
Sam Hayes won the Eclipse Battleground's Tournament within the 2 Star Warriors category.

He possessed the Earth Element and used Sword as his main weapon. There was another sword on his back, but he never pulled it out.

Since he was using a sword, Tiana couldn't help but compare his skills to Noah's sword skills. The difference between the two was immeasurable.

Noah could probably defeat Sam Hayes with his eyes closed, without even using his Sword Intent.

Tiana had trained with Noah, so she remembered his skills. How he could use a simple skill in a complex manner…

Sam Hayes received 10,000 Spirit Coins, a Blood Condensing Pill, and the Earth Essence Stone.

A Blood Condensing Pill would awaken the user's blood and gradually unlock their sealed potential in their bodies. Even though it was a 3 Star Pellet, it was an Ancient Pill Formula.  In fact, this pill formula was so rare that it was considered a priceless pill.