In the cold weather, everyone was silent. The whole continent was drowned in darkness. It was solitary and seemed like no one lived there.

Suddenly the ground separated into two parts. A man wearing a black expensive suit stepped inside the ground confidently. From outside, it looked like he is stepping down inside the ground but actually, there were nearly ten steps inside, it was looking like a basement.

As he walked inside the ground, the ground closed again and the door vanished secretly. Corridor was enlightened by blue lights.

The man was well-dressed, wearing a black suit and a white shirt. He was giving a fancy look, as he appeared at a business party. His studs were not very stylish but black-colored shining stones increased their looks. He wore a pair of stylish shoes that were polished well.

He was a fair handsome man, having sharp features, dressing, walking, talking, lifted, and killing his first priority and he does everything in style.

His hair was managed with gell stinking with a light fragrance, he would like to uplift his brown hairs.

The eyes of this handsome man were parrot in color which were seemed extremely attractive and an innocent smile which was not matching with his character and nature.

"Hey Robinson, Wellcome". A man named Paul shouted with happiness as he stepped into the room.

Everyone in the room stop talking and there was complete silence at his entrance. They were all frightened of him as he was a cruel and heartless man.

He kills anyone on the spot he wants. No one can dare to stop him.

Paul was very close to Robinson that's why being frank with him. He was stranded in front of the hologram and was discussing some matter with the other thirteen members sitting on their comfortable chairs.

Robinson smiled and replied, "I am late enough, this is all due to traffic in the way."

He pulled a chair and took the first seat at the table. Robinson was trying to behave nicely.

It was a big room designed completely in black and white color. The floor was covered with white marble tiles, they were giving the clear reflection of everything as Robinson was the man of hygiene, he doesn't like stains of any type.

There was a transparent table in the center with a capacity of twenty people, black colored chairs were aligned at both sides of the table. The roof of this room was worn as it was painted differently.

He painted this roof the same as his favorite painting.

Robinson loved a painting hanging on the white wall of his living room. This painting was done by a mentally disturbed patient in the mental hospital.

It had the sketch of a soul going out of the body from the dead man and seemed screaming. Without any color just some strokes of black paint on the white sheet.

Robinson traces the same sketch on this room's room. It was very annoying for other members of his organization but he didn't care about this.

They were nearly fifteen members of a secret organization who sat at the same table. Robinson looked around, drops of sweat were dripping out of the foreheads of some members. They were scared of him.

A man sitting on the third chair stranded and with a trembling voice asked " Sir Robinson, where are the other five members? Are they not coming today?"

Robinson made a punch as he is angry and going to punch his face, but did nothing and he controlled himself and politely asked" Mr. Paul can you please sit down I have to make the special announcement with committee'

Robinson stood up, turned off the hologram sheet, and replied " our respected members of the committee who are not with us today are no more, they are killed"

All the members started a discussion with each other as this was a piece of shocking news for all of them. The hall was echoing with their voices. Their voices become louder because all of them won't answer for him about the reason for their death.

Robinson didn't like much noise. He shouted" shut up all of you, no one said a single word otherwise I will shoot you," He said while bringing a pistol out of his waist.

Pin drop silence was established in the room.

" you all want to know how they killed? Who killed them and why don't we give them protection?

Then listen carefully. Our organization killed them as they became fools by a single man and they killed all of us one by one if we don't do anything".

They were all quiet when one of them spotted the ninth chair, dropped the ice, and say" How? This is not possible to fail our security system."

"This question irritated me for a couple of nights. How is it possible that a single man fails our security features and then runs away, he diffuses the black bracelet and we can't find him anywhere."

" He is not there in this continent, he becomes successful to get out of here."

" How can a single man do this?" One of his employees replied aggressively and then tentatively apologized for his harsh behavior.

Sometimes he becomes wild and at other times behaves like an innocent person as he has a dual personality disorder.

"Why did they kill our people? "A man on the fourth chair asked a question.

"Because they believed this is not the work of a single man, some of them might have helped him, they have doubts about them. They gave their words that their security system was unbreakable. They lied so they died." Robinson replied while pouring water in the glass from the bottle in front of him.

Paul asked confusedly" They had a rule that if someone cheated them, they ordered to kill him immediately. In his case, they didn't take action. They want to catch him alive. Why?"

" I am not allowed to tell you every single thing but keep it in your mind that he is very special for our existence. If we want to grow or live more we need him there inside our organization."

He sighed deeply and then replied:" Meeting is dismissed all of you go back to your work and try to use your all resources to found him as you he is important for us and all the details shared in this meeting, kept them secret otherwise you know what we do with those who spoil our privacy."

He glared at all the members and then shouted" Meeting is dismissed"

All of the members get up from their chairs and after greeting each other they leave the room one by one.

John get up and gave Robinson a slight bow " My dear friend calm down everything will be alright soon, don't worry we can found him, he is just a single person you don't need to worry about him. Leave this on me"

Robinson was very aggressive he grasped the glass in his right hand and said" he is not a single man if this organization killing their own members for him definitely he is one of their important properties, I heard superpowers are in action and they want him alive on any condition. In his case, they are very serious and don't think before killing us if they draughted on us,"

"I will contact my resources and spread my men in all the regions to found him. We get him in no time. You just need to control yourself and wait till I came back"

Robinson was extremely angry with him, he thought that Paul takes him foregranted he replied in aggression" why don't you understand, take this matter seriously and focus on it with personal attention, otherwise I have to cut your thought as I cut them."

Paul held the glass as he doesn't like his way of talking glass was scattered in his hand and a big piece of glass fastened in his palm.

"I am sorry Paul I don't have to talk to you in this tone, I am just worried. I don't want this wealth and peace gone from our life. we are addicted to these expensive suits and stylish shoes. I don't want to be poor in my life." He apologized to him and tried to help him while holding his hand.

Paul closed his fist, the piece of glass fastened more deeply and blood starts flowing out of it, drops of floor cover the big area. Paul looked toward him with bloody eyes and promised" I will come to you when I found him and bring him back to you otherwise I don't face you."

"I proud of you my friend I know you can handle this matter accurately." he smiled and dabbed on his shoulder.

"Where are they, Robinson?" he asked with a low voice.

"They are in the jungle under the father of trees. Handle this hurry and contact to their families tell them they died while fighting in the war so they can proud on them" Robinson replied

"As you wish I am going with four guards and taking your three cars with me. If you need something then tell me" Paul asked while stepping out of the room.

"No, I am okay. I need to spend some time alone there, I will meet you after you completed your task." He lifted his eyebrows and moved his eyes to the right side to tell him, get out of the room.

Robinson love to stare at the sketch he painted on the roof, wherever he felt alone or sad he kept staring at it and think for hours to calm his head.