Emperor Feng Guang's Fifty Third Mental Breakdown

"Your majesty! There is a giant rant endemic!" 

It had only been a week since Feng Guang had been made the emperor of the Wang kingdom, but here he was, dealing with issues that most would consider absolutely ridiculous.

He knew that his ministers were planning to set off for a war that could only be described as absolutely ridiculous, but there was nothing he could do. He could only suck it up and focus on something else.

He was in no position to start repealing the old emperor's orders. He couldn't just shout out to the world that the previous emperor was a fool, when most of the country wasn't even aware of the fact that he had passed. 

Feng Guang didn't know what he should be doing right now, but he was certain that whatever it was that he was doing, was wrong.

Right now, he wanted to be thinking of something other than the war that they were definitely going to lose, and his wish had been granted.