Asking For Help!

In the morning, Ken woke up while dozing, he rubbed his eyes while looking around.

He muttered a spell to see what's going on in Hellen's cell. Her cell was visible to him and he saw her sleeping on the chair.

Ken thought for a moment and then called her with a low voice," Hellen, wake up. You were sleeping the whole night on this table."`

She was in a deep sleep, so didn't hear. Ken realized she was in a deep sleep.

He muttered and smiled,' you need to take a rest, silly girl.'

After a while, Hellen felt cold and looked around with her sleepy eyes and seeing the bed, she stood up and after taking two steps, threw herself on the bed.

Ken wanted to irritate her but he couldn't upon seeing that peace on her face. He decided to practice his previous spells so he can learn best and to focus on them.

As he began to practice, his stomach growled and he felt hungry. He sat on his bed and started waiting for breakfast.

Suddenly he remembered Stephen's stepdaughter and this led him to worry about her.

To calm himself he sat and started to meditate. It relaxes him and gets him out of his worries.

Whenever he thought about her he found himself in guilt. His mood turned off.

There was a knock on the door and a man brought his breakfast. Ken didn't notice who came as he was meditating at the corner of the room.

He got up and walked toward his bed. It was his favorite omelet but his heart was not at peace.

After finishing his meal he muttered a spell to increase his hearing ability and heard a mixture of different voices.

As he focused on the voices, some people were talking to each other about their family problems. Two people on the lowered floor were fighting.

While Ken was still busy listening to different voices in the facility, he suddenly lost focus and a high-pitched noise interrupted him, making him feel dizzy.

Still trying to stabilize himself, he heard Hellen waking up and calling for him.

He responded with a faint voice.

"What happened to you Ken, you are not sounding good," Hellen asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I am worried about some personal affairs. I want to get out of here as soon as possible, I feel suffocated and wanna get out of here."

"Okay then be ready for hard training and practice because we are going to prepare for a magical war. "

"But how can I learn magic in a short time?" Ken asked as he didn't know if he could do it when the time came.

"Magic is everywhere and you are chosen, this is not your decision. All you need is to feel it by heart."

Ken was not the kind of man who believes in fairy tales and magic-related things but for now, after seeing and experiencing all these things, he decided to believe them.

"Okay I will try my best," Ken replied hopelessly.

" You need some time and practice. Don't overstress yourself." Hellen tried to give him the push.

" And exactly when will this right time come for me?" Ken asked doubtfully.

"There is no right time Ken, you have to choose a moment and make it in your favor."

" Well that's an inspirational speech and I am not inspired by it," Ken replied disappointedly.

" Do what you want, Don't forget the old saying 'Practice makes a man perfect so keep practicing till your jaw is tired of muttering those spells."

' I don't think this saying fits magic.' Ken muttered to himself.

" Would you say something to me?" Hellen asked quickly.

"No, it's not for you," Ken replied, sitting on his bed.

Ken started practicing on spells. He was becoming better and better in every attempt.

Forcing himself to forget about the other things, he focused on the current task. He remembered his teacher's saying" If you want to learn the toughest thing you don't like, You have to start loving it and this changes its meaning to you."

Ken started focussing on feeling the Mana inside his body

As he closed his eyes, he felt something running in his veins, a kind of lighter material. Like something flying and floating in his blood. Ken started feeling lighter as there was a strange sensation in his entire body.

It was an amazing feeling, he smiled and unconsciously started floating in the air.

As his eyes were closed, he was assuming everything in the room was flying, his bed, the water jug, his chair also but in reality, only his body was in the air while other things were on the ground normally.

His eyes were closed but he couldn't see all the things in the vision on his own. Ken's hair was floating in the air and he felt an air vacuum around his boy so he decided to open his eyes.

He tried but he couldn't open his eyes. It was the first time he experienced magic in high mana concentration so it's dangerous for him to come back suddenly.

"Hellen, I can't open my eyes," Ken shouted for help.

'Oh come on Ken, stop distracting me. I am figuring out something important."

" No. I am not lying. It's true. It feels like I am not controlling my eyes." Ken said while touching his eyes.

" This doesn't sound right. I have never encountered such a situation before so I don't know what to do." Hellen replied in worry.

" I acted upon your advice. I started feeling the magic by heart and this is what it does with me." Ken shouted.

" Stop being angry with me, I can't even see your condition so what do you expect me to do. It seems our only option is George."

" Hey, is anybody listening? I am stuck there. My eyes are not opening. Help!"

George was busy on a call with someone when suddenly he looked toward the screen upon hearing the sound coming from the speakers where he found Ken hanging in the air without any kind of support.

'Holy Shit, How is this possible?'

George ran toward the control room from where they controlled the activities of the subject's cells.

"He is hanging in the air without any support?" George asked one of the controllers.

" Yes sir, he was just meditating casually and suddenly started moving upward."

" Why didn't you tell me before?"George asked furiously.

" Initially he was in a good mood. We thought everything was fine but suddenly he started touching his eyes and shouting for help."

"He was there for two or three weeks and started floating in the air, is that normal for you?" George asked furiously.

"No, sir I am apologizing. What are the next orders for me?"The controller bowed in front of him due to his fear.

George didn't give him any answer and grabbed the mic attached to his collar" What are you feeling now Ken?"

" I am feeling very good, nice place, nice meal. I am feeling like I'm on vacation." Ken replied with a joke.

" Stop this nonsense and tell me what are you doing there at height? How did you get there?"

"This can't be possible," Hellen said as heard George and started staring toward Ken's cell in worry.

"What? No….. I am not. The things inside my room are floating in the air." Ken replied doubtfully.

"Well, I think I found what I was searching for," George shouted and started to laugh.

" Can you please finish your evil laugh? I am not feeling good, my eyes are not opening, they're not in my control. I can't see."

"I will help you but for this, you have to trust me, Ken." George tried to convince him.

"Joke of the day. How could I believe in you? You make me your prisoner and run tests, injecting me with different fluids. Tell me how would I trust you, George?"

"Well, you don't have any other choice."

"Ok, do what you want."Ken accepted his offer helplessly.

"Enjoy the fragrance and sleep," George said and pressed the button.

Pink gas with a shade of green spread inside the whole room and when Ken inhales them he sleeps in the air horizontally.