Chapter 51

Lucinda's POV

After jumping out of my chair and sprinting out of the restaurant I realized I didn't even pay for my meal so I speed walked back inside and paid for my meal along with Donny's.

Pulling Donny all the way to my car seemed like the hardest task of my day. Eventually we got there and we were on our way back to Amnesia. A huge grin adorned my face while Donny was looking at me like I'm crazy.

After finding parking at the ever so vibrant Amnesia, I walked past a line of groaning customers, greeted Timmy and walked in all the way to the boys' office with Donny following closely behind me.

Without knocking I slammed the office door open and startled Aiden and Adam who had moved back into the office in the time period that I was gone. They let their guard down once they saw that it was me and idly went back to work.

I walked in and sat on the couch next to the table with the bottle of whiskey, and ice bucket and two crystal glasses.

"Luce, wonderful to see you again."

"Thank you Aiden. Always a pleasure to see you too."

"I'm assuming by your perky attitude that you've found what you think is a great solution..."

If it's even possible, my grin widened more.

"Yes. I understand that the primary problem is that if Matty expands downtown it will steal business away from Amnesia."


"What if Matty expands but not necessarily downtown..."

They furrowed their brows and gestured for me to continue.

"Well... there's a considerable amount of distance and land between uptown and downtown. What if he expanded to the space in the middle?"

The looks on their faces made it look they were actually considering my proposal. But I could see the doubt on their faces.

"Okay... I get what you're saying but that doesn't particularly solve the problem since he could benefit a lot from being in the middle too."

"I know and that's why I wanted to ask whether you guys would be open to a partnership with Matty?"

They looked at each other and Aiden shrugged. A silent conversation seemed to be going on between the brothers before they looked at me.

"And this... Matty is open to a partnership?"

"Well technically I haven't asked him yet but I've known him for the longest time so I doubt he'd be against it."

Adam sighed and rubbed his eyes. Aiden leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms and nudged his brother. He glared at him and then turned to me.

"If you can convince Mathias Xortis on being in partnership with us then I don't see why he can't expand to the area between uptown and downtown."

"Oh my God... Really?!"

"Yes Luce... Congratulations."

I jumped up and down while squealing and hugged them both.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You guys are the best!"

"Now remember... This only stands If he's open to a partnership."

"Please, If I was able to convince you, the rest of the process should be smooth sailing from here."

"Yeah, yeah. Now go on. We have work to do... Make sure to tell Mathias to contact us."

I grabbed Donny and began to lead him towards the door.

"Will do! Love you guys!"

"Love you too."

With this much excitement in my system I couldn't help but dance to the loud club music while we walked towards the exit. Donny shook his head in annoyance at my celebratory dance.

Eventually out of the club, we were on our way home and Donny insisted on driving us home. I immediately began fiddling with the radio to find a good station.

"Pretty cool what you did back there... You know... Finding an alternative for everyone."

I stopped what I was doing and looked at him then smiled.

"You're not disappointed?"

He gave me an incredulous look then turned his attention back to the road.

"Why the hell would I be disappointed?"

"I thought you told me to be more selfish and stop caring about others so much..."

He looked at me and then smiled smugly. He shoved me slightly and chuckled. I laughed along with him.

"You're an idiot you know?"

"Really... I thought I was a cretin..."

He raised an eyebrow at me and then turned his attention back to the road.

"That is what that word means..."


"Cretin means a very stupid person."

I turned to him and glared. I punched him slightly and he raised his arm in defense. I scoffed at his ludicrousy then leaned back in my seat while crossing my arms.

"How do you know so many people anyway?"

"Well... I did live downtown before I moved uptown. The brothers are pretty popular in town and since I was close to them, that made everyone want to get close to me. But most people are just Lucian's connections who got close to me to stay in his good graces."

"Were you okay with all the attention?"

"I didn't mind... People really tend to do anything if you promise them an audience with the future king..."

I didn't catch myself before the words rolled out of my mouth. My eyes widened slightly at my mistake at revealing the fact that Lucian is the crowned prince.

"Future king?"

"Um... Yeah. Since he's uh inheriting his father's uh... company, and his dad is regarded as the 'King' everyone just calls him the future king."

He seemed reluctant to believe my poor excuse but fortunately he didn't ask any further questions. After that we settled into a comfortable silence the rest of the way home.

We stopped at his penthouse. He invited me in for coffee but I told him I had to get home to pack for the trip to the Xortis Lakehouse tomorrow. He said he had to do the same and we bid each other goodbye.

Once I got home I called Matty and informed him of the recent events. After packing, showering and eating I went to bed.










