The old man was giving Ken a short review of everything that happened to him in the past, he took him to the time when he was caught by George, he saw himself helpless in the cage, meditation, and the peace of time.

He reminds me of the things he learned at that time because of self-obsession, the learning of that period made possible his freedom.

Ken remembered the things which became part of his personality due to bearing hurdles, everything hard happened to him to make him ready for the coming challenges.

As he was visioning about the George lab, he found himself at a boat.

A woman was trying to save the ship which was just near drowning, a competitor ship on the left side was attacking it.

It was a woman with red hairs, yelling for mercy but no one listened to her.

There three more ships surrounded it from all three directions and attacked it without any mercy. There was a kid killed and laid on the floor, nearly everyone has died.