Gun Gun Gun (1)

It wasn't everyday that Bai Jingfei got to go to war, so when she did get the chance to go, you best bet that she was going to take full advantage of this.

But first, Bai Jingfei was itching for some praise, and she couldn't get it with her current gun handling skills. Just thinking about firing the gun she had in her hand gave her shivers. She might not be afraid of death, but she was definitely scared of pain, and the pain had been terrible.

Slamming against the wall was bad enough, but not dying and losing all feeling of pain while doing it, was even worse.

Bai Jingfei didn't want to even risk firing that gun of hers again.

If she did, she knew very well that it would end in her flying back again.

That made the gun worthless in her eyes.