Meeting Inquisitor Fox

The next day, Azaroth placed the guards' corpses on the stage. Each one of them was laid on a wooden stretcher with a white cloth over their bodies.

People began gathering in the Cypress Plaza and their eyes were at the top of this stage. They were shocked to see the corpses of so many guards.

"Everyone, as you can see here. These are the men who lost their lives while fighting those beasts. Even though they were outnumbered, they fought valiantly until they were able to force the beasts to flee. A few of them lost their lives at the hands of the beasts while the rest died because of their injuries. I regret to inform you that I was late to arrive or else many of them would have survived." Azaroth spoke all these words in a single breath.

The people on the ground were quite emotional as they stared at the corpses.

To think that these men fought and had sacrificed their lives to save them… It touched them greatly.