The temperature was so high that all of them felt like they would melt sooner or later as the heat and they were sweating so much it looked like they just took a shower. 

"Why is this air conditioner not working?" George asked while wiping sweat from his forehead.

"Doctor this is the desert land and there is no conditioner working." Driver replied.

Two tropical suns shone in the sky to their full. The only cold thing was their behaviors as no one was talking. It was an extremely hot and dry place, Trackless dunes in the dazzling rays of the sun were boiling their blood.

"Where are we going?" Ken asked furiously as he was waiting for nearly forty-three minutes and didn't say a single word.

His guard replied, "to the Gold Castle".

"How much time does it take? I am irritated by these handcuffs. They are extremely heated up and burning my skin."The guard didn't respond to his complaint. Ken started struggling to get rid of those cuffs but after struggling for five minutes he realized, he can't be freed by himself.

"Doctor George, I knew you were hearing me. Please open these cuffs, I am requesting. "Ken said while making an innocent face.

George looked at him and murmured a spell the smoke started to rise out of his hands, with the sound of 'Click' handcuffs unlocked.

'Thank God' Ken whispered while rubbing and comforting his hand's wrists. They saw a golden doom from far after they traveled for more than seventeen minutes. In the other car, there was an assistant doctor who was greedy and after seeing that golden doom his lust increased.

"Is that a golden castle, I mean completely made up of gold?" Doctor Ayaan asked excitedly.

"Why would you always talk about materialistic things?" His colleague Doctor Tasha asked.

"Well, wealth is the other name of happiness." He replied while chuckling. Doctor Tasha looked toward him with a frowned face. 

Other members were also discussing the gold castle because they had not visited it before.

At the gate, they saw high breed creatures which were considered from the species of dragons but were the size of the horses.

The mouth of these creatures was bound with the help of a mask. After all, they were dangerous with widely opened mouths, they were able to eat a man in a single bite.

  They were dangerous when God was angry otherwise they seemed very cute. It was an old age that's why they were not extinct like in real-time where Ken existed, these creatures were only in posters and books.

Suddenly when these creatures saw Ken coming out of the car they spread their wings which were very colorful and each creature had a different colored shining wing. They bowed in front of guests. A man walked out of the castle to welcome guests. He wore gold chains and a lot of rings and pendants purely made up of gold.

Ken was busy analyzing the building of the castle as it was very vast and luxurious. Its monuments were very wide and when the rays of sun stroked its walls it started shining like gold. 

"Do the creatures always welcome guests in this way?" Doctor Ayaan asked.

"No, they are the creatures which were fed under the king's castle because only kings could afford their feeding. They were trained in kingdoms, that's why they bow in front of the members who belonged to royal members."

"But there is no king in our team. "Said another doctor while laughing.

"Not now, maybe in the coming time," George replied while looking toward Ken everyone noticed it, and then they walked inside.

There was a big hall whose floor was shined like gold and was polished enough that one can see the clear reflection of themselves. The roof of the hall was supported by six giant pillars. On the ceilings, there were stories written about some old legends who won the fights at different ages.

All the team members were impressed by the decorations and excited to be there. 

There was a big old painting in which the face of the warrior was erased, only his body stranded with a big walking stick.

As Ken touched the frame he got an instant shock. He became breathless due to shock. His guard came to him in a hurry and asked "what happened? Are you alright?"

"I don't know, I just felt like I have visited there before, it felt similar," Ken replied while taking deep breaths.

The minister came again and clapped "Be ready, you are going to meet the king so dress yourselves nicely."

It was a heightened man with a cylindrical body. He had a slim face with sharp features and curly grey hairs, nicely combed. In old fashioned people, they mostly used spectacles of small size set on their nose as worn by that minister.

Everyone was looking toward their dresses in embarrassment as they were spoiled on the way to the castle. Ayaan looked toward Doctor George hopefully.

"Okay fine, close your eyes." After saying this he muttered a spell and everyone's dress changed immediately. When they opened their eyes they were shocked by seeing them in royal dresses belonging to this age.

There were big mirrors on the walls of that hall. They took a look at themselves in the mirror and set their costumes. An announcement echoed in the hall.

"We welcomed George from the planet Earth; he came with his team to increase the entertainment of our Royal function. We welcomed him and his team in front of the most gracious, powerful, and respectable king of our kingdom 'King Edgar." It was the custom to introduce guests to the king of the time

After this speech, a man blew sound out of an elephant's teeth and the big golden gates opened slowly. Ten guards wearing iron suits came out of those doors and surrounded George's team for protection. . Their uniforms were very heavy and unbreakable; they also had javelin in their right hands.

George along with his team started to walk toward King. Many royal families were sitting on both sides. 

As they reached in front of the king they bowed and George stepped forward, before he took the second step, a guard stopped him and started checking if he had any weapon. The king's throne was twenty steps high from the ground. It was a big throne made up of gold and there were many precious gems stuck inside it.

George was allowed to meet the king as he had no weapons. He walked near the king and gave him a small red box.

" What is this ?" King asked in a heavy voice.

"This is a small gift from our state," George replied.

As the king opened the box he saw it was a ring made up of precious gems which had not been discovered in this century yet.

"This is looking like a precious jewel" King commented in a good mood.

"Yess, My Lord this ring changes colors in light, at dark places, water, and wine. I was not sure what I should give according to your grace but a minor gift from my side, I hope you like it."

"Gifts are the resemblance of friendship and friendship leads to peace," King replied delightfully.

"I like it, you will remain there under our hospitality as long as you want," King said while opening his arms widely. Everyone in the hall starts clapping and welcoming them.

" Look toward Doctor George. I had never seen him in a good mood and with that wide smile on his face before," Ayyan whispered in Tasha's ear.

"He is the king of kings, everyone had to behave nicely in front of him," Tasha replied with a smirk.

"Ahm," One of the members cleared his throat to tell them that their gossip was heard by the other members also.

Ken was just stranded at the side, he saw a beautiful charming lady sitting beside the king. She was too young to be a queen as she was the age of the King's daughter. 

The Queen wore a long silk red dress with luxurious jewelry along with a royal crown but did not seem much happy. She had little sadness on her face and Ken noticed that.

"It's time for your lunch dear King and Queen". The minister excused them from the discussion.

" A beautiful Queen of a powerful King. I am  pleased to meet you and thanks for your grace." George was trying to add butter in his conversation with the king.

King was not very talkative so just replied with a smile and then signed with his hand to dismiss the audience.

All the people stood from their seats in honor and waited for the king to walk out of the hall. 

King Edgar was the most powerful king of those times and by seeing his grace and power George also lusted for power.