The visit to Royal Castle excited everyone, "Come on follow me, make a line, let's begin with the start." The guide said while walking and showed them the direction to follow.

Guide took them out of the temple with the shortest way in twenty minutes, in the way they saw monuments, paintings, and sculptures.

"This is the drawbridge. When the war begins, the first thing we have to get control of is in that place, we can analyze the strategies of war from there clearly and This is the place from where we defend and attack.

After getting the overview of the drawbridge they were taken to the kitchen which was on the top floor"This is the kitchen where more than twenty cooks make delicious feasts, We had the best cooks from all the estates and nearly twenty-one different dishes were made there every day." One of the member's eyes sparkled by seeing the delicious strawberry pastry.

When the whole team came out of the kitchen they started looking for one of their members and he was still in the kitchen and had his mouth full of cake.

"It's better if you ask me before touching anything." The guide said while making a vexatious face.

walked for more than ten minutes and reached in front of a big brown gate. It was a huge door built in old times and they were looking tiny in front of the size of that door. 

"Woowwwww. This is so big. What is inside there?"

The guide knocked at the door and the door started to open slowly. As the door opened the members were amazed to see the internal view beside that big door.

"This is the library and a collection room where the queen collected many items of her interest. "

Everyone started staring at the guide for permission, hopefully."Okay, guys get a quick view of this place, but we had only twenty minutes."

All the members started running in different directions. It was a big room full of books about every interest in the world and occupied by many ornaments and urns.

The library's walls were decorated with many verses and dialogues of legends. The whole team was enjoying the visit to that place.

George found a kind of key lock system in which one can select the word by matching alphabets on different scrolling wheels and all the books containing the material related to that word popped up from their settings on shelves. This saves time and gives multiple books for research.

George was going to try it but as he came near to it. The guide clapped to get the attention of all the members, "We have to move, gather at one place."

Everyone came into the center. "Can we come here again?" One of the members asked as he was fond of reading and always starved for knowledge.

"Yes you can come here when you want. I have to finish my duty this is the reason I had not much time ."The guide replied in good mood and walked out of the library.

After this, they moved toward the Royal bedrooms but were not allowed to enter inside. All the rooms were looking very big and luxurious by the outer look, they were decorated with velvet pieces of furniture and curtains. After these rooms, their guest rooms begin in which George and his team stayed.

"We had done without an inner visit, now let's go to the second floor." The Guide said energetically and started running on the stairs.

" The place where we stood is Bailey. At the right side, there is Battlement from where our Arrow men perform during the war, this is the Curtain wall and here you are seeing at height is the Keep, where we kept our prisoners."

  "So these are the main parts of this castle from the inside, let's move to the outside." The guide moved toward a big sword hanging on the wall.

The guide turned that sword to the right side and suddenly a  loophole appeared beside the wall.

"Where is this supposed to open? Why are we not taking the right way outside?" George asked as he thought there was no need for such a method to exit out.

"First of all this is the fun way, secondly it is a waste of time to get the right way, so follow me."The guide said and jumped inside that hole.

"Come on team, He is the guide so follow him," George said while jumping after him.

All the members jumped one by one and screamed in the way.

One of the members was afraid of heights and he was not ready to jump inside so another member tossed him inside as they couldn't wait for him. It was kind of fun. All the members reached the other end while sliding through the way. They screamed in joy while sliding.

Came out of the castle and one of the members pointed toward the big towers at both sides of the castle to ask what they were for?

"These are the strong and large towers, support the castle. If they didn't build at precise balance the whole castle fell after a minor attack. Follow me hurry up we had a lot to visit. "

After this, they head toward the big fruit garden from the centre of which a clear river flows and this part of the castle was looking like a piece of paradise.

Everyone enjoyed the fruits and took a bath in the clear and cold water of that river as it was extremely refreshing.

"I hope all of you like the visit." The guide says while taking them back to the castle.

As they were crossing the bridge to enter the castle one of the members saw a big tail and a wing drowning in the sea beneath them. There was a kind of creature swimming inside this river.

"You may go and take some rest, I had to talk with the guide separately," George said while giving Guide the sign to join a walk with him. Everyone walked toward their rooms.

" Tell me who is the most powerful fighter  from your kingdom?" Gorge asked curiously.

"His name is Ambrose. He is more powerful than others. No one can stand in front of him for more than five minutes."

"Then I want my warrior to fight with him. He will defeat him." George said confidently

"What are you talking about? Your warrior is still not recovered and you are saying that he can defeat him?"

"You had to obey my orders," George said while gripping his collar.

"There is only one king, who can order." He replied calmly while jerking his handoff.

George knew he was a greedy person so he looked at him while smiling and showed a red small bag out of his coat and shook it, the sound of gold coins clicked on him.

"Well, money is also a second thing which is ruling the world."

"Even if I do some kind of cheating still your warrior had to defeat five warriors to reach Ambrose."

"I am not saying that you have to make an effort, He just needs some training and you have to work on him."

The guide feels hesitant in saying this but after gathering courage he decided to talk about this"I need my share in winning a reward, after all, I am giving your warrior the essential training. I will tell him all the minor tricks that took him toward winning slowly."

George had no concerns with the reward but he took Ken in this time from the future because he wants to polish his skills and want to know what Ken does at his extreme.

George chooses Ken on some special characteristics and after that incident, he wants to check whether Ken is ready or not for the coming challenges.

George got a flashback of when he was searching for a magical stone in the old temple of his ancestor, where they kept an idol and it was a belief that in that time people were blessed with magic and cursed both, for their selfish desires.

George was busy searching about that time in his tent and suddenly he got a clue from an old searcher's book that maybe that stone is hidden inside the idol of the sacred temple near to his camp.

George doesn't inform his team and silently runs into the temple. It was a big temple with old construction and there were many big spaces between the walls.

It was an old temple , a little disturbance destroys the temple and it will crumble within minutes. George was walking inside carefully and took each step slowly.

He started searching for the idol but it was hidden so he started looking for a clue because eighty years ago it was said that the idol vanished one day and no one saw its replacement or transferred to another place.

While searching for that precious magical stone, he touches each brick of the walls of the temple. As in old times, there were many hidden rooms where people hide their treasure and precious things, their doors open by some kinds of keys.