The only suspect

Jonas knew that Shun was gauging Azaroth and planned to gather more information, so he stayed silent.

Shun replied to Azaroth's words, "The tasks assigned by the King are always rather troublesome. Just like the one he assigned me right now."

"I am curious about this task. Can I help in any way?" Azaroth spoke slowly.

Shun casually spoke, "The King ordered me to find an Elf who has been abducted by a demon from the Silent Death Organization's prison."

Azaroth showed a surprised expression, "A demon has abducted an Elf from the Silent Death Organization? Then why did you come here?"

"We came here on my request, young master Edwin." Shun calmly replied to Azaroth's question.

He added, "After all, it was you who abducted that Elf from the prison of the Silent Death Organization."

Those words were spoken so calmly and confidently as if Shun had no doubt about his deduction.

Even Azaroth faltered as he heard those words.