Ken was brought to the past to fight, his upline powerful people wanted to observe the changes and his learning through training, some time character is revealed when the pressure is applied.

"Please follow us to the dining room for lunch."The Minister came and asked George along with his team for lunch.

They all followed him and reached the room whose roof was completely made up of transparent glass .one can see the sky and its beautiful pattern beyond it.

A beautiful garden looked charming, it was full of fruity trees and flowering plants, and they were fascinated with that scene from the intricate windows.

"How is this possible? I thought that the castle was built in the desert." Ken asked confusedly.

"The Gold Castle is built at the border of desert and Greenland. This deadly dessert protects us from enemy attacks and the green-side is the source of fruits, crops, and vegetables for us." Minister replied in a serious tone and he had a habit of touching his glasses after completing the sentence.

  George and his team members took their seats while dining, the delicious fragrance coming from those foods increased their hunger and within five minutes, the servants filled the table with twelve different dishes.

George along with his team members was busy enjoying the food, Ken was thinking about Helen. He is a foodaholic but now, he isn't hungry at all.

  Ken was just looking outside and admired the scene of the enchanting garden.

His guard noticed that Ken was not eating, just looking through the window so he asked "What happened?"

George also noticed them, but he didn't take part in their discussion as he had to maintain his arrogant and indifferent attitude. It was the first time that George was at the same table with his colleagues. George is not the type of man who enjoys company during meals.

The team members were gossiping about the castle with each other during the meal, George was disturbing because he is a man of etiquette and doesn't like the noise of any kind while eating.

He hates when someone laughed at the dining table and the particles of food jump out of their mouth. For others, it was the general sitting for lunch but George found these things immoral.

The tapping sound of folk irritated George a lot which was made by a member while laughing.

George had the complete focus on the sound of folk even though it seemed like he was using hundred percent of his hearing ability. He was watching toward the folk and wanted to cut the hand of that member but he controlled himself.

"Excuse me please, I am not hungry, going for a walk," Ken said as he got up from his chair and walked towards the window.

"This man has a complex personality," A Guard said while taking a bite. George noticed his mental absence. He doesn't know what happened to him but he is a little bit worried about him.

Ken slid the window and jumped out of it. There was a waterfall in the garden. He was enjoying the beauty of nature as the garden was decorated by the vine of blue, yellow, and red roses but there was a different type of rose that grew, between all three different colored roses.

This rose is called 'The flower of life' but its effect is opposite, it makes you sleep forever if tasted or smelled.

Ken was amazed to see that glittering flower when he came to touch it. Suddenly that rose opened its petals and sprayed a kind of gas on his eyes. The scene started to blur and he immediately fell to the ground.

On the other hand, Hellen was worried about Ken, Jazz also didn't visit her. She wanted to get a report about Ken. She was continuously walking in the cell due to stress. Her door knocked and she was alerted.

  "It's me."Jazz whispered from outside.

Hellen looked toward the door immediately and then took a deep breath of relief while opening the door "Thank God it's you. Your voice changed a lot."

Seeing the smile on Hellen's face, Jazz thought it was due to him and asked "You were waiting for me?"

"Of course, I was waiting for you because you are the only one who cares about me and visited me, you are the only person who gave me a clue about Ken." She replied while Shrugging.

"So that's why you were waiting for me." Jazz replied disappointingly.

Hellen wanted quick answers to her questions but this time she had to show patience. She took a deep breath and politely tried to make him feel better

"No, this is not just about Ken, I was badly missing you too. You did not visit me the last two days and that stupid was also not here so, I was kinda  feeling bored."

After hearing this, Jazz's facial expressions changed immediately and led falsely as he knew she was doing this to make him feel better.

"So, tell me now what happened with Ken? Where would they take him?" Hellen asked impatiently but kept her voice low.

"They made a team of ten people and took him with them. I didn't know exactly what their destination but they traveled through the "Time Hole"

"What was his condition when they were going?"

"Don't worry about him, he was all right but I saw a strange thing." Jazz replied while pressurizing his mind.

"What was it?" She asked curiously.

"He was flying in the air and continuously shouted that his eyes were not opening. It seemed like he had no control over his powers. Another strange thing was that Doctor George seemed happy even though he was whistling while getting ready for the mission." It was a funny thing for Jazz but Hellen felt fear for the coming time and worried about Ken too.

" I hope this is just because of that surgery or my teachings. I am worried, what would happen if he had absorbed it, he had been searching for it for many years," Hellen's eyes were widely opened in worry.

"Don't overthink about him, I had a gut feeling that he is alright." Jazz said while consoling her.

"But my sixth sense is not supporting your gut feeling."

"Do you need coffee to relax ?" Jazz asked.

"Yess please make a strong one, bring the whole cattle, a single cup can't be enough for me."

"Okay." Jazz replied and walked out of the room.

In the Gold Castle, Ken woke up and slowly opened his eyes."What happened? Where am I?" He asked hurriedly while rubbing his eyes.

His guard ran toward him and replied while supporting him to wake up "Everything is fine, you just smelled a toxic flower."

"What are you talking about?" Ken asked while holding his head and trying to sit.

"Don't move, lay down. The poison is expelled out of your body now.

"But it was not looking like a poisonous material, it was just the flowers."

"Naturally, toxic things are good in looks," George replied while entering the room.

Ken replied while staring at him sarcastically. "Are you talking about yourself?"

"Don't look toward me like this,  this is your fault today." 

"Take a rest, we will come back after an hour, your costume is ready to wear. Get ready before we come again." After saying this, George came out of the room.

The Queen came and everyone started bowing in front of her in respect.

"How is your warrior? I am sorry for this, I love that unique poisonous flower so I grew it in my garden. Everyone in this castle knows about this, the minister should be told you before about it but he forgot." Queen Flora said.

"No my Lady, this is not your fault our warrior is dumb. He didn't ask before touching that flower."

"He will be fine soon, the poison didn't reach his heart" Queen replied and walked out of the corridor.

"She is the youngest queen I have seen in my life," George said.

A man of near twenty-five appeared from the backside and started telling the story" Ten years ago, our king had a war with a kingdom of the other state. He won the battle and the princess of that defeated kingdom came into the castle with other orphanages. When our king reported that she is the daughter of the king, he decided to give her shelter and royal life in this castle. After ten years when she transformed into an adorable beautiful woman, our King married her." 

"Wait a minute, who are you?" George asked.

"I am sorry, I should not tell you about this. Don't tell anyone that I told you. I am your guide who came to give you a tour of this castle."

"You have to tell me the details of all the best warriors and their secrets." 

"Well this is not part of my duty but if you need information, then you have to pay for it." The guide replied while taking an interest.

"Okay, but keep this in between us. I hope this is enough for now" George replied while giving him a small bag in which there were 10 gold coins.

"Yeah! You make me happy. I will never let you regret buying this information."The guide replied energetically.