The Great Kun Spirit

Christina was extremely delighted to see Tiana here. She was even more excited to see that Tiana had brought a group here.

It meant she was here to assist her sect against the Night Mountain Sect.

This kind of support from Tiana truly touched her. She knew Tiana had probably gone all out to assist her.

She also wanted to introduce Tiana to her mother and father, so she was quite excited to see her here.

Soon, she swept her vision over the group with Tiana.

When she saw Azaroth, she couldn't help but focus on him greatly. She remembered his face vividly.

She recalled that he was the same individual who had appeared in her mindscape during her battle against Tiana.

In fact, this individual possessed a similar aura that was generated from that mysterious energy Tiana was using.

Azaroth swept his gaze at all the individuals in the hall. He saw Christina and smirked. When Christina saw that smirk, she immediately turned her gaze away.