New World While he's speaking he exclude a chilly killing aura.

He woke in pain that he feel like dying

"Arghhh..Dammit!! I'm an idiot why do i let myself hit by a lightning!? "

He stands up in pain and he realize that that his hand is small and skinny. He also realize that he is not in his room because there's no computer and the room is so old and dusty.

"Where am i? I did i really die from lightning and got Transmigrated!? Hahahaha i should have some GOLDEN FINGER Sta-"

Before he can finish speaking a sudden pain hit his head.

"Arghhh!!! Dammit wtf is happening!? "

The memories of the previous owner of the body enter his mind. Shows the previous owner name and his name is Shi Xie from Shi family and also how he live his suffering because he been abandon and exiled from his clan known as Shi Clan one of the strongest chan in east continent. The reason that has been abandon of the reason that he can't cultivate he born with cripple dantian even his parent dispise him he always beating when he still in his clan and last week he hit the age of 5 they exile him he go to the forest known death forest to live few months after he exiled he died due to hunger. Also this world is the world of cultivator that he can only read in novel he real in sgort this is his paradise.

"Oh it's finish already this is really just like a novel I'm excited i will kill my way to the peak oh.. Wait let me try if it's just like the novels."


"lalala.. Host please wait a moment the down loading speed is too slow"

A cute loli voice sounded and he got more excited.

"Hahahaha my golden finger wait but wtf!? is slow downloading speed? Is there an internet here?"

He got confused and he frown at the same time.

"lalala.. Host it's internet problem because there's no internet here this system of yours is downloading the date of there world"

"oh that's how it is"

"Little loli long will it be?"

"lalala.. Don't be impatient host it will take 5 mins to finish it"

"oh..i See i will stroll around here for a while"

While he's stroll around the room he touch the dusty table and the dust is too thick like it didn't cleaned for so long

"Hiss.. Poor child got abandon by for simple reason but don't worry i will be you and you will be me This ancestor will show them how strong and how heaven defying i am!!! And if they provoke me death is a luxury"

While he's speaking he exclude a chilly killing aura.

"Hey little loli how will it last?" he ask feeling bored

The little loli ignore him because she's finishing the download for the her host so her host is still waiting  for reply of little loli

"i got ignored oh.. will let's go out first and get some air it's so dusty here" he said as he look back

He goes out the old house and he saw that the forest is dark that only few lights from the sun hits the ground.

"it's indeed the Death Forest not only it's dark here according to previous owner of this body many people died here"

While he muttering he already heighten his senses so that he can fight or escape when someone or something attacks him.

"lalala.. Host what kind of name do you want to put change the your name?"


"host what should be your name?"


"host your name is sounded like females name are you sure?"

"Yes without a doubt"

"Okay dokey host hehehe" the system said while giggling

'Wth... acting cute?' he thought while looking a 3rd floating loli


THE HEAVEN DEFYING NOVEL STEALING SYSTEM has been download free lottery ticket*5,Body Refinement Pill*10,Tier 2 Spiritual Weapon Dual Blood drinking Dagger*1"

"whoa hahahaha the rise of this ancestor has come wait lottery tickets hehe let's it little loli how to use this ticket?" he eclaim in surprise

"host just 'burst' it will appear hehehe" she giggles

After listening he understand how to use the lottery ticket

"okay here it comes BURST!!" he shout while slashing his finger down like a sword

The lottery machine appears in front of him

"oh this is exciting i will pray for Senior White first"

"Senior White if you hear me please bless me with your luck"

After praying for senior white he smash the button hardly while smiling


Received ''White's Heaven Defying Luck"

"White's Heaven Defying Luck- Enchance your luck by 9999% but after the luck their will be a disaster"

"NIMA!!!? this is so overpowered in early game! Senior White 6666" he praise senior white



Name: Mei

Realm: None(lvl.1)



Cultivation Method:None





Innate Skill: White's Heaven Defying Luck

Technique: None


Weapon:Tier 3 Dual Blood Drinking Dagger




"Fuck!! This Ancestor is so weak!? Oh forgot it this malnourished and still 5 years old but the charm quite high i'm indeed handsome a male god" he eclaim feeling ashamed to his weak body but calmed down in a mere second

He suddenly remember something

"Oh! I didn't see my face i want see my reflection" he immediately run around

Mei scan and explore the forest for few hours he finally found a lake and he squat and he look to his reflection he was dumbfounded

"Nima!!? I'm a male right!?" he questioned himself

Then he touch his crotch and he breath a sigh of relief

"Phew my elephant is still there but my is so feminine face well I'm a guy so I'm handsome not beautiful"

He then open his status again and the weird stat he ask the little loli

"Cute little loli what is this kill and death stat what is the use of this?" he asked with innocent face

"lalala host the kill stat is how many human you kill that's also how many you can be revived as for death how many times you die no matter how many times you die there's no side effect instead you will gain the dao of dead and cannot be dead again" the loli explain while singing "Lalala"

"Holy Shit!!! Little loli you're so overpower but the dao dead and cannot be dead again is state of fairy Cheng Lin from CCG" He eclaimed in surprise while praising the system

Few moments later he remember that he still has 2 more tickets

"Okay time to draw again Burst!!!"


"Received "Heavenly Swallowing Technique"

"Heavenly Swallowing Technique - Technique that devour everything in heaven and earth if you use this technique to living things you can take some of their stats"

"Do you want to cultivate it YES/NO"

"Hell Yes!!!"

Suddenly he feel his body is absorbing the energy in the forest and his skin began to crack his bone is shatters his muscles is bring tear apart his soul is also getting ripped

"Arghhhhh!! It hurts i need to indure this"

Time past the painful experience subside he look more exhausted and he stink second later he black out on the side of the late