In the town everything was destroyed, creatures were wandering carelessly, it seemed like there was a silent war.

Complete silence everywhere, no human or animal was sounding and seemed anywhere. It seemed like those creatures ate every living thing but there was a hope that maybe some of the humans were hiding in their homes; the majority of them were in Silver Stations for protection.

Ken called Gene and wore a shoulder bag as he had to bring some things from outside," Do you need something? I am going out, I need medicine for myself."

"Is it safe outside? " Gene asked as she was worried about him because of those creatures.

"They can't come near to me, you have to take care of Diana, she will protect you," Ken replied.

"But why?" 

"These creatures are afraid of Chosen Warriors so you will be safe with me or Diana," Ken replied while going toward the door as he was in a hurry, wanting to make the feed for Zorender.