Ken was looking at himself in childhood and observed a red dot in his lens which was looking very rare then he turned his face to look in the mirror. He saw his eyes but that dot disappeared.

"What are you looking for? That dot was the sign of kids with high mana power in their core and at that time only some higher powers knew about it."

"Where does it disappear then? Am I not that man in me anymore?"

"This sign is only visible till the age of your pure soul, when you are innocent and commit no sin after the first sin it eventually disappears ."

The old man started to fli[ his hand to cross the time faster, Ken saw himself growing from the age of four to nine. He saw himself in fear, loneliness, crying, and caring for himself.

He saw himself never giving up on any difficult times. Eventually he saw kidnappers come to take the kids of his orphanages and in the whole condition, Ken was following his childhood while hiding and daring.