Chapter 19

Lucinda's POV

I stood behind Melissa rubbing her back while holding her hair while she projectile vomited into the trash can outside the entrance of the park.

Lynn and Diego entered the park a few minutes ago to go on a walk. In their state I was worried about their well being but the shuddering presence beneath my palm had me more worried than them at the moment.

After she finally stop I went to the car and grabbed a water bottle for her to wash out her mouth with. She gladly accepted it and wobble her way back to the trash can.

I waited until she was finished and then she claimed her feet where sore and took her shoes off. I put them in the car and then help her walk while we went to go find Diego and Lynn when we heard a scream.

My eyes widened into saucers while I quickly hurried in the direction of the scream. It seemed to have woken Melissa up as she picked up the pace to lead us to the grand tree in the middle of the park near the pond.

I immediately looked around for any signs of danger and became frantic when I couldn't find them before I heard giggles from high above.

I looked up and saw Diego and Lynn up in the tree holding on to the branches in a very unsafe manner. Not to mention that Lynn was up there in heels!

How she managed that, I have no idea but anxiety began to cloud my head. Two drunk people on a tree with no regard for their safety whatsoever made me antsy.

"Why are you up there?"

"Well I wanted to see a pretty birdie so I climbed the tree but then I got scared and couldn't come down so Diego climbed up too to help me but then he also got scared"


"Okay no. You guys are impossible, I'm getting help"

"We should call the police!"

"No we're not calling the police"

I stated firmly. They seemed to not be happy about my decision.

"911! 911! 911!"

They began to chant continuesly and Melissa just found a comfortable spot on the grass to sit.

At least she was sobering up.

I found Chase's contact on my phone and called. He picked up after the third ring.

'Hey... Are you okay?'

'Uh- yeah I'm fine. Are you with the guys right now?'

'Yeah. Why? And who is chanting 911 in the background?'

'That's why I need your help. Can you guys come to the park?'

'Sure be there in a few'

I dropped the call and placed the phone in my bag.

"Who did you call?"


"Ooo! Your boyfriend"

They all cooed. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes my boyfriend."

They all giggled like a bunch of pre-schoolers who just discovered boys don't have cooties before Diego broke down into tears.

"Dee? Are you okay?"

"No! I got into a fight with Mathias and now I think he hates me"

He sobbed while Lynn tried to comfort him but nearly slipped and my heart jumped into my throat.

"Brendaline stay where you are!"

She seemed to have been frightened by her near fall that she decided to listen to me.

"Diego honey, why don't you just tell us what happened?"

"Well, I was hanging with Mathias as usual when some guy went up to him and flirted with him. I got really jealous and sort of shoved that guy off of my man but then Mathias said I had to get better control over my emotions and not act so impulsively.

Then I got really upset about it and ended up screaming at him and he just walked away and now I think he hates me!"

"I don't hate you"

I turned around and saw the guys all approaching and I quickly embraced Chase and released a sigh of relief.

"If I knew you'd be that excited to see me I would have come sooner"

"Thank goodness you guys are here. I don't know what to make of this situation"

Another scream caught my attention as I turned back to the tree. Diego's leg had slipped and he was shaking like a leaf on an Autumn afternoon.

"I'm gonna die and Mathias still hates me!"

"Diego, I don't hate you and you're not going to die... I just need you to trust me okay?"

Diego nodded while the rest of us watched this unfold. Mathias stood under where Diego was dangling and told him to let go.

"I don't wanna! I'm scared"

"Diego I know you're scared but I promise I'll be there to catch you"



Diego took a deep breath and let go. Though the scene was anticlimactic it was still a very touching moment for the couple.

After the whole fiasco and getting Brendaline down from the tree I was throughly exhausted and already finished with this night.

"Damn! I really wish you were the one on that tree"

I nudged Chase in the chest with my elbow.

"I'm an independent woman, don't need no man to save me"

"Yass queen!"

I chuckled with Melissa who was stumbling along with her arm around Vic's shoulder.

"Make sure she drinks a bunch of liquids because she vomited a lot so she she might have lost a lot of body fluids"

Vic nodded and hoisted Melissa into his arms to carry her to his car. I sighed and bid farewell to everyone and made my way to my car.

Chase ran up to me and gently nudged my shoulder.

"You're a great friend and an even better carer"

"Well what can I say, I have a lot of experience in these kind of things"

Not a lie.

I practically raised myself. Taking care of wounds, illnesses, infections or viruses where all things I had to learn to do myself when no one was there to do them for me.

So I sort of developed a mother instinct if you will. I thought I outgrew it but I suppose it shines sometimes.

"Well if you're not tired tomorrow would like to join me for some lunch?"

"I'd be delighted"