Contest? Judge. Dictator? FeiFei. (1)

Feng Guang entered the room as happy as he could possibly get. He had finally won against that tiny bratty girl. She hadn't even shown up for the most prestigious doctor's contest.

This meant that she didn't think she could become the student of a heavenly doctor. She must've done terribly for her to have come to that conclusion. It was simply a matter of great joy for Feng Guang.

He was trying to win. He had to win. There was no way he could let a little girl like Bai Jingfei beat him. There was no way he could let himself lose to her. It would be the biggest embarrassment amongst all of his embarrassments.

And he had been an underwear model whose underwear fell off in the middle of the street.

That was somewhat embarrassing, actually pretty embarrassing, but losing to a kid was even more embarrassing. Feng Guang was not going to let that happen to him. He was too proud to ever let himself lose, but Bai Jingfei wasn't giving him a choice.