After hundreds of tests and regulations on Ken's blood and the Death body of that brave doctor, all discovered was: There is no change in Ken's blood or DNA but his Strength was increased.

The death of that doctor was due to the complete burning up of blood from the entire body which happened due to electric shock. George was trying to collect the clues but can't resolve that chemistry alone.

He asked for the Guide. The Guide came immediately as he knew George was the money-printing machine for him. George tells him about what happened and how Ken behaves strangely after the fight. He was a greedy man and as we know greed is a curse.

The guide says" I can tell you what you want to hear but for this, you have to pay."George looked toward him in disappointment and thrust him a small bag of gold coins.

"The methods of murdering remind me about a warrior. This is a crime to say his name or discuss him."