The team got the report about Tina and they were happy that she was there for their help, and thank you for those weird robbers too they banged at the right time.

In the news, the reporter was told that a hero saved their bank and nothing was stolen out, according to Jonathan there was a lady who saved his life.

He explained the whale situation and how that woman fight with another one, he also told about the villain's special power.

They can't decide she is the hero or villain because there were two dead bodies on the roof.

Tina climbed down in narrow street from the far off bank's roof, off her outer clothes inside she wore the casual dress, covered the wounds, and walked slowly toward the road.

Broken and while hurting she drank her tears, accept the situation, and moved on. A taxi was passing by she gave it a sign to stop! Wore her necklace back and got an old face.