Chapter 1

Lucinda's POV

It's been 6 years since I left hell to come to the human realm to find the soul that would set me free. I only have one soul stone left.

The six whiplashes on my arm are still very painful. It's only now that they started burning. Kinda serve's as reminder that I only have one last chance at this. I can't believe I still haven't found that soul. I guess it was harder than I thought it would be.

I'm in my apartment right now thinking on a new strategy. Ugh! Humans and not loving me for me and for some other dumb reason.

I'm running out of time and I don't want to marry Lucian. The thought itself makes me shudder.

"Thinking about me I see..." said the voice of the person who visits me every year and taunts and laughs at me for my failure... Lucian.

"Don't flatter yourself" I said and turn away from his gaze.

"Oh but you're running out of time my dear Lucy and soon you will be my wife and my queen" he said and I gagged.

"Keep dreaming..." I said but inside I was freaking out. I don't want to be the queen of Hell.

The thought itself made me want to have a panic attack but I can't cry. I won't. It's a sign of weakness and in hell if you cry, your tears turn to acid and burn the skin of your cheeks and causing excruciating pain which makes you cry more. It a vicious cycle.

He scoffed and within the blink of an eye he was gone. I sighed and went back to bed ignoring the pain in my arm.

What am I going to do.


I woke up and did my daily morning routine. At least the pain in my arm was gone so I went about my day not thinking about much.

I thought I could go to the library for a quick stop before going to my regular coffee shop. Even though I've never believed in love I quite enjoy reading romance novels.

I'm going to miss them when I go back to hell... If I go to hell. Think positive. I sighed and walked into the library and greeted Melissa, the librarian.

She is such and innocent soul and I like her because she gives me the friends and family discount.

"The new books just came in sweetie" she informed me.

"Thank you and have a great day" I said as I walked towards the romance eisle when I heard a crash.

"Shit..." muttered a male voice. I quickly rushed over to see that most of the books had fallen off the shelf.

He was frantically picking them up and putting them back off the shelf. When he was done he looked and saw me looking at him with a raised brow.

"What?" he asked.

"You know you put those in the wrong order right?" I said.

He walked towards me and stared me deep in the eyes as his forest green eyes drilled hole into my plain Hazel eyes.

"Did I now?" he said while maintaining his stare.

"Yes you did" I said refusing to back down.

He smirked. Then walked around me and left.


I went to where he put back the books and put them in the right order. I'm not some sort of neat freak but when Melissa's worked so hard it seems unfair to just put more work on her shoulders.

But I won't lie. He not that bad of a sight. With his forest green eyes, a mop of curly disheveled brown hair, sharp jawline and an olive skin tone. He could pass for an average model.

After I was done I got my book and checked out of the library and headed to the Tia's Cafe. I'm such a regular with those people. Their like family to me.

I walked in the store and immediately the whole Cafe knew it was me. I regularly come here around this time everyday.

"Lucy!" they all cheered my name.

I chuckled and waved.

"Hey guys" I said while approaching the line.

"Hey Luce, up here" said Diego, Tia's son.

I walked up to the front of the line while everyone else in the line grumbled in protest but I ignored them.

"Hey Dee, how's it been" I asked while leaning against the counter.

"Better now that you're here" he said with his charming smile.

"Hey! You're holding up the line" yelled a voice in the back that sounded familiar but I quite couldn't place.

Without looking I raised my middle finger to whoever it was and they gasped. I let a small giggle of victory.

Diego came back with a paper bag and a cup of my favorite coffee.

"What's in the bag?" I asked.

"Compliments of the chef" he said and I smiled while reaching for some money in my purse.

"No, no. On the house" he said.

"Wait really?" I exclaimed in joy.

"Compliments from the owner" he said.

"On what grounds?" I quirked my eyebrow.

"For being such a valuable customer and family friend" he said.

More cries of protest came from the line behind me. I grabbed the bag and my coffee.

"I better go before the mob chases me with torches and pitchforks" I said.

"Bye Lucy" said the entire staff in the Cafe.

"Bye everyone" I said and walked out of the store.

They always make my day. Supplying me with a daily dose of caffeine and family, not bonded by blood but by love.

As I was about to cross the street and head to the park some douche bump into me and my coffee went plummeting to the ground.

"No!" I screamed. There was no saving it. My dreams of being dosed with caffeine were over! With a mighty rage I turned to look at who had caused this undeniable misery.

It's that jerk!

From the library with the pretty green eyes.

"You owe me a coffee" I said while poking his chest.

"Like it's my fault that you've got butter fingers" he scoffed.

"Well you bumped into me like some crazed maniac!" I said in protest.

"Not my problem" he said while walking away.

I growled in frustration.

I don't have time for puny humans like him. I walked back into the Cafe only to have the mob still against me.

Today is not my day.