In the battle ground  the guide pointed toward the big giant monster appearance man to tell him about him; "Look at that man, his face burnt when he was fighting with a big snake and due to poison attack, his half body burnt. He is strong enough to put a tree from the roots." 

"Every strong person has a weak point," Ken replied after hearing this.

" You are right, his only weakness is to become aggressive. Whenever he is angry he loses his mind and makes mistakes. if you'll become successful in playing with his weakness you will win."

"Well, it seems like an easy case. I had already faced the same case previously."

"No, it's not as easy as it sounds. You have to focus during the fight because when you drop your attention he will attack you on the head and it was enough for your death."

"How far will the fight go?" Ken asked as he was analyzing to plan something.

"Win or die. You have two options 1. Kill him Or 2. Die" the guide replied.

"Thank you so much for increasing my confidence."

"Wellcome, now start practice, come on show me your skills." The guide said while taking him to the table where Ken had to choose the weapon .

It was a big rounded  table on which weapons were lined up, axes, arrows, bows, and swords were lined up.

Ken needs to choose suitable weapons, "Give me advice. These all are made up of stones and wood. "

Then he saw the stylish swords that attracted him but he couldn't handle them along with this heavy costume.Ken asked while choosing one " Where should I keep them ?".

"choose wisely and then I will tell you how to adjust them inside your costume." tHe guide replied while walking far from the table.

George sat in front of him at some distance. Ken looks toward him and expects help from him for the suitable weapon.

When Ken walked through them George was looking at him. As Ken stopped at the arrow and bow George nodded and Ken decided to choose it for a fight.

As it was the place where the fighters from different times came for proving that they were best. For analyzing their real strength all the members had to choose the weapons of the first men's ages, offered by the king.

The guide came and asked to set the aim. Ken showed up and directly shot the arrows at the right aim.The guide was surprised as he was underestimating Ken.

"You are weaker and shorter than their size. This is your plus point. you can move, run or jump fastly while they need time for moving."

" They are strong but it's an old saying; ' Bigger a man, harder he falls'. "Ken replied confidently.

The battleground was at a distance of ten minutes walk from the castle.

This ground was one of the oldest buildings of that kingdom. Ken was analyzing the structure of that building and he found a hole on the right side with the floor.

Ken could use conditions in his favor. He was looking for every single thing which he could use during the fight.

He started his practice as it had been a long time since he couldn't fight freely as he was used to, and started practicing his moves and aims.

"You had only ten minutes to finish it and get ready for the fight." The guide came while slurping the soup and said looking him directly in the eyes.

"Don't you worry about this I had a plane? I need a flexible string. Here it is around your waist." Ken said while turning him around and pulled the belt out of his waist.

"How are you going to use it for that giant?"

"Just wait and watch. I can use a single needle to defeat him."

"You have to kill him at first chance, don't be overconfident. Your single mistake leads you to death. You have to win for making me rich and saving your own life?"The guide asked.

Ken replied after taking a deep breath, "I had a long way to go, I can't stop there. At this insane place, I never choose to die." 

"Well, This Is good for you."

Suddenly a man came inside the ground by jumping from the elephant's tooth to took everybody's attention.

A man in a wild suit and braided hair wearing a pin in his nose announced in a loud voice.

"The warriors of the last three times  Zogarth and A new comer from modern world Ken are welcomed to the ground and get ready for 'The Game Of Death'."

"Try not to be killed." The guard grabbed Ken from shoulder and whispered as he was worried about the money he would win or lose after that fight.

There was no one except  Ken and Zogarth on the battleground.These were the old times and naturally their languages were not the same.

The people who are acknowledged with languages of different times were able to communicate easily with the people of every generation. The guide was also one of them.

Zogarth was not a human or animal distinctly he was a kind of combination of both.

In these times people were bought as slaves and then they were trained to fight, they killed each other like wild animals to live.

'Be nice with me, I hope you don't kill me.'Ken talks to himself while looking directly into Zogarth's eyes.

Zogarth was behaving like a beast, inhaling and growling while running toward him.

Ken was waiting for him to reach and as he came near, Ken immediately dodged him.

The crowd started cheering for Ken.

He can't keep focus on Zogarth in the noise but he observes his movements and judges the next attack as Zogarth was fighting out of mind on the basis of his power and strength and if Ken fought technically he would surely defeat him. to give attention. 

Suddenly a beeping sound started irritating him due to excessive noise interruption. Ken covered both of his ears with hands. His hearing sense was sharpened than normal because of magical spells he practiced before the fight and forgot to turn off.

Zogarth was so aggressive and suddenly struck his chest with his head. He was very strong so Ken got a strong attack from him but it didn't affect him much due to the uniform.

Ken closed his eyes to focus on Zogarth but it didn't work because each time he tried to focus , public noise interrupted him and he got attacked by Zogarth.

He pulled his sword out and tried to attack him. Zogarth's uniform was stronger than Ken and bear each attack strongly on chest.

He lets Ken attack five times with his sword but before Ken attacks him again Zogarth forcefully slapped both of his ears and Ken falls to the ground.

It seemed like he died, no movements were seen from his side.

Zogarth damaged his right ear and blood started flowing out of it ,he fainted and the beeping sound was heard by him, instead he couldn't hear anything.

Saw Zogarth coming toward him, his brain alerted him and the inner power forced him to wake up. After collecting courage he became successful to stand back upon his feets.

Zogarth ran toward him speedily and hit Ken's chest with his head, Ken fell at the distance. With the cracking sound of bones it was expected that Ken's ribs were broken.

Ken started shouting in pain but no one came to help him. Zogarth was celebrating his winning

Ken saw him angrily and woke up again as he was stubborn, rounded the flexible string around his hand and signed Zogarth to come and attack.

"He is mad, welcoming him to attack and kill him" The guide said to George.

"Ken knows what he is doing." George was looking toward him statistically and replied.

Zogarth got infuriated, started to breath like a bull and ran toward Ken, as it came near Ken immediately threw that rope in a way that it wrapped his neck. While taking a long jump Ken sat on his shoulder and applied his full force to knock him down by hitting on his head.

Zogarth was confused about the situation but he tried to put Ken down, as Ken got he couldn't be injured by punching only he brought out his sword.

The audience got excited as they thought he was going to cut his throat but Ken didn't want to kill him so he hit his head hard by it's handle.

Zogarth fell, Ken hit him again and again in the face, it seemed like the fight was over.

Ken was welcomed on the stage for receiving a prize but suddenly Zogarth woke up again and destroyed the set up, grabbed Ken from his leg and throw on the floor.

He sat on him and hit his face harder then the expectations, the flesh losing the bones. Ken's face was damaged completely and no one can identify him.

Everyone thought he had died, blood was flowing out of his face, people started cheering for Zogarth.

George muttered a spell, unexpectedly Ken's face started to heal automatically, his face turned red and eyes completely black, with a creepy smile on his face he shouted loudly.

"Ready to die."