Reaching the camp

Once the conversation with Sargan ended, Azaroth's Spiritual Figure sent all that information to the main body.

Azaroth's body suddenly stopped as he received that information. It wasn't that the information was very large that he needed some time to digest it. But the information was too shocking.

The Mysterious Ability of Fate had somewhat toppled Azaroth's understanding. Moreover, this was all his guess. But he believed that his guess was most likely true. Or else, there was just no way to explain the situation.

Tiana and her subordinates were startled to see Azaroth stop so suddenly. Moreover, he wasn't even speaking anything. It seemed as if he was concentrating in mid-air.

"Master, why did we stop? Are we close to our destination?" It was Rosalie who asked this question.

Another woman spoke out, "But I don't see any experts fighting nearby."