Strategy To Fool Shun Gordon

Days passed in Fengshui City as William and his wives observed the unfolding drama surrounding Long Chen, Zhan Xinyi, and the mysterious Order of the Eternal Rhythm. Meanwhile, a seemingly unrelated notification arrived, shifting their focus abruptly.

One day, as William reclined in the hotel room, he received a transmission on the Voice Transmission Array Stone. This time, it wasn't Agent Wallace but Katrina, the efficient manager of most SIS affairs.

"William," Katrina's voice crackled through the magical stone, "there's something you need to know."

Intrigued, William leaned in, "What's happening, Katrina?"

With a hint of urgency, Katrina conveyed, "The Silver Ice Emperor has been dispatched to the Celician Theocracy. His mission is to investigate the death of the Bewitching Droplet Divine Goddess and restore order within the Celician Theocracy."