Possible Recruits

"The Black Lake Sect?!" Tiana was absolutely startled to hear the name of this sect. Fortunately, she was wearing a veil, and it was impossible to see her current expressions.

The Black Lake Sect's camp near the foothill of the Arctic camp had been destroyed by Azaroth's scheme. Moreover, many disciples in that camp had noted Tiana's appearance.

Tiana and Azaroth's information must have been passed on to their main sect via those disciples.

Tiana was curious if Christina was aware of her existence and was conversing with her on purpose. Maybe testing her or something like that.

She decided to remain calm. If things got worse, she could always contact Azaroth. He would definitely have a way to save her.

Christina suddenly spoke out excitedly, "I never heard of this sect in the foothills of the Arctic Summit. Is it an ancient sect?"

Tiana mentally thought 'What a perfect explanation! This girl is a savior!'