Ken was trying to figure out what was written on it but it was suspicious language and he couldn't understand. Passing fingers through it he got vibes of something in the past. He saw a war between old humans and wild creatures.

"You can't understand it because this is the language of a hundred years ago. See those man's signs."The old man said while pointing toward them. There were three-man.

One of them had a sword in his hand and the second had a knife and the third one had a big stick in his hand.

"Look at the two of them without a head because they died in the war and sacrificed their lives for magic and there is the third one which belongs to you."

"I am your soulmate, I have to give you knowledge from the start and be aware of you for the coming time. Coming days should be adventurous for us."

"What happened to me in real life? Because I am guest at somebody's home and I don't think so she kept my unconscious body at her home for no reason"