Feng Guang was raised in a small family, with a doting mother and a father who didn't care too much about what was going on in his house.
His father was a doctor.
That itself was a great matter of prestige, and had lifted the reputation of the Feng family by a large amount. Previously a merchant family, the Feng family had never been seen as a very kind or even prosperous family by the people of the capital.
Sure, they were rich enough, but on the large scale of things, if the Bais were whales, the Suns were sharks and the heavenly doctors were dolphins, the Feng family at best could be described as plankton.
While the others mentioned were simply insanely rich, they had a large amount of prestige that went along with that money that played a crucial role in the image of the family.
As for the Feng family, there was not much to be said about the family structure itself.