George slipped as he walked through the muddy floor, to take support he tried to hold the arm of an idol, Suddenly a secret door opened in the wall behind that idol. The wall slightly slid from left to right and a new path appeared.

The big door made up of bricks slid slowly with a heavy sound as the sand along with small stones fell from the roof. Despite being afraid he walked inside with trembling legs and turned his torch on with shivering hands in fear.

As he walked inside more than ten more idols with the same features came into his view. looking closely  he remembered  seeing them in a book. Thinking it was a sacred place,he readied himself as These types of places are always protected by some sort of traps or spells. 

Taking a heavy hammer out of his bag, George started to break these idols one by one,having doubts that this building might fall on his head due to noise or vibration, but wanted  to try it for once.

Each time when George thought this one was the expected one, grasped the hammer and looked toward the roof and walls of that temple to analyze the condition. After breaking nine idols he finally reached the tenth one and when he hit it with a hammer, he heard a shriek of a woman.

The walls of the temple started vibrating and it felt like an earthquake began. When the idol broke a blue-colored Gem started floating in the air and George's eyes popped up in fear, something came out of it and was lost in darkness. It was looking like a shadow.

George hid that stone inside his jacket and tried to run out of there, the roof of that secret room started to crumble and as he ran toward  the exit, suddenly a big stone from the roof fell on his leg.

George struck between the exit and hallway. The whole temple was trembling and about to fall, Hellen came and helped George to get out of the narrow space.

His left leg was damaged and started to bleed, without thinking about her  life value she gave him a priority and came for help. They were both near to dying, Hellen whispered a spell and they became successful to survive.

She supported George and they ran out of the temple. When they jumped out of it, the whole building turned into broken stones and bricks covered in sand. Particles of dust covered the whole area and within minutes the whole temple was destroyed.

  An old man appeared out of the smog wearing a torn long white gown and bald head. He looked toward George aggressively and said"Why did you do this? You wake him. Human's lives are in  danger and you are responsible for their blood."

"What are you talking about?"George asked confusedly.

"You have to fix it. Find that one who stands in front of him and win the war from the side of humans." The old man said while walking back inside the fog.

"Hey! stop and tell me what are you saying?"George asked worriedly as he realized that he messed up as he was getting the wrong vibes by his action.

"Stop! Stop! Come back ." George shouted but he didn't turn. George's team partners came running toward them and one of them asked "what Happened, we woke up due to the earthquake."

"The second one asked" What happened there, we heard loud voices, What happened to the temple? Are you alright Doctor George ?"

"Third member asked," What were you doing inside, at that time?"

George glared at him and walked away without giving them the answer to any question. After remembering that terrible moment he immediately comes back to the present by listening to the voice of someone.

"It's time to go for training Doctor" Ken's guard disturbed him and asked for going into the battleground.

"Is Ken ready?"He asked hurriedly.

"I Haven't checked yet."

"Then go and check. Tell him to get ready, we have to go ."

"Yess Doctor, as you wish," Guard replied and walked toward Ken's room.

George was skilled in hiding his feelings but whenever he thought about that moment he got goosebumps due to fear and sweat covered his forehead.

He walked toward his own room and locked the door from inside. He took a glass of water and then lay down on the bed to relax. Whenever George closes his eyes, he remembers that old man's face.

The interesting fact about that old man was that no one except George was able to see him.

He must not be a normal human. George got that when Hellen asked him the next day that Who were you talking and shouting?''

Something was wrong with that Gem who was hidden by him but George wants to search for it alone.

After taking a break for half an hour George went to Ken's room.

Ken was ready in his warrior's uniform. He wore a cast of golden color at his head and Lorica Segmentata at his body, giving him an ancient warrior look.

Ken set a gladius on the right side. It was a kind of big knife in a cover that is attached with his belt,  just above the red Tunic. It was a different kind of combination but at that age of time, it was a popular and royal dress that is considered best for a fight.

He had a Scutum of nearly half of his size in his left hand for protection. It was like the shield but a bigger one and made of the strongest material not seen by him before.  On the other hand, he held a sharp plum.

It was a heavy uniform and Ken was not comfortable in it. Ken was checking it and trying to adjust inside.

"It's irritating, I can't even hear properly. What kind of uniform is it? Is it for protection or for making the fight more difficult for warriors?." Ken complained while dressing it.

"This uniform is worn by all the warriors of this century. if you like it or not you have to manage." Ken's guard replied.

"Are you ready Ken?"George asked angrily.

"Yes I am," Ken replied doubtfully.

"If you show up you will be one step closer to your freedom. If you fail, then you only escape from my lab when you are dead."

After hearing this Ken also became aggressive but it was not the right time so, he worked with patience and ignored his useless words.

When they reached the battleground he was shocked to see that this ground was covered with sand and different warriors were practicing there along with their weapons. George and his guard were sitting in audience seats.

All the warriors were tall and strong, they had muscular bodies and ate natural food.Ken was an amazing fighter in his time but at that place, things seemed difficult. 

Ken tried to be familiar with them but they were rude or rough so he thought it's better to keep a reserve.

Some warriors were eating and drinking at the corner. He was shocked to see that they were eating uncooked meat with wine.

'They are so wild. How could I stand in front of them for a single minute?' Ken muttered to himself.

"Hello, I think you are Ken. I heard a lot about you and after seeing you I am not impressed." The guide said after meeting him for the first time.

"Sorry, I didn't know who you?" Ken asked while looking toward him creepily.

"You do not belong to this time, this is the reason you don't know who I am. It's enough for you to know that I am your trainer and if you follow me, you will succeed. Have you seen your competitors? they are double in size."

"Nah, I didn't need your help. I can do it by myself" Ken replied while ignoring him.

"You can't behave like this to me. I know the weaknesses and you have to take advantage of their weaknesses." The Guide tried to convince him as he knew George could reward him if he helped Ken in the fight.

"Ok, show me your guts." Ken was underestimating him by his looks.

"First of all, always keep an extra weapon with you and hide it where your enemy can't. "

"Secondly, don't look for the strong points that may loosen your confidence. Focus on the weak ones and then use them as your weapon."

"Well, these are quite interesting pieces of advice".  Ken replied while showing interest in him.

"I have more flashes that surely play an important role in your game. Wanna defeat them.?" The guide asked while motivating him.

"Yeah I want to, but how could I believe you? Maybe you were from their side to distract me."

"You have to take a chance, you have not many options at all."The guide shows his attitude.

"Ok, I am ready. "Ken replied with a spark in his eyes