was ashamed of helping him at the start.

"People like me? what do you mean by this?"

"I mean by tricking or kidnapping, they took many people there, especially visitors or passengers. This is working on a strategy as there are some criteria when they kidnap people from outside. They have to consider many factors while bringing someone in."

" What do you mean by abilities? " Ken asked curiously.

"Well in simple words, when we are talking about magic and science together we had to consider that only 2% people of the entire world can feel mana so they try to focus on them. Of course, they can't just check everyone to see if they can feel mana so there are other factors to be considered. Like Strength, Agility, Endurance, Will- Power, Strength, and Wisdom."

After hearing this Ken felt confused as he remembered that he was targeted as soon as he left the ship so he asked Hellen about this.

Hellen was silent for a moment and then replied.

"Well, it may be because you are well build so they started the test as soon as you came here. There are many eyes on the port scanning for new visitors so must have caught the eye of one of them. Also, they have a testing machine here that only needs more than 1 minute to give results about cell activity of a person from just a strand of their hair."

Ken pondered on what Hellen said and remembered that someone bumped into him and his hairs were entangled in another person's ring. He did not felt much at that time but thinking again, it was all planned.

Without waiting for Ken, Hellen continued.

"At that time when he brings us in this lab, it was the breaking news; that many students went missing after going to sea on a yacht. He took all of us with him and then start brainwashing all the students. We were thinking that we are the part of a heroic mission"

"What about the staff and these security agents? How he convinced them to work for him." Ken interjected.

"He made a team of fifteen students who were selected, after solving a biological puzzle experiment. "

"He trained each of us and welcomed us into a secret society. To trap us in all this shit he made us trust in him as he was the noblest man around this world. And we volunteer. "

"The staff outside you heard are graduated students of different fields like biochemistry, cloning, DNA manipulation, binary fission, etc " Hellen explained with a bitter expression.

"Okay, and what happened next?" Ken was questioning her as he was trying to understand what was happening in this building and what are the goals of this doctor.

"After this, we started helping him because we thought he was doing all of this for the benefit of mankind. After thirty days of joining him, he took us to the jungle for further research, and then we traveled across deserts. We found different traces of magic and studied them in detail."

"In mountain ranges, he sends me with a team of five people because he was busy with other urgent work. The area we went to was special as it had many secrets. He trusted me a lot, I was working as his personal magic practitioner."

"Where is that power then?" Ken asked hurriedly as he was curious about this.

"All the information of that area is mapped in my brain, this is the reason he wants me back. He had two parts of his research and one part is in my brain. Well, I don't know what it is but whenever I am in trouble, I get clues and sometimes even spells that just appear in my mind and I can use them. The spells I am teaching you are those I learned before he snatched my powers. Of course, Dr. George doesn't know this."

"What would happen if he got all three parts? What are his plans after that?"

"There are four parts in total, the main part of this is buried somewhere underground and no one knows which is the exact place. These three parts which he got involving me, collectively solved the mystery of the fourth part if anyone understands the clues. If he completed all the four parts, it was the last day of humanity, courtesy, life, happiness."

"The study says if any person got such powers of all the four parts collectively, he /she will not be able to control these powers but these powers will control him. It becomes the last day of the life of this world because this globe becomes the home of dead bodies. Dr knows but doesn't believe it. He is greedy for powers, he needs more"

"This sounds very dangerous. I feel that I need to get you out of here more than myself" Ken replied with a worried tone but changed it to a light joke at the end to lift the mood.

She nodded and replied"Yeah more than you are expecting. Because of a spell, I once looked into his memories and it was horrible."

"It means it's nearly impossible for him to collect all the four parts and the part in your brain is secured until you reveal it to him."

"I am doubting about a thing, these four parts belong to what? I mean Are they parts of a book or a part of a specific weapon like a sword or stick?"Ken asked.

"This is the right question. " Hellen replied excitedly.

She cleared her throat and started telling a story.

"There were four gods of magic. God of fire, air, water, and soil. Each of them hid their magical powers inside them and walked to different places."

"To reach that magic we have to cross some puzzles created by them and then follow the clues on their body that tells us the right way and when we are successful we have to cross our scariest nightmare and then we get all the knowledge of those Gods of magic."

"It should not be just written on their bodies, its different for different gods, some hide it inside their body or embroidered them on their teeth, we searched their fossils and suspect the whole area we found their traces, it's very tough and time taking process. This is called the robbery of magic."

"Oh, I am not understanding a single word. I can't believe this shit I mean it's difficult to understand." Ken replied while holding his head in both of his hands.

"Yeah it is not simple, I am telling you it is tough, we just got the knowledge they have but for learning, we have to utilize this magic and remember thousands of year old spells in other languages"

"I know you can't understand all of this, these things are not easy to digest."

" But I know I can figure it out," Ken replied patiently.

"Okay then we have to make a plan first then we will solve things one by one," Hellen said.