Ken realized the intensity of his power, his confidence increased and now he started to understand these magical things.

In the way Zorander and Ken kept quiet, they didn't talk to each other. Ken was lost in his worries about the people waiting for him at home and Zorander wanted to tell him something.

"I want to share something with you."Zorander said in a low voice.

"We will talk about this after reaching home," Ken replied while increasing the acceleration.

As they reached home, Genesis stared at him with fear, "Thank god you came." She exhales in excitement and runs toward him.

First, she saw the shopping bags in his hands filled with the different stuff.

"You went shopping?" Gene asked surprisingly.

"No, I was not intentionally thinking of shopping but when I saw those products I couldn't stop myself," Ken replied while laughing.

"They didn't touch you? Gene asked surprisingly.