Chapter 17

Lucinda's POV


Screamed the familiar voice of Diego on the other side of the line. I winced while removing my phone from my ear until he stopped.


I grumbled annoyed that he had the audacity to wake me up then proceed to destroy my eardrums.

'Where have you been?'

He whined like I was purposely trying to avoid him. In all honesty I wish that was the truth at the moment for me to avoid this conversation but I know he'll just hunt me down just to get an ear full.

'What do you mean where have I been... I passed by the Café yesterday and you weren't there so sucks to be you'

'Ugh! Whatever... We're going out tonight... It's been a while'

'What's the occasion?'

I asked suspiciously since Diego never does something this spontaneous without proper planning unless something is wrong and he's trying to avoid it.

'Do I need a reason to hang out with you?'


Yes you do.

'Fine whatever...'

'Great... Melissa and Lynn are gonna be there too'


But I was cut off before I could say anything else. If Melissa and Lynn are going who's going to look after Evgeny for me?

I huffed and decided to get on with my day.


Later in the day there was a knock on my door before I was bombarded with three guests I wasn't even aware were coming.

"Hey guys... What are you all doing here?"

"Well Diego said we were all going clubbing tonight and said we'd get ready together"

I looked at Diego to explain himself but he just shrugged and went to my room instead with the girls following close behind him.

Something is definitely wrong. But I knew I shouldn't push him because he's always had an unhealthy way of coping with things.

I'd usually just wait until he explodes then spills everything in a short-lived panic attack then I'd help him through it.

So for the time being I'll just play along with it, watching over him so things don't get out of hand though.

After grabbing a couple of snacks and drinks from the kitchen I joined them in my room where they had already started rummaging through my closet with music playing on the TV.

Since it was still pretty early in the afternoon I decided on ordering a pizza and watching some Netflix while we waiting for it to get dark.

After three movies we decided it was time to get ready. We took turns showering while Evgeny kept the everyone entertained.

"Honestly how does he get even cuter by the second!"

"Makes me just want to steal him for myself"

"Hey! Tell your own boyfriends to get you guys kittens"

"But Chase is so sweet... Don't you think?"

"Ew... He's my cousin"

Lynn faked a gagged and we all laughed.

"But Mathias though, he's a provider and a lover.... No better combo"

"Add the fact that he's hot too!"

"Yeah he's great"

Diego said with a tight dejected tone. I frowned slightly but the others didn't seem to notice as they went on to talk about boys.

I could see the distant look in his eyes before he covered it up and joined their conversation with a smile on his face but it didn't reach his eyes.

So that what's wrong. For a moment I contemplated texting Mathias and asking about it but then I dismissed the thought.

"Okay! I wanna do all of your hair so who's first?"

I volunteered to go first so I could study the rest of Diego's habits for the evening. He seemed to hide his emotions well for the most part but whenever the conversation would veer to the boys he would look away as if afraid of looking upset.

Eventually it was inevitably a suitable time to leave even though I never had a moment to speak to Diego about what was going on with him. It was like he knew I was going to and started a group conversation instead.

I decided to give up and try again later instead cause he seemed adamant. Once we were outside in heels and skimpy outfits I quickly ran inside claiming I 'forgot' something.


I said into nothing in particular but I knew wherever he was he would hear me. He appeared in front of me.

"Yeah?" he stood leaning against the door frame.

"Look after Evgeny for me okay thanks!"

I said while walking out the door before he could protest and jumped in the car we were off.

In the car we were playing 'I don't fuck with you' by Big Sean ft E-40' and we were all singing it passionately with the windows open and our hands in the air.

Based on Diego's mood earlier I don't think going to Club Red was the best choice at the moment so I took us to another place and he seemed to look at me with gratitude.

After finding a parking spot and memorizing it we finally headed towards the entrance we were presented with a long line.

"Ugh! We're never going to get in here"

"Guys chill, I wouldn't bring you here if I didn't have a way of getting you in. Follow me"

I said while they walked behind me all the way to the front of the line with a the bouncer standing at the door with his arms crossed and sunglasses adorning his face.

When he saw me coming he immediately lost his 'tough guy' facade and opened his arms for a hug.

"Adam! How have you been?"

"Great now that you're here... You know we miss the life of the party down here"

"As much as I would love to party tonight I'm driving..."

"Such a shame... Well let me not keep you and your friends waiting, a party awaits"

"Thanks Adam and tell Fabiola that here chocolate cake recipe is elite"

"Will do"

He said while removing the velvet rope for me and my friends and we entered with them all gaping at me.

"We're in business"