Chapter 72

Donavan's POV

I sat at the desk of my office as I read over the weeks sales report. After looking at the same page for the fifteenth time I closed the file and rubber my eyes.

Why can't I concentrate today?

Actually I've had the same problem for the past two days. Ever since my trip back home my mind has always wondered somewhere else. Maybe it's the fact that my family was so fond of Lucy from the first meeting.

I remember when I took Lynn there for the first time. I remember my mom's reaction upon opening the door that made me cringe inside. She wasn't particularly what my mom imagined for me as a life partner.

She said that Lynn was too self-absorbed. Apparently she had a certain 'aura' about her that made her believe that the whole world revolved around her.

At first I didn't believe it since I was so convinced that what me and her had was real... Even if we were constantly on and off. It's only when she cheated on me while we were dating that made realise how shitty of a person and our flimsy relationship was.

But one fateful day I just happened to run into a very feisty and amazingly sarcastic bookworm who cared about the order of how books should be put back into a shelf.

Obviously I was having a shitty day as always but when we met again outside the coffee shop I became so interested in what kind of person she was. I didn't go and actively look for her but I was glad to see her again after that.

Deciding that trying focus on work was pointless I packed all the files on the table and put them in a neat pile on the corner. After changing out of my suit and into jeans, a t-shirt and my favourite leather jacket I grabbed my keys off the desk just as someone entered.

"Hey Boss, here's the customer service reviews you asked for... Are you going somewhere?"

I looked at Gio who had a couple of files in his hands and a curious look on his face.

"Uh.. Thanks Gio. Just put them on my desk. I'm going to clock out for today."

He nodded and placed the files on my desk. As he walked towards the door he stopped and turned to me.

"By the way... That woman you had me personally deliver the invitation to... She's quite interesting."

This immediately peaked my interest as I paid full attention to him.

"How so?"

"She's quite quick-witted and funny too."

I felt my eye twitch. I immediately began to regret my decision in sending Gio there in the first place. Gio may be in his forties but his Italian genes make him look like he's at least thirty five. I should have sent Rupert or even Alistair! She would never fall for those pot-bellied balding geezers.

"Yeah well... She's made me laugh more."

Gio furrowed his brows and I immediately regretted how petty I sounded just now. He smiled and broke out into a full laugh.

"Are you seriously jealous right now?"

I felt the blood rush to my cheeks as a blush came on. I quickly cleared my throat and turned away from him as he continued laughing.

"Don't worry man... I'm not into her or anything... But I'm pretty sure if I was you'd ripe my balls off."

You bet your ass I would.

"Whatever man... I gotta head out."

"I don't suppose it's to see a sarcastically charming woman."

"No! I'm going to see my girlfriend."

I cringed at the fact that that came out of my mouth. Shaking my head I grabbed my stuff and headed out of the office. Getting in my car I drove all the way to Lynn's restaurant. Its been a while since I came around this place.

Finding a parking spot I parked my car and headed inside. She changed the interior again. Apparently it's to 'keep up with the trends'. I walk through greeting a few people as I make my way to the office.

Without knocking I open the door and a rush of deja vu hits me. The pain, the betrayal, the pure and utter audacity for her to do this to me. Again?!

Lynn was on some guys lap sucking his face off while he squeezed the shit out of her ass.

"Seriously Brendaline?!"

She immediately jumped off of his lap and turned to me while wiping her lips vigorously.

"Babe please forgive me... It's a mistake!"

She tried to reach for my hand and I ripped it out of her hold in disgust.

"No its not! A mistake entails that you'll learn from it and never do it again. This is the second time! The second time that I caught you cheating on me. What the hell?! Am I just an idiot to you?!"

A crowd of employees gathered and peered into the office to see what the commotion was about. Not giving them acknowledgement I continued to wait for my answer.

"It's just that you're pulling away from me again and, and- it's all because of her! Why do you never look at me the way you look at her!"

Is she being serious right now?!

"There you go again, blaming everyone else but yourself. Well maybe if you hadn't cheated in the first place I wouldn't have looked at her that way!"

She crossed her arms in disbelief and scoffed before looking to the side and looking back at me.

"So you admit it. You want her..."

"I never said that..."

"Well your eyes do!"

I rolled my eyes at her petty statement. The fact that she isn't even trying to explain herself just tells me that she isn't serious about this relationship.

"You know what Brendaline... We're over!"

I turned and walked out of the office pushing a bunch of people out of my way. I heard her follow me but didn't turn back.

"You both deserve what's coming to you!"

Fuming and about to lose my shit I drove all the way to the gym me and Lucy once spar'ed at. Everytime I felt like the my anger was getting out of control I've been coming here to train. Part of the reason why I was coming was to see if me and Lucy would coincidentally run into each other.

So far we have not and disappoints me greatly. I even got so frustrated one day I ended up asking the owner when she comes by and he told me she doesn't exactly have a schedule for when she comes. It's always just random and at late night or early morning.

As I got out of my car I remembered the day we were here together and hesitated. Amongst all my stormy seas she has always been my calm. Even now through my pathetic breakup she's on my mind. Taking a deep breath I turned around and headed back to my car.

Fuck it.

If this is actually worth something I have to find out today.










