Preview 2

Lucinda's POV

Okay... Deep breaths. Today I turn 18 and quite frankly I've never been anywhere but here. The last time I was in the human realm I was just 5 years old.

I stood pacing outside of Lucifer's office.

"C'mon Lucy... You can do this. He's a reasonable man right? Ugh! Who am I kidding he's the devil!" I said.

"You know if you keep talking to yourself you'll go crazy" Lucian said while I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Always nice to see you Lucian" I said while my voice was dripping with sarcasm.

You see me and Lucian have know each other since I arrived in this horrid place. When Lucifer didn't know what to do with me he sent me to play with his son since the other demons didn't have an understanding of human anatomy.

He wanted Lucian to know how to act and blend in, in the human realm and I best candidate at the time since he was only two years older than me.

Now most would think that we would be besties or dating right now, but I've hated him since I got here. He's always teased, annoyed and embarrassed me in front of everyone.

And he's always pointed out how I was only half-demon so I could come down here. Ever since then we've been 'together'.

And at this moment is quite proof of that.

"Ah... Always feisty princess. What's got you so worried anyway?" he asked.

He doesn't know how much I hate that nickname and the sad part is, it's true. I am the princess of Hell. Doomed to spend all of eternity down here.


"What's it to you?" I said already clearly annoyed by his presence. Of all people why did I have to be bothered by him? The heir to the devil's throne. He shrugged.

"I just don't like to see my princess stressed" he said with a smirk. Who's princess? Excuse me but I do not belong to anyone!

I stuck out my tongue at him.

"Do you even know who you're talking to?" he said threateningly. Please! That rank trick might work on the other demons in here but not me.

"Oh I'm so sorry... I forgot my manners Crowned Prince of Hell. Let me take this momentus occasion to express how much of an asswipe you are. Why don't you run along now and entertain one of your 'friends' who seems to enjoy your horrid voice" I said.

Lucian's jaw dropped to the ground while I walked into Lucifer's office with a smirk on my face. It's now or never. I have to do this.

"Lucinda! To what do I owe this pleasure?" Lucifer said. I took a deep breath.

"I have a preposition" I said. "Since it's my 18th birthday I want a chance at redemption" I spoke.

"Redemption?" he asked.

"Yes I want a chance to go back to the human realm and finally leave here..." I said with as much courage as I could muster up.

He broke out into a hysterical laugh like I just said the funniest thing of the century. Then he stopped when he saw I wasn't laughing along.

"Oh... You're seriously?" he asked. I nodded. "Let me think about it... No" he said and my jaw dropped.

"What!" I blurted out. "C'mon please". I begged.

"Lucy... I don't work like that. Most people avoid making deals with me, I mean not that it stopped your father for he was quite adamant" he said. I winced when he mentioned the man who sold me to the devil.

He knew how much I hated him and he mentions him just to torture me. Not like living here for 13 years of my life wasn't torture enough.

I knew I wasn't going to back down that easily. I deserve a chance to get out of here and it's not like I got to choose in the first place. I was practically forced here.

"You of all people know that I was wronged at a young age where I couldn't make decisions for myself. The least you could do for me is let me try" I said looking him straight in the eye.

He stared at me for good few seconds and said something.

"Fine" he said.

"Wait really?!" I exclaimed.

"But I don't give something without a price Lucinda" he said and my smile dropped into a frown.

"Of course. Deals with the devil... There's always a catch. So what do you want?" I asked already determined to leave this place.

"I have conditions..." he said and I nodded in response for him to continue.

"You have 7 years. In those 7 years if you do not succeed you will receive a whiplash on your arm which will burn for several hours. After that if will resemble a tattoo. Once 7 years is completed and you still have not succeeded than you will be returned Hell for the rest of eternity." he said.

"Okay..." I said even though I knew he wasn't done.

"If you do succeed you will have your freedom and the whiplash's while disappear and you'll never have to see us again... Well maybe till you're dead." he said with a smirk.

"What makes you think I won't make it to heaven" I said determined while quirking a brow.

He chuckled.

"But you'll not only come, you'll marry my son and heir to the throne, Lucian" he said smugly.

My eye twitched when he mentioned the last condition. He knows how much I would hate that so of course he'd add it.

"Fine" I said with a poker face. He seemed taken aback but quickly regained his composure. "What is that I have to succeed in these 7 years?" I asked curiously.

"I'm glad you asked... A soul" he dead panned.

"A soul?" I asked confused.

"Yes. If you leave I need another soul to replace you. But now just any soul. You and I both know you have a history of people not particularly loving you so it has to be the soul of a man who truly loves you. And I don't mean that you're in love with. No. He must love ever fibre of your being so much that he would do anything for you" he said and opened his desk drawer and took out a small maroon bag.

"Inside there are 7 soul stones. If you think you've found the right person take one of these stones out and place it on their chest and repeat these words 'I, the soul taker, take this soul to replace my own for eternity' and if it's the right person the bag will disappear and so will the person. If your selection was incorrect then you will receive an additional whiplash and that said person will die. You have seven tries in seven years. Don't play around Lucinda" he said while handing the bag over.

"Okay I accept" I said and he called in Edmund, Hell's best lawyer, to bring over a contract with everything that was just said written clearly on it. I made sure to read it before signing to make sure I didn't get scammed. Edmund handed me a weird looking pen. When I picked it up it pricked my finger and my blood dripped on the paper.

"Pleasure doing business with you Lucy... Now out. I'm a very busy man" he said and continued with paper work. With a shrug I walked out of his office with a smile on my face.

I mean it can't seriously be that hard can it? Just find a soul to replace your own for all eternity.

Piece of cake.
