
Hellen was hearing and understanding Ken's situation but she can only prepare him for the coming future.

"You are right but first you have to be ready for the coming danger, to defeat them you have to learn about their powers and weak points". Hellen was the only person who could help him as she was also one of them.

"I think, things are complicated for George also".Ken said while making a creepy face.

"How?" She asked confusedly.

"The staff he hired are not pretty happy to work with him because I heard he killed one of them. They are scared of him and we can take it as our plus point"

"In the beginning, he killed people secretly but as becoming more powerful he had no fear of anything. This is the reason he is killing people easily in the daylight."Hellen replied sadly but continued to ask.

" But how would we take advantage of this? "

Hearing this Ken let out a smile and started to explain. " We gain their trust first and then tell the benefits of helping us, thus they might work with us."

"It's a clever trick, but remember I don't want these people killed. We can't just use them, if we enlighten the hope in their heart we must help them. I want you to make a plan that takes all of us out of here, otherwise, we live in guilt and I can't bear such a big burden."

"Alright and don't worry, we will save everyone who is stuck here like us," Ken replied, understanding that she had some bond with the people who worked here as they were her colleagues once.

While they were talking the lights in the room suddenly turned red, indicating that it was time to sleep.

Ken stopped his conversation with Hellen and told her that it was time to sleep and that they will discuss further tomorrow.

"Yeah sure you sleep, I have already slept a lot . As I have nothing else to do, I will see if I improve our plan a little. Before you wake up I'll have the skeleton of our plan ready".

"It sounds better, okay then good night," Ken replied.

"Good night Ken" Hellen wished him with a smile and waved her hand.

Hellen opened her brown-colored pocket diary and brought a pen from her pocket and started writing in it.

Saying goodbye, Ken lay down in his bed and prepared to sleep when the door of the room suddenly opened and a figure walked in. The light was very dim so he couldn't understand who was coming.

He saw a slim-fit body and long hair waving in the air. He thought for today's medicine they sent a lady, he sat seriously and looked at her coming toward him.

As she came near to him, his eyes popped up in wonder and he seemed confused. He rubbed his eyes to confirm.

That was a man who grew his hair long and shaved face. He wore a tight shirt and fitted black pants. Being the man he was supposed to be strong but he looked like a delicate woman.

Ken was perplexed about him so confusedly asked, "Who are you?".

"I am Kate dear, if you need anything you can talk to me. I will help you." the strange man replied in a flirty manner with a heavy voice.

Ken was confused and didn't know what to say. After being silent for a moment he said "so, where are my medicines?"

He gave him the same tablet and Ken hid that tablet under his tongue.

Kate's personality was very annoying, as he tried to touch him. He was a man but behaving like a woman which irritated him too much. Maybe he was gay.

Ken was very irritated by his staring. By the way, he didn't stay much and walked out of his room.

Still feeling quite strange about this encounter, Ken closed his eyes and tried to forget about him/her whatever.

On the other side, Hellen started working on their plan.

She started thinking from the beginning and wrote every single detail in her diary. She was very exhausted from this place.

She collected all the information roaming in her brain and then put it on the paper. Of course, this was a special diary that will only show its contents to her as for others, it will only show gibberish.

Hellen was busy writing and suddenly there was a knock on the door.

A girl with a cute face entered her room and shouted "coffee?''.

"Marina lowered your voice, it's time to sleep," Hellen said..

Marina was the girl who was in love with Jazz, she also had a good relationship with Hellen.

She has blond hair and wears braces on her teeth. This gave her a cute touch, She also wore a pink short top with white leggings.

Marina became a part of all of this trouble due to Jazz, as she followed him and became a part of this organization.

Hellen tried to quiet her but she was not ready to stop talking, she sat near to her and kept talking about the adventure they faced as she was very excited.

Marina is a non-serious girl. She is very talkative and met Helen after a long time so had a lot of things to share with Hellen anxiously she continued talking and didn't stop.

She is very innocent and lovely. She takes care of everyone and helps out where needed.

"So how was your journey, Marina?" Hellen asked while taking a sip of coffee.

Marina paused for a second and then replied" It was very adventurous, we visited mysterious and beautiful places but.."

Seeing her abruptly stop, Hellen looked at her with concern and asked in a polite tone.

"What happened Marina? Why are you looking sad while thinking about this? Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I am just worried about Jazz, he was there with me but lost somewhere else. I think Jazz is not interested in me and it hurts a lot."

" This is your misunderstanding. There is nothing like you are thinking, if he spoils those moments he spent with you then he must be a fool." She chuckled and gave her a slight blow.

Marina smiled and then replied," Maybe you are right but he was continuously talking about you, I think he is serious about you and this is fine."

There was a pin drop silence for some moments, Hellen was thinking about how to explain her personal opinion.

Hellen took a deep breath and then replied to her" He is my best friend but not more than this. I consider him as my junior. I don't know how he thought that this might be possible between us."

Marina was touchy for him, with a smile and teary eyes she says" I tried a lot to tell him the same thing but he was not ready to admit this. He knows I love him but he still thinks about you and talks to me about you, no matter where we are"

Hellen hugged her and asked. "Do you want him to give the same love back to you?"

She nodded and with a spark in her eyes she replied: "Yeah I want to make a place in his heart."

"You behaved like young girls of your age and this is not bad, actually it's good to be naughty, careless, and passionate but everyone has their own choices, some like childish behavior whereas some want a mature and understanding woman."

"You are right but I am ready to change for Jazz?" Marina replied with a reserved smile.

" You have to behave like a mature woman or observe some of their actions, I mean to control your anxiety and talk less in front of him. Dress like mature women. This might attract him and he took you seriously."

"Okay, I gotcha". Marina replied while nodding.

"First of all start ignoring him and stop following him, behave like you have much more important work than him," Hellen told her while glaring at her.

"Okay, I understand even if it's very difficult for me, and you Hellen stop looking at me like this". Mariana notifies her.

She gripped her hands forcefully and said"We will work on you each day, there are lots of things you need to polish, behave nicely like a princess, their attitude and ethics are very impressive."

"Yeah, you are right Hellen. you are amazing". She hugged Hellen tightly and then walked out of the room.

Hellen looked toward her Diary and muttered' you are distracted how easily? we need to settle some matters so you will need to give him some space.'

She again grasped her diary and started writing on it. She was forgetting about some things time by time so it is better to remember all the things by writing.

It was late at night, she was dozing but kept writing. Hellen was a hardworking woman so didn't want to give up till she completed the whole work.

Hellen separated the things into different divisions and then thought about them in detail one by one. It was not easy to focus on everything altogether.

After a while, Hellen closed her to rest a little and decided to work after a short break. Unconsciously she slept there, her head was on the table and diary in her left hand, she loosely gripped her pen in her right hand.

She thought' After ten or fifteen minutes, I will continue my pending work.' but soon slept soundly.