Shun Gordon Investigates The Death Of Bewitching Droplet Divine Goddess

In the midst of this tumultuous period, an extraordinary event unfolded.

The Great Qin Empire, recognizing the escalating chaos within the Celician Theocracy, decided to dispatch a seasoned expert to investigate the upheaval surrounding the Enchanting Aquilo Religion. The demise of their Divine Goddess had sent shockwaves through the religious landscape, causing a cascade of power loss among the followers who had once enjoyed the blessings of the Bewitching Droplet Divine Goddess.

As a consequence, rival religions, long overshadowed by the dominance of the Enchanting Aquilo Religion, seized the opportunity to rise in prominence within these regions.

Tasked with unravelling the mystery behind the Divine Goddess's death and addressing the ensuing religious turmoil, the emissary chosen by the Great Qin Emperor was none other than Shun Gordon. He was none other than the possessor of the coveted Star Prince Physique.