Chapter 18

Lucinda's POV

The inside of the room was dark with a bunch of flashing bright lights. It smelled heavily of smoke, sweat and alcohol... Basically a typical club.

"I thought Amnesia was the most exclusive club in the downtown area... How in the hell did you get us in?"

"Well before I moved uptown I used to be in a bookclub with Adam and his brother Abdel, the owner of this place, and we were inseparable!

So like one day he asked me if I wanted to swing by his club some time and I said sure why not and well, during my stay here I used to come here every other weekend.

Though we still kept bookclub going strong, Adam introduced me to Fabiola because he apparently really wanted my opinion on her and I was flattered.

Extremely long story short, wedding bells, maid of honor, officially dubbed little sister and lifetime access to Amnesia, which leaves us here"

They all looked at me with shocked faces like I just told them I'm half demon. And they believed me...


"Double Woah.... You're like cool and shit. How long were you planning to hide this from us?"

"Technically I wasn't hiding anything, you just never asked"

They nodded in understanding and we made a bee-line all the way to the bar.


A cheery red-headed man with green eyes behind the bar counter said with a smile on his face and put down the glass he was currently cleaning.

"Hi Jamie!"

I said while taking a seat at the bar with the others all around me. They looked equally as shocked to see that the bar tender knew me too.

"Don't you just look even more beautiful than the last time I saw you"

I fake gasped.

"Jamie, what would Claire say!"

I joked and we laughed together.

"Seriously though, you've become a stranger these days."

"Well I did move-"

"Which was the worst decision of you life by the way"

"It was for the best and I promise I'll try to see you guys more often"

"I'll hold you to that... Now what would you like"

"Something non-alcoholic but sour and my friends can get whatever they want"

He nodded before turning his attention to them and getting their drink orders and he turned to get all of his stuff to prep.

"How many more surprises are we in for tonight?"

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me"

I smirked and focused my attention on Diego again. He seemed more relaxed but still on edge. After receiving our drinks my group decided that they wanted to dance.

I opted for my chair and claimed I'd just watch from a safe distance away. After sparking up some more conversation with Jamie for a while the girls came and ordered some shots.

They all seemed pretty adamant on getting wasted tonight which meant that I can't. Even if I wanted to normal human alcohol can't get me drunk.

I'd feel a little buzz but it would just disappear after 10 minutes. They only way I could get drunk was if this alcohol was laced with a Banshee's whisper, which is super rare cause all they ever do is scream.

Think of it like a superficial underworld roofie.


Demons wanna get drunk too.

Once bored of watching them all dance I finished my drink and joined them. Dancing in the sweaty sea of bodies wasn't my ideal way of spending the night but everyone seemed like they were having fun.

I had spoken too soon when a fist had collided with flesh all too soon. I turned and had seen that Diego was loosing it. He was heaving but looked too unfocused to not be drunk.

I was shocked since Diego isn't a violent person. This is actually the first time I've seen him hit someone. While he was revering in the moment of hitting someone for the first time he didn't see the other guy come back for revenge and knocked him down to the ground.

I quickly ran over to him to protect him before that guy could get any closer to hurting him again and Adam who had been watching from a distance thought that this mysterious man was endangering me.

He made his way through the crowd to grab the rando and throw him out of the club. I quickly got Diego on his feet and I couldn't assess the damage since I couldn't see a damn thing in this dark ass room.

After signaling to Lynn and Melissa to meet me outside I helped Diego walk to the exit where I found them looking worried but still drunk nonetheless.

We all stumbled - well more like they stumbled all the way to my car so I could have them all in a less chaotic environment.

Diego kept mumbling about how everything hurts and I just rediculed him for his dumb behavior.

Once in the car I could see that his bottom lip was busted with a little bit of blood on his chin and a small bruise forming around it.

His knuckles were just slightly bruised with no serious damage than I had thought. If I had to be honest I would rather face and active volcano than the wrath that is Tia Martinez.

After cleaning his wounds with some antiseptic wipes I put a tiny plaster on it. He pouted and instantly regretted it when his lip stung.

I smirked in victory that I atleast I got some enjoyment in being today's mom of the group.

While driving Lynn and Melissa kept asking stupid questions and giggling like a bunch of wicked witches.

"What do you call a deer with no eyes?"


"No idea!"

Lynn said and it seemed to set them off into a laughing fit that seemed to get Diego involved with it too.

Melissa tapped me on the shoulder and I 'hmm' in response.

"I don't feel so good"

She said while clutching her stomach. I abruptly stopped the car in a random stop on the side of the street to see that we were at the park.

"Outside! Outside!"